I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1472: In big trouble

For a time, all the people in the Academy of the Son of God showed a little killing intent, their expressions were serious and they were indescribably cautious.

"If you kill this kid, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of trouble." A person said solemnly: "Moreover, if someone was killed in our site, everyone can tell who did it."

"Huh, what can we do if we know who did it? Can they still make trouble for us? What if they make trouble? Let the Ministry of Foreign Affairs work on it." Another blond-haired man was full of face. Of disdain.

"That's right. Even so, what can be done? Even if they come to find us, they can't find us, and they don't know who killed this kid."

"This kid defeated the Eye of God. It was indeed beyond my expectation. But this kid definitely can't live. This kid is alive. When he grows up in the future, I am afraid that no one will be the opponent of this kid. Maybe this kid will again One more top super master."


All of a sudden, the Academy of the Son of God was all talking about it. Obviously, many of them were murderous towards Yu.

Yu Sheng's performance is really too dazzling, especially Yu Sheng's art of war, it can be said that it is incredible, not clear, but they have never seen such a genius.

Especially after Yu Sheng defeated the Eye of God, Yu Sheng made preparations in advance and introduced the Red Devil into the abyss step by step. Without a single soldier, he froze the Red Devil’s 200,000 army, all They were all killed by the pit, this ruthless method combined with unpredictable tactics.

For a while, this made the Academy of the Son of God also felt a strong threat.

If you can kill the rest of your life, then the Eye of God will naturally become the world's top art master. Once the Eye of God grows up, I am afraid that no one else will be an opponent of the Eye of God.

At that time, they can frighten these guys again, so that they will get a lot of benefits.

This is also the main reason why they want to kill the rest of their lives. The threat is really too great. Once the rest of their lives grow up, it will be a huge pressure for them.

"I feel that I also need to kill that guy for the rest of my life. That guy is too powerful. If you can kill that guy, the Eye of God can grow slowly. At that time, our Son of God Academy will definitely become a top academy."

"Yeah, I also suggest to kill this guy Yu Sheng. This guy is a bit scary. If he grows up, he can't suppress this guy by then, but it will be troublesome."

"Yes, I also recommend killing this guy."

"No, killing this guy will cause us a lot of trouble. Even if we want to kill this guy, it's not now. After these guys leave here, there will be a chance to kill this guy in the future."

"Well said."

For a time, all the people present were you quarreling with me, and there was a lot of discussion. For a time, the people present agreed with and opposed, and the two waves of people divided into two factions.

Those who agree are also afraid that they will be threatened for the rest of their lives, but those who disagree are also afraid of causing unnecessary trouble. After all, killing someone at this time is really too sensitive...


Let's talk about the other side.

In this place, there was a figure, he looked fierce, and faintly said: "Are you sure that guy Yu Sheng, has come to Laomi?"

"Not bad." At this time, a man in black said condensedly: "Our people did spot this guy at the time. This guy went there, as if to participate in a war contest."

"Art of War Contest?"

This person's eyes flickered. Others didn't know what the art of war contest meant, but he was clear in his heart that he had to experience these if he wanted to break through to a higher realm.

The art of war is only one of them, but if you want to reach a very high level of the art of war, this is not something that everyone can achieve.

Of course, if this is to become a top master, it must be integrated with the art of war. Above the sage, it is the emperor of war. However, when the emperor of the war comes, he must integrate the art of war to be able to advance to a higher realm. If not, the whole life can only stop here.

This is why many people want to learn the art of war.

"Hmph, these guys should leave here by helicopter." This person said coldly.

"We can shoot down the plane." The black-clothed man said coldly: "That way we also have weapons, we can shoot them down."

"As long as we resolve the battle quickly, then others can't help us."

"It's just a pity that the Heart of the Sea was brought back to China by this guy. Now it is impossible for us to get the Heart of the Sea."

"At the moment, there is still a heart of the sea." At this time, the man calmly said: "Our people have already searched for it."

"There is one more?" The man in black was surprised when he heard the words.

"The heart of the ocean~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can be bred in other oceans, but the location of the heart of the ocean cannot be determined yet. At that time, the heart of the ocean must be obtained, otherwise, we The plan cannot be opened, and the Heart of the Sea must be obtained before the plan is opened."

As this person's voice fell, the man in black nodded slightly at this time, but didn't say much.


"But what should I do for the rest of my life now?"

"This guy, kill him first." The man paused and said: "This guy has added a lot of difficulty to our mission. Kill this guy first."

As these words were spoken, everyone nodded slightly.


The black man said: "Then I will kill this guy."

"Be careful, this guy is not weak."

"Humph." The man snorted when he heard the words, and said faintly: "Even if this guy is strong, it is impossible for me to be strong. Killing this guy is just a matter of hand."

As these words were uttered, the figure nodded slightly. This man also knew the true strength of the man in black, and he did not have that doubt about the strength of the man in black.

"However, this guy called Yu Sheng is also quite powerful. Not only did he provoke our gods, but he also provokes the Hades and the Phantom Legion. This guy has not died yet, which surprised me a bit."

The words of the man in black made this person a little surprised, but this person had also heard something about Yu Sheng, and he did not expect that Yu Sheng would be so powerful.

Being able to survive under the hands of so many people is indeed a bit strong, so he didn't say much.

"You go first." The humanity.


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