I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1355: System task

"Is there any relationship between the two?" At this time, An Ran couldn't help but glanced at Fang Xinwu and asked in a puzzled way.

"Yes." Fang Xinwu nodded and said.

"I currently suspect that it is very likely that Nuojia dried it."

"Glutinous card?"

After the people present heard the name, all the people present were shocked, and for a while they didn't understand what Nuoka was.

"Nuo Ka is a drug lord."

At this time, Fang Xinwu's face became a little solemn, and he said solemnly: "This guy, murder and kidnap, do no evil, not a good person, but he also controls about 10% of the source of goods on the triangle."

"So, this guy is not easy."

"I guess that this time the merchant shipping matter was most likely caused by Nuoka." Fang Xinwu said.

"Nuoka? Why?" An Ran said condensedly: "What about the motive?"

"Ship goods, take credit."

Fang Xinwu's face was a little unsightly, and said: "Nuoka cooperated with some people to get these goods to our side. After that, it aroused some conflicts. In addition to these, I realized that this glutinous card might still be It has a lot to do with Kunsha, or in other words, this glutinous card wants to kill Kunsha all the time...and replace it."


As Fang Xinwu's voice fell, Yu Sheng and the Dragon King all looked at Fang Xinwu with solemn expressions. They did not expect that there should be such a complicated thing here. This is because Yu Sheng and Dragon King are both slightly slightly. Surprised.

"So, I guess this is very likely to have a lot to do with Nuoka."

"Since you are going to kill Kunsha, I suggest that you kill Nuojia together. If Kunsha is dead, then...Next, Nuojia is likely to integrate Kunsha's old department and become the largest merchant in the entire triangle."

Fang Xinwu's words made Yu Sheng and Dragon King suddenly realize that both of them have come to understand.

At this time, Yu Sheng said in a condensed voice: "If you can, I don't mind killing one more person."


Fang Xinwu nodded slightly when he heard the words, but didn't say much.

"Then the gun, where can I get it?" Yu Sheng asked again.

"I can get you a SOP super long-range sniper rifle. The performance of this gun, I think you should be very clear about what kind of gun this gun is."

As Fang Xinwu's voice fell, for a while, this made Yu Sheng, his eyes brightened, with indescribable excitement and emotion.

This is the real cannon...

The SOP ultra-long-range sniper rifle has a caliber of 14.9 mm and a length of more than 2.3 meters. It can be described as a super "abnormal" firearm specially produced for ultra-long-range sniping. It has extremely high precision, with a dispersion range of only 0.5 inches over a hundred yards at a distance of 2740 meters, and its range of up to 5000 meters, and its kinetic energy is almost twice that of a Russian-made 14.5mm heavy machine gun.

But because his length is too long, it is easy to be exposed on this battlefield, and it greatly affects the maneuverability of the sniper. Even this sniper position is very difficult to find...

Therefore, it is almost impossible for a soldier to carry it on the battlefield with frequent maneuvers.

Of course, if you are on the battlefield, you can directly set up the 2.3-meter big gun. When you just want to shoot, the enemy has already knocked out your muzzle.

Unless, you can shoot the enemy from three kilometers away.

And you have to make sure that the enemy does not discover your presence.

Unexpectedly, Fang Xinwu could still get this kind of big thing, this big thing, it's so cool... For Yu Sheng, he has never played this kind of big thing.

Although their Spikes have countless sniper rifles, and it can be said that they contain almost all sniper rifles in the world, they are all familiar with them.

After all, no one knows what emergencies will happen on the battlefield. After all, the performance of each sniper rifle used is not the same.

Therefore, Yu Sheng has already started playing this long ago, and he also understands this SOP and has played it all.

"Okay, just this sniper rifle." Yu Sheng said immediately.

"Are you sure?" Fang Xinwu couldn't help asking.

"OK." Yu Sheng said.


Fang Xinwu nodded and said: "Then you will go to a place where no one is with me now, and I will get you this gun, but I need a day's time."

Fang Xinwu's words made Yu Sheng nod. It would be very easy to get a gun casually in this place, but it would be a bit difficult if you want to get a sop sniper rifle.

After all, this is a big killer, with great lethality.

"Good." Yu Sheng said: "Then we will wait for you."

"Come with me. You can't stay here for too long. It's easy to be discovered if you stay for too long. It will be extremely troublesome if you are discovered."

Yu Sheng and the others all nodded slightly, and then they followed Fang Xinwu and left here one after another.

Under Fang Xinwu’s leadership, a group of people quickly came to a place. This place seemed to be empty and empty. The only drawback was that this place looked like an abandoned place. Place, this is also the main reason why Fang Xinwu led them here.

"You stay here first, I'll get a gun." Fang Xin Wudao.


Yu Sheng and the others all nodded slightly, and then Fang Xinwu left here quickly. After Fang Xinwu left here, Yu Sheng looked around carefully.


With a rush of voice resounding in Yu Sheng's mind, it shocked Yu Sheng, and Yu Sheng looked a little surprised...


With this sound resounding, Yu Sheng knew that this was the task of the system.

"Didi, the system releases tasks..."

As the voice of the system fell, Yu Sheng was shocked, and Yu Sheng immediately asked, "What task is it?"

"The host kills Kunsha and rewards it based on the host's performance."

As the voice of the system fell, UU read www.uukanshu. At this time, Yu Sheng's eyes narrowed, which made Yu Sheng a little heartbeat.

I haven't come to a mission for so long. I didn't expect that a mission came at this time, which surprised Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng opened the mouth and said: "Get it now."

"Didi, the host has successfully received it, please complete the task as soon as possible."

As the voice of the system fell, Yu Sheng took a deep breath at this time.

It seems that this time he really needs to be a little more serious. Otherwise, Kun Sha wouldn't be so easy to kill... After all, Kun Sha is extremely cunning...

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng thought secretly.

How can I snipe Kunsha? After all, this guy is like a tortoise with a shrunken head...If you can't find it, you can't kill it if you want to.

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