"Yeah." Yu Sheng nodded slightly and said: "When the time comes, let's take a look."

"How can I get this alien technology."

"But, Chief, is this alien technology really so important?"

"No one knows what this technology has." Wulong Shen took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "If there are any high-tech weapons in this technology, once it is acquired by the enemy, it is a huge kind for us. No matter how difficult it is, so, no matter what, we have to grab things, and absolutely can't give them a chance."

"The world is still on the peaceful side, but once this peace is broken, many people may die at that time. Therefore, in any case, it cannot be obtained by those with dissidents."

Hearing what Wulong Shen said, Yu Sheng, Yun Duo and others also nodded solemnly.

"Dear special forces from all over the world, it is great to see you here."

At this time, Haggs’s voice resounded, and along with Haggs’s voice resounding, all the people present became quiet for a while, and they all looked at this Haggs. There was a little caution in their eyes.

Obviously, they all know that the founder of this competition is Haggs in front of them.

"Presumably you all know it too."

"The final destination of this competition is Na Haier Island. Haier Island is a very beautiful island. The scenery on it can be said to be a fairyland on earth."

"And your goal is this Haier Island."

"Of course……"

When talking about this, Hals still had a faint smile on his face, Hals smiled and said: "You will be scattered everywhere, not so much scattered everywhere, as you are parachuting yourself. Choice, this time we are going to play a game, a game of freedom and fighting."

"Of course……"

"Before this, you won't have any weapons in your hands. If you want to get them, then you can only go to certain places to get them."

At this time, Hales gradually stated the rules of this competition. As Hales said the rules, all the people present looked at each other for a while.

They didn't expect that in this competition, there was no weapon. There was no weapon. How could it be compared? What's more, what does it mean to pick up a weapon if you want it?

For a time, this made many people's faces show a little dumbfounded look.

Even Leiyun, Leiyu and others all raised their brows, but they didn't understand this operation, what exactly it was.

For the rest of his life, he raised his brows, slightly contemplative.

He always feels that this kind of scene is really familiar...

As if I have seen it somewhere, what is the situation?

For the rest of his life, his brows were tightly furrowed, and Yu Sheng kept thinking about it, seeming to be looking for clues.

But soon...

The rest of my life is what I noticed. When I was aware of this, I was shocked.

"I see……"

For an instant, Yu Sheng suddenly realized what he thought of for the rest of his life at this moment.

Yes, it is the peace elite. He said why this thing is so familiar, aren't the rules in it very similar to eating chicken?

At the beginning, free parachuting, and then going to a specific place to search for weapons, and even airdrops to drop... all of this seemed like a layout routine in eating chicken.

No wonder he feels so familiar, the original source is here.

Suddenly, this made Yu Sheng's complexion gradually dignified. Since it is a free parachuting, he must not jump directly near Haier Island. According to Yu Sheng's imagination, there must be no weapons or any near Haier Island. Supply, obviously, this is also to prevent people from directly entering this Haier Island.


If they want to obtain the things in Haier Island, they must have weapons. Without weapons, their combat effectiveness is not reduced by one and a half.

This is especially important for them, so there will be very few people who jump directly here. Of course, there are also some people who want to miss out.

After Yu Sheng thought of this, he took a deep breath. For the rest of his life at this moment, he finally understood the other party's intentions.

When Wulong Shen heard the rules inside, he nodded secretly. The rules inside, to some extent, gave these special forces the greatest convenience, allowing them to freely exert their strength and wisdom.

Here, relying on strength alone is definitely not enough. It must also rely on intelligence. If there is no intelligence, it will be very difficult to win this championship. What's more, they have to look for this alien technology. It also takes time to find alien technology...

It doesn't mean that you can find it all at once, unless you are out of luck.

This is also the main reason why many people choose to skydiving where there are guns and ammunition for the rest of their lives.

"Now that I have made the rules clear, do you all understand?"

Hales' voice resounded, and after hearing this sentence, all the people present said loudly: "I understand."

"very good."

After hearing these words, Hals nodded with satisfaction, and said, "My dear special forces, I won’t say any more nonsense. I explained the rules very clearly this time, no matter what you use. Means, this will eventually go to the most central location on Haier Island."

"So, the game, let's start now..."

As Heales' voice fell, all the people present were shocked, and many people's eyes were shining with strange light.


They all have a feeling of eagerness to try, this kind of gameplay is indeed a bit interesting.

This is the first time they play like this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, for the rest of their lives, they are not unfamiliar with this scene.

Because he had seen this scene before him, so he was very familiar with this scene before him, but what he didn't know was how Haggs played it.

For the rest of his life, he didn't think much about it. In his opinion, soldiers came to cover the water and earth, and it was never too late to say everything when something happened.

At this time, the God of Wulong took a deep look at Yu Sheng and Lei Yun and others, and God of Wulong said solemnly: "We will wait here for you to come back."

"Don't worry." Yu Sheng smiled and said, "I promise to complete the task."

"You all be careful. There are many masters in it. If your life is really in danger, you can ask us for help." Fan Tiangang said in a condensed voice at this moment.


There is no extra nonsense for the rest of his life, so he should speak immediately.

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