I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1474: Dark night

"what happened?"

At this time, the land wolf's expression condensed, and he said: "Who is so heartless and put such a thing in the middle of the road?"

For a while, the wolf was slightly surprised.

"This is murder." The wolf couldn't help but said.

"Damn it, there are still people doing this kind of thing here. It's really **** short-sighted." The Yellow Wolf couldn't help but yell.

However, for the rest of his life at this time, his expression was calm. His eyes were always watching the surroundings, seeming to be looking for something.

Obviously, Yu Sheng had unspeakable fear and dignity for the surroundings.

Vaguely, this gave Yu Sheng a bad premonition.

"Let's go down and remove the big tree." Sirius said casually at this time.


"Let's go down together."

Afterwards, the wolf and the others nodded slightly, preparing to go down and remove the trees in front of them.

But at this moment, Yu Sheng suddenly blocked the way of the group of people, and Yu Sheng quickly said, "Wait..."

For the rest of his life, Earth Wolf, Xuan Lang and others were slightly taken aback.

"Turn off the headlights."

The words of the rest of his life caused Sirius and others to be a little bewildered. At this time, the profound wolf reacted extremely quickly and quickly turned off the light. The profound wolf said, "What's the matter?"

"I wonder if there are enemies."

The words of the rest of their lives caused Sirius and Earth Wolf and others to be shocked. Obviously, they didn't expect this at all. What's the joke?

Have enemies?

Will the enemy take action in this situation?

However, when everyone thought of this, everyone's expressions also became a little dignified, because, it does not rule out the possibility...

If the enemy really does something under such conditions, then they are really very troublesome. For a while, everyone looks solemn.

"No? Someone will do it to us?" The profound wolf at this moment said with a heavy voice, "Who will do it to us?"

"Yeah...Who would do something to us?" The Yellow Wolf couldn't help but asked.

"do not know."

Yu Sheng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "It's just that there is a feeling that someone might do something to us. Let's be careful."

"It may not be impossible." Sirius said with a heavy face at this time, "Remember the Academy of the Son of God?"

"No? You mean the Son of God Academy will do it?"

After everyone heard this sentence, for a while, everyone's complexion changed slightly.

Obviously, they did not think of this.

"Yu Sheng defeated the Eye of God, which is a great threat to the Son of God Academy. From then on, the Eye of God in the Son of God Academy is no longer the first person. If Yu Sheng is allowed to grow up... in the future... ...I'm afraid no one can subdue the rest of his life..."

When Sirius said here, this caused the Yellow Wolf and others to be shocked: "So, maybe they are here for the rest of their lives?"


Sirius nodded slightly.


However, at this moment, there was a loud sound that broke the calm of the night. Then, a bullet shot directly through their rear window glass. This sudden scene made Sirius and the others. They were all taken aback.

"Hold your head down."

Sirius and the others lowered their heads one after another, and their faces were full of deep horror.

"Fortunately, our glass is bulletproof, and the enemy is not very close to us. Damn, otherwise, I'm afraid I will be killed."

The Yellow Wolf who sensed this scene couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath. At this moment, the Yellow Wolf was full of indescribable fear and shock.

Yu Sheng's face was a little gloomy, and Yu Sheng didn't expect that under these conditions, someone actually shot them at them. This group of guys are really hateful...

But, is it really the hands of the Son of God Academy?

For a while, Yu Sheng's complexion also became a bit solemn, and Yu Sheng was also thinking about this matter.

"We have to get out of the car. If the enemy really detonates our mailbox, then we will be completely finished." Xuan Lang said quickly at this moment.

"At present, we don't know how many enemies there are. If you get out of the car, you can easily be killed by the enemy." The wolf said with a green face.

"Damn, what should we do?"

The wolf hammered the seat and couldn't help cursing.

At this time, Yu Sheng's expression condensed, and Yu Sheng said solemnly: "I'll kill him, you guys should be careful and watch your surroundings."

Yu Sheng's voice had not yet fallen. As soon as Yu Sheng opened the door, he rushed out quickly. Even Sirius and others had not had time to speak...

After Sirius and the others saw Yu Sheng's appearance, all the expressions of Sirius and the others changed drastically.

"No, I'm out for the rest of my life..."

In the dark night, if you can't see anything clearly, when you go out at this time, isn't it a target for the enemy? On the enemy's side ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I am afraid that there will be things like night vision goggles. Even at night, they can be seen. Once they leave the car, they are easily attacked by the enemy.

What's more, they don't have any guns or ammunition in their hands, just go out like this. Isn't this looking for death?

"What to do? Do we want to go out too?" Xuan Lang quickly said.


The Sirius at this time said solemnly: "This guy Yu Sheng is currently a master at the Soldier Saint level, and our strength is quite different from him. I'm afraid we may not be the enemy's opponent."

The words of Sirius made the faces of the Yellow Wolf and the others a little ugly, which made them slightly annoyed.

Compared with the rest of their lives, their strength is indeed much worse. Now they are only in the realm of the Soldier Sovereign. Although the Soldier Sovereign strength is good, if they meet the Soldier Sage, a Soldier Sage can completely destroy them. A whole team, this is the terrible thing about Bingsheng.

"Then what shall we do?"

Sirius took a deep breath and said solemnly: "I'll get down by myself. You immediately drive back and ask for support."


"It's nothing, go back quickly. It's too late to go back." Sirius immediately said, "If you have a phone, it's better to make a call."


With an order, Sirius immediately jumped out of the car. After Sirius jumped out of the car, the Earth Wolf took a deep breath and said, "Drive, walk around, and leave here immediately."


Xuan Lang didn't have any extra nonsense, and drove the car and quickly left here. At this time, Sirius, after getting out of the car, quickly searched for hidden spots. Sirius had a pair of eyes and looked around. Sirius' eyes. There was intense fear in it.

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