I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1512: Come again

After Yu Sheng heard the news, Yu Sheng was shocked. He didn't expect that this mission would give him 5,000 points of merit?

For the rest of my life, I was a little speechless, and this system is too bad, right? You know, your current high-end mall, this refresh requires 1,000 points of military merit, isn't this a joke? Just give five thousand points? Five thousand points is enough to refresh yourself five times at most.

For the rest of my life, I didn't know what to say. This system was really too stingy. It was stingy. I had never seen such a stingy system.

But at this moment, the voice of the system resounded again, which made Yu Sheng's complexion slightly condensed.

"Didi, the system issues the task. The host is asked to complete the Wulongshen's request, and rewards based on the host's performance."


After Yu Sheng heard the words of the system, for a while, this made Yu Sheng stunned on the spot. Yu Sheng did not expect that the system task had just been completed. In the blink of an eye, another task came. It was a little stunned on the spot.

"Are there missions again?"

"However, this task is actually asking myself to help Wulong God complete the task?" The rest of my life frowned and became a little dignified.

This time, it is to compete with some masters in other countries. It is called a competition, but it is actually to compete for this so-called alien technology.

At this time, Yu Sheng suddenly looked at Wulong God and said, "Uncle Wu, where is this so-called alien technology?"

"It is said that it is on an island." Wulong Shen said lightly.

"An island again?"

After Yu Sheng heard this sentence, it shocked Yu Sheng. Obviously, the rest of his life at this moment has an unspeakable response to the island. You must know that during this period of time, he had an accident. It's because on these certain islands, I didn't expect that this mission was actually on another island.

"This island is just an ordinary island, and it's on a small island in a certain country. You don't need to worry about that." Wulong Shen continued to speak: "Not to mention the person performing the task with you this time, not just you. One person, there are others, when you work together, you should be able to win the championship, but... you have to remember that the championship is secondary. This alien technology is more important, and the championship can be No, but this technology must be obtained."

"Of course, it would be better if both were taken care of, but technology should be the main focus."

As Wulong God's voice fell, Yu Sheng nodded slightly at this time, and Yu Sheng said, "Yes."

"Let's go, take you over there and take a look." Wu Long Shen saw Yu Sheng's appearance, with a little smile on his face, he said with a smile.


After that, the two people looked in the other direction, but...

It was at this moment that a cry of exclamation resounded.

"Look at it, the Three Little Yuan Wang is here."

With the sound of this exclamation, immediately many eyes were attracted to the past, and everyone looked in one direction.

At this time, even with Yu Sheng, he looked at this figure, and Yu Sheng's eyes flickered.

This figure is all wearing camouflage uniforms, this person has short hair, and a pair of eyes all reveal a little sharpness.

Judging from this breath alone, these people are all a little uncomfortable.

This made the rest of his life a little dignified.

"This is the Three Little Yuan Wang." At this time, the Wulong God smiled and said indifferently.

"This is the so-called Three Little Yuan King?" Yu Sheng was dazed, and Yu Sheng couldn't help asking: "Is the Three Little Yuan King alone?"

"No, there are three people." At this time, the Wulong God laughed and said: "The rest of the people have not arrived yet."

As Wu Long Shen said this sentence, Yu Sheng took a deep breath, and Yu Sheng nodded slightly.

The arrival of the Three Little Yuan Kings made the people around them look solemn, especially when they looked at the Three Little Yuan Kings, all of them were filled with a little fiery and excitement in their eyes.

This is the King of the Three Little Yuans, and the position of the King of the Three Little Yuans is also very high here, because the King of the Three Little Yuans is the idol of the younger generation, so they all regard the King of the Three Little Yuans as the existence they want to surpass.

When I saw the Three Little Yuan Wang, all the people present were very excited.

"Three Little Yuan Wang..."

"Yeah... Three Little Yuan Wang, this Thunder Cloud is arrogant, it is said that he has reached the realm of the emperor of soldiers."

"Bing emperor..." At this time, someone couldn't help taking a breath, and said in amazement: "If you want to break through to the Bing emperor, it's not easy. Unexpectedly, this Leiyun has already broken through to the Bing emperor realm. It's really scary and terrifying."

"Yes, if others want to break through to the emperor of soldiers, it will be difficult for others to break through in their entire lives. Being able to break through to the realm of emperor of soldiers at this level can be described as an outstanding genius."

For a while, the people present were all talking about it. Obviously, they were all amazed by Leiyun.

When Leiyun saw the people present, his expression was indifferent, and he did not seem to have any fluctuations. However, when the thundercloud swept through everyone one by one, it finally fell on the Martial Dragon God. Lei Yun took a fancy to Wulong God, which made Lei Yun's eyes flicker.

A smile was raised between the corners of Leiyun's mouth.

Immediately, Lei Yun stepped forward and quickly walked towards the Wulong God. When Lei Yun walked in front of the Wulong God, he quickly saluted the Wulong God. Lei Yun Said: "The chief."

"Yeah." Wulong Shenyang tapped his head lightly, and he answered.

At this time, Yu Sheng took a surprised look at Leiyun~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Obviously, Yu Sheng didn't expect Lei Yun to meet Wulong Shen. For a while, this made Yu Sheng slightly surprised.

"Chief, I want to ask you something, I wonder if Wu Zeqing is still in Beijing University now?" Lei Yun asked quickly at this time.

When Wulong Shen heard the words, he raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "In Beijing University."


Lei Yun was a little surprised when he heard this, and said: "Then I went to see Zeqing two days ago, but I didn't see it. I thought Zeqing was no longer Beijing University."

When Wulong Shen heard this, he smiled slightly, but didn't say much.

On the other hand, Yu Sheng, with a raised brow, his complexion became a little unnatural. This old boy is looking for his wife? What is going on with this old boy? Why are you looking for your own daughter-in-law?

For a while, Yu Sheng's complexion was a little unnatural.

This old boy, don't pay attention to it.

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