I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1458: lottery

As a result, it led to his infinite increase in difficulty.

His thoughts and the layout of his army are almost all under the control of the eyes of God, as if the person he is facing is not a person, but a god.

God knows all of this and knows everything for the rest of his life. It is very difficult for the rest of his life to fight with God.

"It can't be like this..."

Yu Sheng suddenly muttered to himself, and whispered softly: "This God's eye can't really have a pair of eyes that can pay attention to your every move."

"If this guy can really reach this level, then this guy can no longer be called a human. Could it be that this guy has any powers that can't be achieved?"

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng frowned.

He felt that it was impossible for anyone in this world to have supernatural powers, after all, not everyone was like him, and life seemed to be dead.

Therefore, he feels that this is unlikely.

Unless this guy is also a mutant, but the mutant should not be able to achieve this level, right? Or, this guy is a meticulous, and has a terrible control of the overall situation. Everything about him is under his control.

It's just that such people are very scary.

"No, he must know my next move. As long as he thinks about it, he can guess it. Even if it is complicated, the other party can't guess it, and I can't act rashly."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng's brows furrowed, and for a while, this put Yu Sheng into a dilemma.

If two people are confronted head-on, they may lose both, but what the rest of my life wants is not to lose both, but to win the game.

For the rest of his life, his brain was running fast, dealing with this matter, and he had to make a decision. Now the Eye of God has killed his 200,000 army. In other words, the Eye of God must not be so easily released. Pass him.

When Yu Sheng thought about this place, Yu Sheng's head also ached, which made Yu Sheng very uncomfortable.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath.

"Mumbling, it seems that at this time we can only rely on the system."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng took a deep breath.

"System, open the mall."

As the voice of the rest of his life fell, the voice of the system resounded.

"Didi, the host is opening the mall."

As the voice fell, Yu Sheng's eyes changed, and what came into view was a system mall. There were many things listed in the system mall. All of these things were things that Yu Sheng could use for the rest of his life.

This special forces system can be said to be an almighty special forces for the rest of his life.

It can be seen how all-inclusive things are listed here.

Yu Sheng Ning said: "System, now the high-end mall draws a lottery, it needs 1000 points of military merit, right?"

"Yes, host."

Yu Sheng couldn't help but look at his own military merit. Yu Sheng saw that his military merit was only 4,500 points. Such a small amount was not enough to stuff his teeth. At most, he refreshed the mall four times, that is, if If he can't refresh...then he will suffer a huge loss.

Moreover, this battle is also likely to fail.

It's not that Yu Sheng is not strong enough. Yu Sheng is already strong. It's just that God's Eye is even more perverted. This perversion is a bit helpless for the rest of his life.

It seems that every strategy can be seen through by the eyes of God in advance. Although some places cannot be seen through by the eyes of God, once they are seen through by the eyes of God, then what he will face will be violent storms, because of God’s eyes. The eyes will also do the trick, which will cause him heavy losses.

This is the reason for Yu Sheng's jealousy.

This is also a reason why the generals have repeatedly considered their own strategies. Once a little error occurs, it may lead to their all previous efforts and heavy losses.

"System, draw twice in a row."

"Didi, the host is drawing a lottery, consuming the host 2000 points of military merit, may I ask the host whether to continue."

When the system's voice resounded, Yu Sheng's spirit was shaken: "Continue."

"Didi, the mall was refreshed successfully, deducting the host's 2,000 military merit points."

As the sound of the system fell, Yu Sheng's eyes flickered. Yu Sheng quickly looked at the system mall, and Yu Sheng's eyes scanned the products in the mall one by one.

Immediately afterwards, when Yu Sheng saw a product, it shocked Yu Sheng, and there was a dazzling light in Yu Sheng's eyes.

"This is……"

"Heaven's magical weaponry."

When Yu Sheng saw the Heavenly Deity Art of War, Yu Sheng was stunned on the spot, and Yu Sheng looked at the Heavenly Deity Art of War with an incredible expression.

For a while, for the rest of his life, I was a little dumbfounded.

"Fuck, shouldn't I be cultivating immortals?"

Seeing the magic of the gods from heaven, Yu Sheng thought he was going to cultivate immortals.

"System, what kind of horrible thing is this heavenly warcraft? Isn't it a gadget that can ask the heavenly soldiers to go down?"


If there are gods and soldiers, then you must be sure to win. Even if only one fairy comes, it is enough to sweep the whole audience. No, it should be sweeping the earth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Please read the introduction clearly. "

Hearing the voice of the system, Yu Sheng looked towards the profile. After Yu Sheng saw the profile, Yu Sheng suddenly realized that his feelings were tumultuous for a long time. The art of descending the gods is basically a kind of warfare.

When Yu Sheng was aware of this, it was a pity that Yu Sheng was a little bit sorry. If he could really get the Heavenly Soldiers and God Generals down from the mortal world, then he could almost walk sideways.


It's just a strategy of war.

Yu Sheng paused and said: "The system will immediately state the power of the gods."

At the moment, for Yu Sheng, this Heavenly God Weapon Art is the most suitable. He also wants to continue the lottery. However, if the lottery continues, he doesn’t know if he can get a good thing, but he can get it. His military merits are also low, and he will not be able to afford it at all.

Now, Yu Sheng feels that he is getting poorer and poorer. This military merit can't help being spent at all. Four thousand and five will be gone. For a time, this makes Yu Sheng also feel a little painful.

"Didi, the host is purchasing the Heavenly God Weapon Art."

With the sound of the system falling.

The rest of his life was shocked.

"Didi, after deducting the host's 2,000 points of merit, successfully purchased the Heavenly God Weapon Art."

At this time, Yu Sheng's expression changed.

"I got a big slot."

For the rest of his life, he never expected that he bought a copy of Heavenly God Weapon Art, which would cost him 2000 points of military merit. For the rest of his life, this was a bit embarrassing.

This is 2000 points of military merit. After deducting these two thousand points, he now has 500 points left. It can be said that he became a pauper once...

Yu Sheng's expression became a little unnatural. Yu Shengqiang endured the pain and couldn't help but speak: "The system, immediately integrate the heavenly warcraft."

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