I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1529: The first form of blood of the black turtle

After avoiding these two feet, the rest of his life raised his foot and kicked one of them fiercely. The feeling was quick and accurate. Moreover, this figure had not retracted his leg, so it was just There is no place to hide.


With a muffled sound resounding, this figure was kicked out directly.

"Kang Dang..."

This person fell to the ground fiercely, the powerful force made this person's face pale, and this person's eyes were full of shock.

"What kind of power is this..."

This person was also taken aback. He didn't expect that the power of the rest of his life would be so strong, how could this be possible.


But at this moment, there was another fist hitting the chest where he met. Then, Yu Sheng stepped back a few steps, and Yu Sheng suddenly looked at the other three people.


Yu Sheng frowned, and he glanced at his chest. There was a faint pain in his chest.

But then, the pain suddenly disappeared.


For a while, I was a little surprised for the rest of my life, but it was the first time I saw such a weird scene in the rest of my life. What happened?

Yu Sheng hesitated for a moment, and rushed towards the other three people again. Upon seeing this, these three people shouted and attacked towards Yu Sheng.

These three people also had unspeakable anger, and they did not expect that for the rest of their lives, their strength would be so strong. For a while, it was because they were very angry.

They attacked the past with anger.


The muffled sound continued to reverberate, and the attacks of these people continued to fall on Yu Sheng's body, the sudden change, and the clouds not far away were all surprised.


Yun Duo's face changed, and he wanted to make a move immediately.

But for the rest of his life at this time, he stopped Yun Duo and signaled Yun Duo not to make a move.

This kind of weird side, watching the clouds, instantly stunned.

Yun Duo looked at Yu Sheng in an incredible way. For a while, Yun Duo was a little dumbfounded, and Yun Duo didn't understand it. What was going on?


Immediately after, Yun Duo saw that all the other people's attacks fell on Yu Sheng. After the members of the Shocking Team noticed this scene, all of their faces showed smiles.

"Huh... After so many attacks from us, I see you are still alive."

Obviously, the members of the Shocking Team have seen the appearance of Yu Sheng being injured by them, and at the same time, they are also a little afraid of Yu Sheng's strength. I have to say that Yu Sheng's strength is too strong, and they did not expect that Yu Sheng would be alone. You can beat all four of them.


The so-called double fist is hard to beat four hands, this rest of his life has not been their opponent.

Their attack fell on Yu Sheng, and this time, Yu Sheng will inevitably be hit hard.


Suddenly there was a very unique feeling for the rest of his life at this time. When the fists of these people fell on him, the rest of his life felt that there was something about to break out of his body.


This kind of thing made the rest of his life slightly surprised for a moment.

"Come again..."

Yu Sheng suddenly felt that this power didn't seem to be enough, and immediately guarded the position of his head for the rest of his life, letting the fists of this shocking team fall on him.

The terrible power was vented, as if to knock down the rest of his life.


After Yu Sheng's body received these attacks, Yu Sheng had a very unique feeling, and that unique feeling gave Yu Sheng a sense of joy.

"Boom boom boom..."

The muffled sound continued to resound, and the rest of my life felt that the premonition became stronger and stronger.


In the next instant, Yu Sheng suddenly noticed that a tortoise shell suddenly appeared above his body, instantly blocking the power that was venting on him.

At this moment, Yu Sheng felt that his muscles and bones had become even closer. For a moment, a few words suddenly appeared in Yu Sheng's mind.

"Mysterious Turtle Defense."

The four words appeared in Yu Sheng's mind. For a while, this shocked Yu Sheng.

"This is……"

"The first blood form of the Mystic Turtle beast, my defense?"

When Yu Sheng felt this place, it was Yu Sheng, and he was a little bit happy. Yu Sheng never expected that at this time, he realized the first form of the blood of this mysterious tortoise beast.

Before, he was still wondering how he could feel the first form of the blood of this ten thousand-year-old mysterious tortoise beast. It turned out...this so-called first form was beaten out by being beaten...

For a while, for the rest of his life, there was a feeling of sudden realization.

Yu Sheng looked at the members of this shaking team with scorching eyes. In Yu Sheng's eyes, two rays of light shot out.

At this moment, all the members of the Shocking Team looked towards Yu Sheng with a little amazement, and their eyes revealed a little dignity and shock.

"How is it possible... How can this guy be okay?"

They were indeed frightened by Yu Sheng.

Their attack has been on Yu Sheng for so long. According to reason, Yu Sheng should have been severely injured, even if they had already been killed by them.


What about the rest of your life?

It turned out that there was nothing fucking, and for a while, they couldn't help but take a breath.

What's happening here?

Rao they are a little dumbfounded.

Yu Sheng laughed and said, "A few, thank you very much."


The next moment, Yu Sheng stepped out and attacked the three people. At this time, the three people hurriedly raised their fists and hammered Yu Sheng's body severely, but...

Yu Sheng didn't even take a step back. Then, Yu Sheng's fists hit the faces of the two men fiercely.

"not good……"

The faces of these two people ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ changed drastically.


In the next instant, the two men were knocked out in an instant.

The fight between them is just a moment, and it doesn't give you time to react at all.


Both of them were covering their faces and wailing in pain.

The captain of the remaining Shocking Team looked at this scene with amazement, and the captain of the Shocking Team stared at him in surprise for the rest of his life.

"Is this guy a monster?"

At this moment, the captain of the Shocking Team was also taken aback by Yu Sheng. The situation Yu Sheng showed was really amazing. He didn't expect that things would turn out to be like this.

For a while, this was the captain of the Shocking Team, and it was all shocking.

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