I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1384: fighter

He had read the contents before, but he couldn't understand the contents, so Fan Tianlei would have this kind of curiosity.

Fan Tianlei stared straight at Old Yang, for fear that there was something wrong with Old Yang's body.

But at this moment, Old Yang Huo Ran got up.


This shocked Fan Tianlei directly. Old Yang was almost 70 years old. If something happened, he would never forgive himself in his life.

At this time, Mr. Yang could no longer suppress the excitement and emotion in his heart, and said loudly: "Xiao Fan, where did you get the content? You must tell me."

When Fan Tianlei heard these words, he was a little dazed by Fan Tianlei, and Fan Tianlei had never expected that Mr. Yang would react so intensely for thousands of years.

"Old Yang, this..."

Fan Tianlei had promised for the rest of his life that he couldn't tell this matter, so Fan Tianlei naturally didn't want to talk about it.

"Xiao Fan, you must tell me where this thing came from? Because it is related to the future of our country. The things in this hard drive are very, very important. If the content inside can be realized, then the sky is short in our country. The board will be replenished immediately. At that time, we can also fight against those Xiaoxiao outside."

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As soon as this remark came out, Fan Tianlei's face changed drastically. Fan Tianlei stared at the scene in shock. Fan Tianlei never expected that the things in it were so important. , For a while, Fan Tianlei's complexion also became extremely dignified.

When Fan Tianlei heard this, Fan Tianlei immediately said: "This thing was handed over to me by a soldier of mine."

Fan Tianlei directly sold Yu Sheng.

In the face of this situation, Fan Tianlei would naturally not neglect, after all, this is related to the future of the country. Whichever is the less, Fan Tianlei directly told Yu Sheng.

"One of your soldiers?"

After Mr. Yang heard these words, Mr. Yang was taken aback. Mr. Yang quickly asked, "Then he can explain where this thing came from?"

"This...I really didn't say it." Fan Tianlei shook his head and said.

"Quickly, take me to see him." Old Yang said quickly.


After Fan Tianlei saw this scene in front of him, Fan Tianlei was a little stunned. Obviously, Fan Tianlei did not expect that this thing would have such a big reaction to Old Yang. This is Fan Tianlei, not for a while. Know what to say.

This is really incredible.

What is in it, how could it make Old Yang so moved? Even because of this thing, I'm going to find a soldier of my own? What is going on here?

For a while, Fan Tianlei's face was full of doubts, and for a while, he didn't understand what the operation was.

"Lao Yang, what is the stuff in it? It's worthy of you..." Fan Tianlei couldn't help but asked, and Mr. Yang's behavior also scared him.

"There are some data and reports on the design of the ninth-generation fighter, which means that if you study these things in it, it is very likely that the ninth-generation fighter will be developed."

"Over the years, I have been working on researching the ninth-generation fighter jets. However, there are too many things involved in the ninth-generation fighter jets. I have studied for five years without any thoughts, but the content inside, It opened my mind. If possible, this is likely to be the content of the ninth-generation fighter, which can help us research the ninth-generation fighter."

"The ninth-generation fighter is very powerful. If it can be studied, we can supplement the shortcomings of air power. So, in any case, I have to know where this thing comes from?"


After Fan Tianlei heard these words, it was all that Fan Tianlei looked at Yang Lao in shock. For a while, even Fan Tianlei's heart was starting to overwhelm.

Fan Tianlei was shocked.

Nine-generation fighter.

At this time, Fan Tianlei had another doubt and asked, "Lao Yang, haven't the ninth-generation fighters been researched a long time ago? What is the difference between this ninth-generation fighter and the previous ninth-generation fighters?"

"The difference is big." Old Yang quickly said: "This ninth-generation fighter can easily destroy three or five previous ninth-generation fighters. You said the difference is not that big."

Mr. Yang's words made Fan Tianlei couldn't help taking a breath.

"Xiao Fan quickly tell me, who is the soldier who gave you this hard drive? Hurry up and take me to see him."

At this time, Mr. Yang couldn't bear it anymore. This was the latest ninth-generation fighter. This was the object he had studied for a lifetime.

If this kind of fighter can be researched out in his lifetime~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he has entered the soil, and he can also look down.

Therefore, he wants to know who will develop this fighter.

However, Mr. Yang still has some doubts in his heart. Could it be that the people who developed this kind of fighter will be from the West? After all, there is the overlord of technology, very scary.

"Old Yang, I should call him and let him come over. You are always waiting here."

Fan Tianlei spoke quickly.

After all, Mr. Yang is almost seventy years old. This man is old. If he bumps into him, it is his sin. What really happened? That is the loss of the country, the loss of the people.

Fan Tianlei naturally didn't want Mr. Yang to find Yu Sheng by himself.

"Okay." Old Yang heard the words and said quickly: "Then you come here quickly, I want to see him as soon as possible."

"Good." Fan Tianlei nodded slightly when he heard the words.

Fan Tianlei never expected that Yang Lao would attach such importance to Yusheng. This is what Fan Tianlei did not expect. Fan Tianlei also began to wonder, where the ninth-generation fighter jets, and where Yusheng got the drawings of the ninth-generation fighter, could it be this kid researching Doesn't it come out?

Thinking of this, Fan Tianlei shook his head secretly. How could Yu Sheng have time to study this stuff, plus Yu Sheng has been around here abroad, will he bring it back from abroad for the rest of his life?

In any case, being able to get such a ninth-generation fighter is definitely a great achievement, so Fan Tianlei didn't have any unnecessary nonsense, and quickly dialed the phone on Langya.

Naturally, this call was made to Chen Shanming.

As Chen Shanming got on the phone, Chen Shanming was also shocked. At this time, Chen Shanming quickly spoke: "Chief of Staff, the kid for the rest of his life seems to be on vacation. He said that you gave him a few days of vacation and let him be well. Rest and recuperate..."

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