I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1500: The origin of the old man

"I attacked." Yu Sheng nodded and said, "I had a sense of measure at the time, but what I didn't expect was..."

"I didn't expect anything." Wu Long Shen continued to ask.

"This old man is very powerful. My attack fell into the hands of this old man. This old man has nothing to do with him." Yu Sheng said solemnly.


After Wu Long Shen heard Yu Sheng's words, this Wu Long Shen was slightly surprised.

He knew what strength he was for the rest of his life.

What's more, an old man of about 60 years old, logically speaking, must not be able to beat the rest of his life. What's more, the current state of the rest of his life is also very high. No matter what aspect it is, this old man should not be the rest of his life. The opponent is right.

However, this old man has nothing to do, which has to be surprising.

"Moreover, I still feel..." When I said this, Yu Sheng's complexion became extremely solemn, and continued: "I am afraid that I am not the opponent of this old man, and I still feel vaguely if I really In a life-and-death battle with this old man, I'm afraid..."

"If I can't hold on for five minutes, I might be shot."


Following Yu Sheng’s words, this is Wu Zeqing. In her beautiful eyes, there is a delicate glow. Wu Zeqing also gave Yu Sheng a surprised look. Obviously, Wu Zeqing did not expect that Yu Sheng would actually Say such a sentence.

You must know that Wu Zeqing's realm is not low, and her combat effectiveness is very strong. She also knows Yu Sheng's true strength. She can't hold on for the rest of her life for five minutes. Then, it proves that the old man is indeed a bit powerful.

But who is this old man?

Wulong God was also a little surprised, Wulong God also did not expect that Yu Sheng would not walk in this person's hands for five minutes, this is the Wulong God is a little contemplative.

Even Yu Sheng was not his opponent. This old man still lived on his side. At this time, the Wulong God couldn't think of who this person was.

Wu Zeqing suddenly thought of something. For a while, Wu Zeqing’s beautiful eyes flickered, and Wu Zeqing suddenly said: "By the way, Dad, not far from our villa, there should be a villa. That villa has always been No one lives...you say..."

When Wu Zeqing thought of this, even the Wulong God thought of it, and at this time the Wulong God suddenly realized.

"So it was him."

As for the people living in the villa around him, the God of Wulong naturally knew nothing better. When he moved here, God of Wulong naturally had to find out who was there.

At this moment, Wulong Shen finally knew who the other party was.

"By the way, he said before that his name is Hai Lao." Yu Sheng said suddenly.

When Yu Sheng said these words, Wu Longshen immediately said: "I know, this Elder Hai, I know."

"Who is he?" Yu Sheng asked in astonishment.

"Lao Hai, is a master."

At this time, Wulong God looked a little dignified and said: "Lao Hai, is also a soldier, but he is not the same as us, and his identity is a bit special. It is not convenient for me to tell you about this, but..."

"The strength of the old man is very terrifying. I didn't expect that your kid could meet the old man. You know, in the past, it was not so easy for some people to want to meet the old man."

Obviously, Wulong God recognized the existence of Hai Lao. For a while, Wu Long God couldn't help but glance at Yu Sheng. This made Wu Long God a little envious.

Others may not know what kind of person Eilao is, but he is very clear about the martial arts god, even if Eilao is about sixty years old, but Eilao's personal strength is absolutely shocking.

Lao Hai is very strong, even the Wulong God can't tell how strong Hai Lao is.

In addition, Eilao's status is also very high. In the past, there were countless people who wanted to make friends with Eilao. It can be said that they have crossed the threshold.

It's just that few people can see Elder Hai. They didn't expect Yu Sheng to come here and meet Elder Eternal. This is the envy of Wulong God that is indescribable.

At this time, the Wulong God said, "How is the relationship between your kid and Hai Lao?"


When Yu Sheng heard this, Wei Wei was a little helpless, and said, "There is only one side of fate. At that time, I saw him practicing Tai Chi, so I just watched it for a while, and then I learned Tai Chi with him for about an hour. , I'll be back."


When the Wulong God saw this scene, this Wulong God looked at Yu Sheng in amazement, his eyes were full of unbelievable.

"What did you say? You kid say it again? The old man teaches you Tai Chi?" When Wu Long Shen heard this, he was a bit uncomfortable.

"Yes." Yu Sheng nodded slightly: "At that time, I studied with him for a while. After studying with him for an hour, he said that there is nothing to teach me. He said that it was just for me to practice combat and practice my martial arts. Time After a long time, it will be fine."

The words of Yu Sheng made Wu Long Shen couldn't help but take a breath. At this time, Wu Long Shen took a deep look at Yu Sheng, and there was some envy in his eyes. Wu Long Shen couldn't help but said, "You kid. Ah, it's really a good fate, even Elder Hai can meet it, and that's it."

"Elder Hai even teaches you martial arts, this is really a pie in the sky."

At this moment, Wulong Shen couldn't help it anymore, and took a deep look at Yu Sheng, deep in his eyes, mixed with envy.

When Yu Sheng saw the appearance of the Wulong God, it was Yu Sheng, and he was slightly speechless. For a while, Yu Sheng didn't know what to say.

"Dad, is there any difference between this old man?" Wu Zeqing blinked these beautiful eyes and asked in surprise.

"It's definitely different." Wu Long said with a serious face: "Epi's business~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You still don't inquire about it, this is not something you should inquire about."

"Moreover, there are a lot of things involved behind this. Don't check it. You can't find it. Maybe it will be targeted by some people. This will not be of any benefit to you."

As Wulong Shen said this sentence, for a while, all the people present were condensed, and all the eyes of the present were full of heavy colors.

Yu Sheng didn't expect this old man to come from such an extraordinary origin. This was Yu Sheng, and it was slightly surprised.

However, the rest of his life did not think much.

Yu Sheng noticed that Wu Long Shen always looked at Yu Sheng with a very special gaze, and Yu Sheng was a little uncomfortable looking at it.

"Okay, let's go out and play." Wu Long Shen said casually: "Let's go around."

With the sound of Wulong mythology falling, the group walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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