I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1469: champion

A battle ended.

For the rest of the life, the Red Devil and the Eye of God also woke up one after another. They left the simulation warehouse, and when they stood up, the Red Devil stared at Yu Sheng with an angry face. On the contrary, it was the Eye of God. The calm, that look at Yu Sheng, as if looking at a confidant.

The Eye of God has been in a high position for a long time, with indescribable loneliness, and now there is a relative opponent, which makes the Eye of God also have indescribable joy.

At least he is no longer so lonely.

Only the Red Devil stared at Yu Sheng, his eyes were full of anger and unwillingness.

It wasn't until the Red Devil came to the canyon that the Red Devil realized that he was overcast.

Yes, he is just being overcast.

He thought again that these battles, the loss of the rest of his life, and the battle with God's Eye for the rest of his life, can be described as losing both.

No matter how powerful it is for the rest of his life, it is impossible to have hundreds of thousands or even 200,000 troops left. Although the rest of his life has defeated the Eye of God, there is no doubt that the Eye of God is terrifying.

In addition, the Red Devil sent someone to investigate this matter. In the end, the Red Devil finally figured out that it’s fake. All of this is fake. For the rest of his life, there won’t be so many people at all. In fact, there are only so few people in the rest of his life. Only about 10,000 people, only 50,000 people...

If you send an army to directly press on, these 50,000 people can be annihilated by him in an instant. Even if he has great abilities for the rest of his life, he is unlikely to use 50,000 army to annihilate his 200,000 army, not to mention...

The rest of his life has just finished fighting. This physical strength and energy can be described as extremely exhausted. This is definitely a good opportunity to crush the rest of his life. As long as he kills the rest of his life, he will be the world champion. This means that he has surpassed the rest of his life and the eyes of God. He is the first person in the art of war.


I never dreamed that the calculation for the rest of his life would be so deep that he even blew up a mountain, and, without any effort, would wipe out his 200,000 army.

To him, this was like a dream, and for a while, this made the Red Devil extremely angry.

In the eyes of the Red Devil, this is a deep shame.

He has never encountered anything like this before. Is the gap between himself and the rest of his life really so big?

A whole army of two hundred thousand, the ashes disappeared between the waves.

Is it really that you are too weak?

For a while, Rao was the Red Devil, who was like dreaming. The Red Devil was frightened and angry. He was also full of shock and shock for the rest of his life.

The rest of his life was really terrible. He had never met such a terrible person. Almost all the people in the top eight were won by him alone. This guy is simply a peerless evildoer.

As Yu Sheng and the Red Devil walked out, there were many people around, all staring at Yu Sheng and the Red Devil with ugly faces, which made them and the group feel unspeakable anger.

They never dreamed that the last dark horse would come from the rest of their lives in the Double First-Class Academy. In their opinion, it is impossible for the rest of their lives to win this battle, but... this result is often unexpected. This impossible has become possible.

The fact is often such a drama.

They all stared at Yu Sheng. For a time, their expressions were different. It was obvious to God that they all had their own ideas in their hearts. The existence of such a master of war...

If it grows up in the future, it is simply unimaginable.

For a while, when the people present looked at Yu Sheng, all of their eyes were shining with strange light, and they were all staring at Yu Sheng.

"Good boy... I really have you."

At this time, Zhang Guoshan stood up, Zhang Guoshan looked towards Yu Sheng, his eyes were full of admiration and pride, don't look at Zhang Guoshan's stubbornness when he spoke.

But in fact, only Zhang Guoshan knows best in his heart that it will be very difficult to win this game. The reason why Zhang Guoshan speaks hard is that he does not want to be weak on this momentum.

But Zhang Guoshan did not expect that his precious apprentice would actually win the championship of this art of war contest, and... the art of war for the rest of his life was really shocking.

Especially the final use of this art of war is simply dazzling, and even more so, for the rest of his life to count all of this to the death, these soldiers, like the gods, are simply suffocating.

Winning the championship for Yu Sheng has a lot to do with Yu Sheng's art of war. For a while, Zhang Guoshan was also an eye-opener and excited.

"Good boy, I didn't expect you to win the eye of God." Mao Xiaogang at this time also said in amazement: "Your boy is really amazing."

"Yes, the Eye of God is the first person of the younger generation. Unexpectedly, you defeated the Eye of God, and it is really amazing."

Even Lin Qingfeng did not hesitate to praise ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Yu Sheng's strength is indeed worthy of their praise.

"Yu Sheng, how did you do it?" Mao Xiaoling couldn't help but ask at this moment: "Looking at the younger generation, the eyes of God definitely belong to the outstanding ones. He seems to be able to see through people's hearts, yours The soldier's every move is under his control. He can detect any of your intentions, but why, in the end, he can't detect your intentions?"

Mao Xiaoling's question pointed to the crux of the problem. Mao Xiaogang, Lin Qingfeng and others all looked towards Yu Sheng together, their eyes full of curiosity.

Some of them didn't understand what was going on.

This scene is really incredible.

They also want to know how the rest of their lives broke the situation of God's eye.

The situation of the Eye of God is indeed a bit weird. Many people have tried their best without breaking the situation of the Eye of God, but for the rest of their lives, they did it.

At this time, Yu Sheng laughed, and said calmly, "In this world, where is there anything that can do every step of the enemy's actuarial calculation, I can't, even if it is the eye of God, it is the same." Can not."

"However, why is the eye of God always able to perceive the first opportunity and understand the situation of the other party?"

Mao Xiaogang asked puzzledly.

When Yu Sheng heard the words, he nodded slightly, and said in a condensed voice: "You are right. The reason why he can see the first opportunity and understand the situation of the other party is entirely because of some animals."

Following Yu Sheng's words, Mao Xiaogang, Mao Xiaoling and others were all shocked, and their eyes showed a little astonishment.

"Animal?" Mao Xiaogang asked in astonishment.

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