I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1449: Wolf Valley

With the rest of his life and God's Eye rushing toward the Wolf Valley, the Red Devil at this time also noticed this scene. For a while, this made the Red Devil very angry.

The Red Devil can see that for the rest of his life and the eyes of God, he did not pay attention to him at all, and even in the eyes of the rest of his life and the eyes of God, he has been eliminated.

For a while, this was the Red Devil, and he was a little angry.

"Assholes... These two guys are really assholes..."

The Red Devil couldn't help yelling.

This battle cost him 800,000 soldiers and horses, which directly led to the disintegration of their four million army alliance. For a while, the Red Devil also had an indescribable panic.

Especially when facing the eyes of God, this made the Red Devil unspeakably jealous.

The Eye of God is indeed terrible. He is not an opponent of the Eye of God at all, especially the power of the unexplored prophet of the Eye of God, as if he can count his every step. A shock.

How does the eye of God know what to do? Isn't he very familiar with himself? Moreover, every step he made was calculated by the Eye of God, and even more so, at this critical moment, the Eye of God was already lying in ambush for him, which led to his heavy losses.

Even, he went against his own thoughts, but the result was the same, as if he had a pair of invisible eyes, always paying attention to his every move.

The Red Devil took a deep breath and snorted coldly: "Since neither of you put me in your eyes, then I will clean up both of you. When the time comes, I think you dare to look down on it. I."

The Red Devil is also a little cold.

"Chief, can we attack their base camp? If we can attack their base camp, we will win."

"Yes, the chief. Now, the base camp of the Double First-Class Academy and the Son of God Academy is empty. If we can attack their base camp, we will definitely win."

The Red Devil smiled coldly when he heard the words, and the Red Devil scolded: "No."

"I want to win these two guys honestly. These two guys didn't put me in the eyes. I want to take care of them." The Red Devil said solemnly, "What can I do even if I attack their base camp? What? In the end, what will other people think of me? My champion is going to be upright."

Obviously, the Red Devil didn't want to use the method of attacking the base camp to solve this battle. It was really too shameful to attack the base camp.

This God's Eye and the rest of his life didn't put him in the eyes at all. If he can solve the two people, then he will definitely be famous in one battle.

Now, Yu Sheng and the Eye of God have gone to the Wild Wolf Valley. They are preparing for the final battle in the Wild Wolf Valley, and they can ambush in this Wild Wolf Valley. The battle between these two guys will inevitably suffer heavy losses. Once both lose and lose, then it is time for him to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Although this approach is also a bit embarrassing.


On this battlefield, it is possible to use opponents to attack opponents. On the battlefield, no matter what kind of scheming you use, as long as you win the final victory, then you are the strong.


The generals under the Red Devil didn't understand what happened to the Red Devil for a while? Why did you suddenly disagree?

This is a golden opportunity for them. If they can really attack the base camp, then they will have won the other side.

The Red Devil said coldly: "On the real battlefield, even if the opponent’s base camp is attacked, the opponent will only lose a camp, but their army is still there. As long as the army is still there, they may be able to fight back. ."

The Red Devil said coldly: "Well, you don't have to say much."

"Now, assemble the whole army and go to the Wild Wolf Valley for me."

The sudden decision of the Red Devil shocked all the generals present. The generals on the scene looked at the Red Devil in unison. For a while, this made them breathe a sigh of relief.

One of the generals quickly said: "The chief, this wild wolf valley, but there are many dangers, swamps, poisons, wolves, extremely dangerous, our large forces have passed this way, will it..."

The Red Devil suddenly looked at the general, and in his cold eyes, there were two light flashes that were fleeting.

The red devil said solemnly: "Execute the order."

"Yes, Chief."

This person shivered, and immediately responded.

Afterwards, everyone left here one after another, assembled an army, and marched towards the Wild Wolf Valley.

Let's talk about the rest of my life at this time and the eyes of God.

They have all entered the wild wolf valley, this wild wolf valley, at first glance, looks like a gray area, and even the sound of wolf howling from time to time, the gloomy forest gives people a sense of horror. It seems that this place is like having ghosts and gods swimming.

It feels very uncomfortable.

At the same time, this also makes people smell a kind of danger. In it, there seems to be a lot of dangers. These dangers ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ may be fatal at any time.

After Yu Sheng stepped into this place, Yu Sheng was a place for people to camp. This place is also a place Yu Sheng found on the map. This place can be said to be very suitable for camping.

At this time, the rest of his life quickly dispatched fifty special teams to observe the surrounding situation.

Moreover, it must be observed within a hundred miles.

It can be seen that Yu Sheng has high requirements for this.

On this day, the Phoenix stood in front of Yu Sheng, and the Phoenix solemnly said: "After hearing the news, the Eye of God has also entered the Wild Wolf Valley. Now, the Eye of God has probably already acted."

Hearing this, Yu Sheng laughed blankly, and said calmly, "Actually, the fight has already begun."

The sudden sentence that Yu Sheng had made made Fenghuang stunned. Obviously, Fenghuang hadn't expected that such a sentence would pop out of Yu Sheng's mouth.

Already fighting?

What's happening here?

Why did you fight inexplicably?

This is a phoenix, all with unspeakable astonishment.

Yu Sheng opened the mouth calmly: "Those investigation teams have already begun to fight against the Eye of God, even if we set up camps, we are already fighting against each other."

"From the moment we stepped into the Wolf Valley, we have actually fought with the Eye of God. The Eye of God is very cautious and a difficult opponent."

The words of Yu Sheng made Phoenix a little dumbfounded, and Phoenix did not expect that when he entered the Wild Wolf Valley, he would have already fought with them. This...

How can it be?

This is Phoenix, and he couldn't help taking a breath.

He thought that the fight had just begun.

Unexpectedly, the two sides have already played against each other.

This makes Phoenix have indescribable prudence.

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