I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1523: Part ways

"I know." Yu Sheng said indifferently: "If you want to die, you go, I won't choose to jump here."


After hearing the Thunder and lightning, he said in a deep voice: "You know what a shit, this place is not too far or too close to the destination. If you parachute from here, it is also the best choice. You even said to die."

"Boy, do you know what you are talking about."

The thunder and lightning at this moment was also extremely angry. He chose this place, and the rest of his life at this moment said that they were going to die. How did this make them not angry?

Therefore, everyone's faces are a bit unpleasant.

In their view, Yu Sheng is questioning their decision.

At this time, Yu Sheng took a deep look at everyone, Yu Sheng secretly shook his head, and did not take these people to heart.

"P City is coming soon, I am going to parachute."

As Yu Sheng’s voice fell, this caused thunder and lightning and thunderstorms to look at Yu Sheng with a little annoyance. At this time, all the few people took a deep breath, and the thunderstorm said coldly, “Boy, don’t blame me. I didn’t remind you. If you really have something wrong, take the responsibility yourself. Don’t blame us for not reminding you.”

"Ha ha."

When Yu Sheng heard this, he burst into laughter, and calmly said: "The responsibility, I can take it myself."

The words fell, and then Yu Sheng walked down from this position, Yu Sheng passed the parachute, and Yu Sheng looked forward.

For the rest of his life at this time, there was a little peace in his eyes.

After that, Yu Sheng walked towards the tail wing, where parachuting is completely possible.

At this time, Yun Duo looked at the rest of his life who had already left, Yun Duo also quickly said: "I am also going to jump to P City."

Yunduo's words made the expressions of Thunder and Leiyun and others even more ugly. Unexpectedly, even Yunduo chose City P. For a while, this made them more or less irritated.

"Yun Duo, if you follow this kid, there will be a lot of danger, do you really plan to jump from here with this kid?" For a while, Thunder said in a deep voice.

As the words of Raiden uttered, Yun Duo chuckled and said, "Actually, I also recommend that you jump from here, but if you insist on choosing s city, I won't say anything."

Their team does not have a captain, so even Yunduo doesn't know what to say for a while. Therefore, Yunduo can only give Raiden a suggestion.

As for whether they listen to Raiden, that is Raiden's problem.

When Raiden heard it, his face was gloomy, and Raiden said calmly: "Since you also chose to skydive here, then you should go skydiving. I hope you won't encounter any major troubles."

Thunder's words made Yun Duo nod slightly, Yun Duo smiled and said, "Okay."

After that, Yun Duo stepped onto the rear wing.

At this time, Yu Sheng glanced at Yun Duo in surprise, because Yu Sheng did not expect that Yun Duo would also choose to parachute here, which made Yu Sheng a little surprised.

"Ha ha."

Yun Duo smiled gracefully at Yu Sheng, this smile, like a blooming lily, is so elegant and beautiful.


Yu Sheng also responded with a smile, and then Yu Sheng jumped and jumped directly from here.

As Yu Sheng jumped directly from here, seeing the cloud, without any hesitation, he also jumped directly from here.

Parachuting is the easiest thing for the rest of their lives. In the past, they did not do much training in skydiving. As an excellent special soldier, if you can't do it, it's a bit unreasonable. .

Yu Sheng's body flew down quickly. After waiting for a while, the cloud opened the parachute, but...

When Yun Duo looked down, Yun Duo was surprised to see that Yu Sheng did not open the parachute. For a while, Yun Duo's brows were also frowned.

You must know that if you land in this place, it is just the best distance, and it will not cause any harm to the human body. However, for the rest of my life, I did not choose to open the parachute at this time. For a while, it was a cloud, and it became a little heavy.

"Why didn't this guy open the parachute? Could it be that this guy suddenly fainted?"

Thinking of this, this cloud can't help but worry a little.

If you fainted while parachuting, it is definitely the most dangerous, because once it falls on the ground, it can be said to be dead.

He was really afraid that he would faint suddenly for the rest of his life, and...

At this time, he didn't have any method at all.

Falling at such a high place is almost dead.

"This guy, I hope this guy doesn't have trouble."

Yun Duo's eyes stared at Yu Sheng below. When Yu Sheng was about 500 meters away from the ground, Yu Sheng still didn't open the parachute.

For a while, this caused Yunduo's face to change drastically.

But when he reached 300 meters, Yunduo suddenly saw that Yu Sheng unexpectedly opened the parachute at this moment, and for a while, this made Yunduo's face a little loose.

"not good……"

But then, Yun Duo thought of something, and Yun Duo's complexion became a little heavy: "This guy, open the parachute from this position, the force of this falling, I am afraid that this guy will fall directly to the ground, and the trauma will be caused by then. , I am afraid it will be very serious."

You know, when parachuting, most people choose to open the parachute when it is a little higher, not when it is close to the ground, because this parachute also needs a buffer force, not to say , You open the parachute, the parachute will immediately take you down slowly.

Instead, it uses air resistance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to slowly, slowly, and finally land safely, but...

In this situation for the rest of my life, the buffering distance is probably not enough. If the buffering distance is not enough, then it will be a big trouble.

It is very possible that a person will come into close contact with the ground and will eventually suffer severe injuries.

"This and guy..."

For a while, Yun Duo was also anxious, and he was really worried about what would happen for the rest of his life.

But at this moment, Yu Sheng landed suddenly, and the moment Yu Sheng landed, Yu Sheng's whole body rolled, and then he landed firmly on the ground.

At this time, Yu Sheng took off his parachute, he stood up, and Yu Sheng quickly gestured towards the clouds in the sky.

After Yun Duo saw this situation for Yu Sheng, for a while, even Yun Duo was full of surprise and shock.

"How can it be……"

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