I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1479: Kill the dark night

Yu Sheng noticed that the dark night fled suddenly. After Yu Sheng noticed this scene, Yu Sheng was shocked for a while. Obviously...

For the rest of his life, he never expected that Dark Night would escape at this time, and for a while, the rest of his life was a little confused.

"This Nima...what's the situation?"

Yu Sheng was a little dumbfounded looking at the dark night in front of him. For a while, Yu Sheng was a little dumbfounded. Yu Sheng never dreamed that he would encounter this situation...

Dark night escaped at a critical moment? What the **** is this your uncle?


After Sirius saw the scene in front of him, for a while, Sirius was a little dumbfounded. Sirius stared at the scene in front of him blankly, and Sirius' eyes were full of unclear feelings.

"Yusheng, are you okay?" Sirius ran over quickly at this time and said hurriedly.

"I'm fine." Yu Sheng said solemnly.

"This guy..." Sirius glanced at the direction of Dark Night's escape, and couldn't help saying.

"I'll go after it." Yu Sheng said immediately.

"Are you going to chase?"

When Sirius heard these words, his face changed slightly and hurriedly said, "It's too dangerous."

"It's okay." Yu Sheng said: "You leave here first, I can chase it by myself."


After seeing this scene, Sirius immediately said: "Go, I will go with you."

"You?" Upon seeing this, Yu Sheng couldn't help but said, "Can you catch up."


After Sirius heard these words, for a while, Sirius was dumbfounded, Sirius stared at Yu Sheng dumbfounded, and for a while, Sirius became a little angry.

This kid, is this looking down on people?

What does it mean to be able to catch up?

Who do you look down on?

"You kid, who do you look down on? Anyway, I am also your kid's instructor." Sirius couldn't help but said.

"Okay, you follow along, but be careful. If you really can't keep up, just leave here first."

For the rest of his life, seeing the appearance of Sirius, he nodded slightly.

After that, Yu Sheng and Sirius caught up.

After running like this for the rest of his life, Sirius couldn't help but cursed at this moment.


Sirius hurriedly chased after him, and Sirius never expected that he would be so fast for the rest of his life, and he couldn't keep up with such a running speed for a while.

But soon, Yu Sheng gradually distanced himself from him, and as Yu Sheng gradually distanced himself from him, this made Sirius' expression even more unnatural.

Before the rest of his life, he said that he could catch up. At first, Sirius thought there was nothing wrong with it, but at this time, Sirius didn't realize the horror of the rest of his life.

The speed of this kid for the rest of his life is really too fast.

Sirius had never seen anyone reach such a speed, which was incredible.

Sirius chased quickly, but the distance was getting bigger and bigger. Gradually, Sirius lost his traces for the rest of his life. At this time, Sirius stopped, and Sirius stared blankly at the rest of his life. Son's Sirius was also a little dumbfounded.

Sirius never dreamed that something like this would happen. For a while, Sirius felt incredible.

Thinking of this, Sirius simply stopped and did not continue to catch up, because Sirius knew that if it continued to chase, it might be difficult to catch up. Now Sirius hesitated for a while and ran in the other direction.

At this time, the rest of his life was racing in this dark night, and the rest of his life was extremely fast.

At this time, the dark night couldn't help but glanced behind him. He wanted to see if Yu Sheng had caught up. For Yu Sheng, the dark night also had indescribable fear.

I didn't expect Yu Sheng this guy to be so strong, even he was so incredible, at first he thought that Yu Sheng's combat effectiveness was not that strong.

It was not until the time of the battle that the dark night discovered the terrifying aspects of Yu Sheng's strength. At this moment, even in the dark, he did not dare to continue fighting with Yu Sheng. Dark night did not know what would happen if he continued to fight with Yu Sheng. , So Dark Night can only leave here quickly.


When Dark Night looked back like this, for a while, Dark Night's souls were all out, and Dark Night glanced at the rest of his life behind him in a bit of horror. For a time, this was a bit dumbfounded by Dark Night.

"Fuck, this kid has caught up..."

After the dark night saw the scene in front of him, for a while, the dark night felt so incredible, and the dark night glanced at the rest of his life in front of him with some surprise.

He didn't expect that the rest of his life would be so fast that he would have caught up with him. For a while, it was dark night, with indescribable vibrations.

You know, he is like an elf in the night, and his speed is extremely fast. It is really not that easy for ordinary people to catch up with him.

But I didn't expect Yu Sheng to catch up with him so quickly, how could this be possible.

I thought that it was not a big problem to escape from here. After all, it was still in the dark night~www.wuxiaspot.com~ With the cover of the dark night, he could leave here, but at this time, the dark night knew that this kid in front of him had How terrible.

The dark night rushed towards the front frantically, this speed was extremely fast.

However, Yu Sheng's speed was even faster. At this time, Yu Sheng's figure moved, the speed was even faster, and it was almost a blink of an eye before he came to the dark night.


In the next moment, Yu Sheng blasted out with a punch. This punch looked light and light, without the slightest power, but only Yu Sheng knew how terrifying power was contained in this light and light punch.

"not good……"

The dark night that perceives this fist suddenly changes his face, and dark night hurries to evade, but at this time, the dark night discovers that Yu Sheng's punch is extremely tricky, no matter how he wants to evade, I am afraid that he will not be able to evade the rest of his life. Yu Sheng's punch, Yu Sheng's punch, seemed to have eyes.

Dark night knew that this was because Yu Sheng's fist contained more than a dozen false moves, that is to say, he could change his moves at any time.


In the next moment, Dark Night could only protect his arms in front of him, and for the rest of his life at this time, a punch hit the Dark Night's arms.


Accompanied by the dull voice resounding, Dark Ye's body suddenly shook, as if he had endured a huge force. The next moment, Dark Ye's body took a few steps back.

At this moment, Dark Ye felt that his arms were a little numb, and that kind of numbness caused Dark Ye to have an indescribable shock. Dark Ye never expected that the rest of his life would be horrible.

"Come again..."

Yu Sheng yelled violently, and for a moment, Yu Sheng's eyes flickered, and within Yu Sheng's body, blood began to boil.

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