I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1438: Part ways

Once they are ambushed, they will be hit hard.

However, just when Alpha didn't want Siam to be impulsive, Siam had already set off at this moment. When Alpha saw this scene before him, he couldn't help but swear.


Alpha hurriedly said loudly: "Siam, if you do this, we will both get into trouble. Do you know how troublesome this will be."

However, Siam ignored Alpha and continued to run towards the other side. After Phoenix saw that Alpha had taken the bait, Phoenix did not hesitate at all, but quickly ran in the other direction.

Phoenix's speed is extremely fast. After all, his army is relatively small, so compared to Siam, it is naturally much faster.

Siam even sneered when he saw this scene before him. Siam had full confidence that even if the two first-class academies appeared together with the Phoenix Academy, he would be able to kill the two academies.

Siam chased.

Alpha couldn't help but yell at him. Siam, this bastard, is too rhythmic. If this goes on, he might even be wiped out with him.

You know, the rest of his life used the same method to get the other party around. Siam, this bastard, not only has no long memory, but also fell into the trap for the rest of his life, which made him not angry.

Alpha stared at Siam with an angry face. Alpha saw what Siam looked like. Alpha also took a deep breath and murmured: "No, you can't chase Siam with this rubbish. If you continue to do it, you can't do it Fortunately, even my army has to be wiped out."

"I'll go to the base camp of the Double First-Class Academy first, huh, I will destroy your base camp first, I see what else you can do."

Thinking of this, Alpha would not continue to chase Siam. Siam, this bastard, would suffer a big loss sooner or later if he didn't listen to dissuasion. Therefore, Alpha retired and didn't want to continue playing with Siam.

When Alpha retreated, Siam also frowned. Siam sneered, "Lao Maozi is Lao Maozi. I'm afraid of this."

"It's just a Phoenix Academy. What's to be afraid of. With the two million troops in their hands, they can completely destroy the opponent. Even if they fight head-on, they have that strength. Unexpectedly, Alpha escaped. It’s also a bit angry that this is Siamese."

However, Siam did not pay attention to Alpha. Even without Alpha, what would happen to him? With the millions of troops in his hand, he can still break the wrist with Yu Sheng. Moreover, he has full confidence in his hands for the rest of his life. Here, there are definitely not so many people, after all, the rest of his life is likely to stay in the army at the base camp.

If there is no army left in the base camp and someone steals the base camp, it will really be crying.

Therefore, Siam is very confident.

Siam continued to chase the Phoenix, but Alpha changed the course. Obviously, the two did not reach an agreement. This is the sadness of the alliance.

If it is said that the alliance has only one person in charge, and what it says is what it says, then this situation won't happen right now.

This is why it is necessary to control the right to speak, because this is very likely to happen during this battle.

Once the two sides disagree, it will be troublesome and it is very likely that the fighter will be delayed.

And in this outside world.

Mao Xiaogang, Lin Qingfeng and others also watched this scene dignifiedly one after another, especially when they saw this familiar scene, this surprised Mao Xiaogang, Lin Qingfeng and others even more.

They didn't expect that Phoenix would also be so proficient in this trick. They had to say that ordinary people really couldn't resist this trick, and they couldn't resist it.

"Phoenix is ​​using the body as bait, this Siamese didn't even notice it." Lin Qingfeng smiled coldly and said: "This time, Siam is probably going to fall into the trap of the rest of his life with the Phoenix."

"Yes." Zhang Guoshan nodded in satisfaction at this time, smiled and said: "This kid, Yu Sheng, has a good abacus."


At this time, Lin Qingfeng shook his head slightly and said, "Unfortunately, Alpha. Alpha and Siam have parted ways. This has led to a lack of half of the military. If Alpha followed Siam to attack, it would be fine."

"That's not necessarily."

Mao Xiaogang shook his head slightly and said, "The rest of their lives are not in a very good situation. If Alpha and Siam have the same ideas, it will be a huge trouble for Yu Sheng."

"But now, there are conflicts and gaps between them. This is a good thing for Yu Sheng and them. In this way, when they attack Yu Sheng, they will have half the resistance."

As Mao Xiaogang's voice fell, Lin Qingfeng also nodded slightly and recognized Mao Xiaogang's words. Indeed, this Alpha leaving was not a bad thing for the rest of their lives.

"I don't know how this kid will deal with Siam for the rest of his life~www.wuxiaspot.com~Siam, this guy, although on the surface looks arrogant, but...Siam is extremely delicate in his heart, if you are not sure. , He will never catch up." Sirius said condensedly.

"Ha ha."

At this time, Mao Xiaogang chuckled and said, "Don't worry, we'll see it later."

As Mao Xiaogang’s voice fell, everyone at this moment looked at the big screen in unison, and some teams next to it were even more talking. Some people were a little anxious. Obviously, they didn’t want to let it go. Siam goes to chase the rest of his life, and some people say that Alpha should follow Siam to chase the rest of his life.

For a time, the whole scene was noisy.


Let's talk about the rest of my life at this time.

Yu Sheng was standing on a large mountain. At this moment, Yu Sheng's eyes were mixed with a little bit of coldness. Suddenly, a small arc formed between the corners of Yu Sheng's mouth. The small arc seemed to be Yu Sheng's laughing.

"Are you here."

Yu Sheng murmured to himself.

Obviously, he had already gotten a tip saying that someone was chasing the Phoenix at this moment. What Yusheng hadn't expected was that the number of people was reduced by half. In other words, there were only a million people heading towards them. He rushed to the side, obviously, that one million troops, it is very likely that they are heading towards his base camp.

However, it is not so easy to destroy his base camp, but... after a long time, his base camp will fall in all likelihood, so in this battle, he must fight quickly.

If not...

There is no time to rescue the base camp, which is his lair. This place can't be lost. If it is lost, it will be a big trouble.

Therefore, he must think of a way to kill this fellow Siam here.

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