I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1491: Fan Tianlei's dilemma

If you get such an army out, it will definitely scare you to death.

"Well, as soon as you come back, take a good rest."

"That's right... The team on the ninth-generation fighter has been completely established. Now Mr. Yang is about to talk to your kid. If your kid is okay, go to the Special Operations Research Center."

As soon as this sentence was spoken, Yu Sheng was stunned for a while. Yu Sheng couldn't help but glance at Fan Tianlei, and Yu Sheng said, "Well...you just said you should let me rest for two days."

Fan Tianlei was taken aback when he heard the words, and said in amazement: "Did I say it? When did I say it?"


When Yu Sheng finished listening to this sentence, Yu Sheng's face went dark.

Your sister, you just said it before, but you forgot it later. This is a joke.

Yu Sheng knew that Fan Tianlei was deliberate. As far as Fan Tianlei was concerned, it was obviously impossible for him to forget it so easily.

Obviously, Fan Tianlei said this deliberately.

For a while, Yu Sheng also kept slandering in his heart, this is simply a squeeze of labor, nowhere is there such a squeeze.

Rao didn't know what to say for the rest of his life.

Yu Sheng paused and said, "That's okay."

"Well, you kid hurry up and get out." Fan Tianlei waved his hand.


Immediately the rest of his life left here quickly.

After Yu Sheng left here, Chen Shanming couldn’t help but say: “No. 5, every time this kid goes out to play, he is nervous and exciting... I didn’t expect this kid to get a robot back this time. We really Do you want to send it to the Chinese Academy of Sciences?"


Fan Tianlei nodded slightly, and then, Fan Tianlei's expression became a little dignified at this moment, Fan Tianlei said solemnly: "Since this kid said that the true combat effectiveness of this robot is comparable to a soldier, it is necessary to study it, if it can be studied. Come out, this thing will be very scary."

"I don't know which forces researched this thing. Now the world is getting more and more chaotic, and major organizations are also born one after another."

"I don't know what they are for."

At this moment, even Fan Tianlei was very confused.

In the past, major organizations were also born. It’s just that those organizations emerged one after another when the whole world was caught in a war. Then the world became stable, and these organizations were all hidden. In the past, you wanted to It is impossible to find these organizations, unless these organizations emerge by themselves.

Now, these organizations have emerged again. Could it be that the world is about to be in chaos again?

When Fan Tianlei thought of this, even Fan Tianlei frowned. Now many forces have gradually appeared. Although they have not yet come out, they are not far away.

"I don't know." Fan Tianlei took a deep breath, and then slowly said: "Let our people pay more attention to the world's trends, observe the new forces, and see what they want to do. "

"Yes." Chen Shanming nodded slightly when he heard the words.

"The world is too messy, and it may not be a good thing." Fan Tianlei paused: "It seems that we still need to prepare."

After hearing these words, Chen Shanming and Miao Lang looked at each other one after another, and neither of them said anything.

"Okay, take this robot away and send it to the Chinese Academy of Sciences to let the old researchers see what is different about this robot."


When Chen Shanming heard the words, he nodded slightly. Then, Chen Shanming stepped forward to the robot. Chen Shanming held the robot and wanted to carry it.


At this moment, Chen Shanming staggered and the robot fell to the ground again.


Chen Shanming almost flashed his old waist. For a moment, Chen Shanming was shocked beyond words.

"Chen Shanming, what are you doing?" Fan Tianlei noticed this scene, which made Fan Tianlei raised his brows and said.

"Number five, this thing is too heavy, I can't lift it...I almost shook my old waist just now." Chen Shanming said with some toothache.

"Miao Lang, you two carry it together."

Fan Tianlei glanced at Chen Shanming. This Chen Shanming was getting weaker and weaker. He couldn't even lift a robot. It was really shameful.

Look at the rest of his life. How many years have you entered Langya? It has reached this level.

If Chen Shanming knows Fan Tianlei's inner thoughts at this moment, I don't know if he will roll his eyes, this is all stupid...

This thing is really heavy, OK?

Besides, this is a pervert for the rest of my life. Is it comparable to humans?

At this time, Chen Shanming and Miao Lang lifted the robot up, but when they lifted it up, both of them were sweating profusely.

Obviously, this robot is too heavy, weighing at least three hundred catties, which is estimated to be higher than three hundred catties.

Although the strength of the two people is not small, but they still don't have the ability to carry hundreds of kilograms of things to run around. For a time, these are two people, both of them are unspeakably tired.

Although the two of them can carry the robot for a while, but after a while, it is estimated that their physical strength will be exhausted, and then there will be no way to lift it at all.

Seeing the appearance of the two people, Fan Tianlei was speechless. Fan Tianlei couldn't help but say: "I think you two, you should go back to the stove and remake."

When Chen Shanming and Miao Lang heard these words, they couldn't help but say: "Chief of Staff, or if you try this thing, it is important."


With that, Fan Tianlei came to the robot, stretched out his hands, and grabbed it. At this time, Chen Shanming smiled slyly.

Then Chen Shanming released his hands.


This robot fell to the ground, and Fan Tianlei also staggered and almost fell to the ground. At this time, Fan Tianlei's old face was black.

As for Chen Shanming and Miao Lang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ they couldn't help covering their mouths and laughing.

"So heavy..."

After he was aware of this scene, Fan Tianlei stayed for a while, and Fan Tianlei didn't expect that this robot would be so heavy.

This is less than three hundred catties.

This is more than three hundred catties.

At this time, Fan Tianlei suddenly thought that when Yu Sheng got off the plane, he was carrying the robot down from above, and he was still with one hand...

When thinking of this, it was Fan Tianlei who was a little dazed.

For the rest of his life, this kid seemed to have grown stronger, but where did this kid get so much strength? It can even run around carrying a robot weighing more than 300 kilograms.

Is this kid still a man?

The more I think about it, the more Fan Tianlei feels that this kid is not a person at all.

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