I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1483: Man is not human

At this time, Yu Sheng suddenly heard the sound of Jin Ge collision. After Yu Sheng's dagger pierced such a small piece, Yu Sheng's dagger could no longer penetrate.

As if there was a huge resistance on this man's body, this huge resistance was preventing Yu Sheng's dagger from piercing into the man's body.

The sudden situation stunned Yu Sheng.

"How could it..." Yu Sheng lost his voice.

Yu Sheng looked at the man in front of him in disbelief, which made Yu Sheng feel unspeakable shock, and Yu Sheng stared at the scene in front of him incredibly.

Seen for the rest of my life.

When his dagger pierced into the man's body, a huge resistance suddenly came from the man's body. This huge resistance caused a bit of shock for the rest of his life.

But even so, the dagger still pierced some.

It's just that the length of the piercing is only that little bit.

After Yu Sheng noticed this, this was Yu Sheng, all dumbfounded.

You know, his dagger is specially made, very sharp, even some alloy daggers can't harden the hardness of his dagger.

But I never dreamed that my dagger could not penetrate into this man's body.

You know that people are all flesh and blood.

His own dagger is also extremely sharp, coupled with his own strength, generally speaking, this dagger inserted into the human body, this human body is like cutting tofu, very easy.

However, the situation in front of him was a bit stunned for Yu Sheng.


The next moment, the man slammed a punch, and then slammed towards Yu Sheng. This punch hit Yu Sheng's body. For a while, it shocked Yu Sheng's body. Then, Yu Sheng's body retreated. After a few steps, it is fortunate that Yu Sheng's physical fitness is extremely strong. If not, this punch can even break Yu Sheng's chest.

For a while, this made Yu Sheng's face a little difficult to look.

Yu Sheng looked at his dagger.

But when Yu Sheng looked at his dagger, this made Yu Sheng's expression a bit solemn.

Yu Sheng saw that there was no trace of blood on his dagger. Such a scene made the rest of his life look weird.

What an international joke, there is no trace of blood on your dagger? is it possible?

Although I didn't pierce the opponent to the heart just now, shouldn't this blood stain be a little bit, it should be ok to pierce the opponent's blood vessel, right?

But, on his dagger, the light was as bright as snow, nothing happened? For the rest of my life, I was stunned.

Yu Sheng suddenly thought of when he pulled out the dagger. Yu Sheng realized that when he pulled out the dagger by himself, Yu Sheng felt that there was a resistance preventing him from pulling it out. If it weren't for his strong hands, the dagger might even be possible. Stayed on this man.


At this moment, Yu Sheng sensed something was wrong, and Yu Sheng suddenly looked at the man's chest...

When Yu Sheng saw the man's chest, for a while, Yu Sheng couldn't help taking a breath.

"No blood..."

Yes, Yu Sheng was shocked to find that there was no blood on the man’s chest. Logically speaking, his dagger was inserted into the man’s chest. Even though his dagger had no student status, the man’s chest was not There should be no blood stains?

After all, some of his daggers have been inserted, even if there are some, blood should be shed, but... why is there nothing wrong with this man in front of him?

Doesn't it make sense?

The rest of his life was a little dumbfounded.


At this time, the man once again attacked towards Yu Sheng. This time the man moved quickly and accurately, and he did not give Yu Sheng much time to reflect.

After Yu Sheng noticed this scene, he hurriedly retreated, not daring to head-on with the man.

Yu Sheng stared at the man in front of him, his pupils shrank suddenly, and the blood of the century-old Golden Wing Roc also boiled. Yu Sheng's eyes could see the man in front of him clearly and clearly.

Obviously, the rest of his life wants to see something in the man.


The man seemed to be a normal person, and there was nothing wrong with it.

At this time, the rest of his life frowned.


Suddenly, Yu Sheng hit the man with a punch. When Yu Sheng hit the man, Yu Sheng suddenly noticed that this man's body was extremely hard. No matter how hard it looked, it didn't look like a human body.

You must know that human bodies are all flesh and blood. Generally speaking, they are also flexible. However, the man in front of him is not good. The body of the man in front of him is as hard as steel. , When a person's fist hits him, he can even hear some golden sounds.

That sound is very weird.

Yu Sheng punched the man again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But at this moment, Yu Sheng suddenly changed his fist to claws, grabbed the man’s shoulder, and when he grabbed the man’s shoulder, Yu Sheng His face changed slightly, and then Yu Sheng grabbed the man's neck again.

At this time, the man was opening and closing, and directly attacked the vitality of the rest of his life.

When Yu Sheng saw this, he looked shocked and hurriedly avoided the critical attack. However, his body still took a blow, but at this time Yu Sheng grabbed the man's neck with his hands.

After Yu Sheng tried so hard, suddenly, Yu Sheng felt a cold breath, this thing seemed extremely hard, and his face changed abruptly when he noticed this scene of the rest of his life.


The man kicked towards Yu Sheng, and after receiving the kick, Yu Sheng's body flew out severely.

Yu Sheng's body slammed into a big tree, and then, Yu Sheng snorted, and Yu Sheng's body fell to the ground severely.

Such a scene also changed Yu Sheng's expression!

Yu Sheng looked at the man in front of him in horror. For a while, Yu Sheng seemed to understand something, and Yu Sheng stared at the man in front of him in astonishment.

"you you……"

"you are not human……"

Yu Sheng stared at the man in front of him in astonishment. For a while, even Yu Sheng was a bit stunned. Yu Sheng looked at the man in front of him incredibly, with a strong color of disbelief and shock in his eyes.

"How can this be……"

For the rest of his life, he couldn't believe it. He didn't expect that the man in front of him was not a **** human... how could this be...

If this is not the case, the rest of my life will not be so surprised.

No wonder……

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