How can this be?

How could this guy kill the Shocking Team? How did this guy do it?

Suddenly, this Rao was Leiyun, all surprised.

"Yes." Lei Yu nodded and said: "He did kill the Shocking Team. I guess the strength of this kid is the strength of a half-infantry emperor or even a soldier emperor."

"It's not as easy to kill the Shocking Squad with the Half Infantry Emperor. After all, the captain of the Shocking Squad is in the Half Infantry Emperor."

"I guess that this kid is likely to have the strength of a soldier emperor."


With the words Leiyu uttered, Leiyun's face also became a little gloomy, and Leiyun did not expect that things would turn out to be like this.

For a time, this Rao Leiyun was a little shocked.

At first, he looked down on this kid a bit. For Lei Yun, he could kill this kid at any time. If this kid was really a soldier, it wouldn't be as simple as imagined.


Thinking of this, Lei Yun couldn't help but cursed secretly again. This made Lei Yun indescribably annoyed. Lei Yun did not expect that it would become what it is now. For a while, Lei Yun was a bit angry and very angry.

"Okay, don't think too much about it now. Anyway, we are now a team and we have common interests. Now we are looking for weapons immediately. We will enter the island first and then we will be the one after we enter the island. The battlefield." Thunderstorm said calmly. ,

Following the words of the thunderstorm, both the thundercloud and thunder and lightning nodded solemnly. They all knew that when they arrived on this battlefield, it was their battlefield.

No one is coming to provoke them now, and similarly, they are unwilling to provoke the top masters. For now, it is most appropriate that the well does not offend the river.

Once on this small island, even if they are soldiers emperor, they will be involved. At that time, even the three of them can't guarantee that they can get things in their hands.

So the most important thing for them is to find the gun first, and then make plans.


After hearing these words, both Leiyun and Leiden nodded solemnly. As Leiyu said, the main thing for them now is to find weapons. There are no guns and ammunition, which is always not a problem, so They have to find guns and ammunition.

Immediately, the group of people rushed towards the next destination.

However, as they rushed towards this destination, they encountered a problem.


Use it here!

Yu Sheng and Yunduo, after they destroyed the Jingtian team, they quickly left there. For a while, this left Yu Sheng speechless. Yu Sheng did not expect that there was nothing on the Jingtian team. For a while, this made Yu Sheng a little painful.

This battle was fought in vain, but in the end, nothing was gained.

For a time, this is the rest of my life and there is an indescribable sigh.

"Yu Sheng, what realm is your strength on earth?"

At this time, Yun Duo kept looking towards Yu Sheng, Yun Duo had inexplicable doubts, Yun Duo was very curious, how exactly did Yu Sheng do it.

One person destroyed the entire Shocking Squad. If she hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would probably not believe it. For the rest of his life, he could kill the entire Shocking Squad on his own. If this was said, no one would believe it. .

Rao is a cloud, a little dumbfounded for a while.

When Yu Sheng heard the words, he smiled and said casually: "Sheng Sheng."

"Sage soldier?"

After Yun Duo heard it, she couldn't help but look at Yu Sheng twice. Yun Duo felt that Yu Sheng's words were a bit untrue. Is this really something that Soldier Saint can do?

You know, as far as he is concerned, he is a soldier. In the face of this situation, even he can't do the rest of his life. He can kill the entire team by himself. However, he did it for the rest of his life. I always feel that Yu Sheng's strength is definitely not just a simple soldier.

For a moment, Yun Duo took a deep breath, and his complexion became a little dignified.

He solemnly looked at the rest of his life, but Yun Duo did not say anything more, nor did he question anything. There are some secrets in a person's body, and it is better not to open your mouth to ask about these secrets. Maybe it will cause other people's discomfort.

"Then what are we going to do next?" Yunduo said condensedly at this time.

When Yu Sheng heard the words, he narrowed his eyes and said in a condensed voice: "Next, we go to another supply point. We thought of getting a gun and talking about it. If there is no gun, it is not a thing for us. Good thing, not to mention that we have to step into the island. The island is not big, but not small."

"At that time, there will inevitably be countless people competing for alien technology, so we will find a gun first, and then we will have the ability to protect ourselves."

Yu Sheng's words made Yunduo nodded solemnly and said, "Okay."

Yun Duo did not refuse what Yu Sheng said, because Yun Duo thought so in his heart.

I don't know how long it took. When they reappeared, they had already arrived at a supply station. This time, they found a gun!

And it's still a sniper rifle. When Yu Sheng noticed this sniper rifle, it made Yu Sheng also look happy. It was a good thing for them to be able to find a sniper rifle.

Because of this, they have the ability to protect themselves, which makes the rest of their lives, but also indescribable ~ In order to find this sniper rifle, the rest of their lives is not easy, because this sniper rifle, The other party actually made three parts, which almost collapsed for the rest of his life.

In other words, these three parts are placed in three places. It takes a certain amount of luck to find the three parts, because it is very likely that some of these parts will be snatched by the enemy.

Fortunately, their luck was pretty good, and they finally assembled a sniper rifle, plus the bullets they had received for the rest of their lives, just right.

The only thing that made Yu Sheng's brows frowned was that there were only 15 bullets in his hand, that is to say, if you miss it, you will be gone, unless you can find other bullets.

Therefore, this is what Yu Sheng cherishes, after all, finding bullets is not as easy to obtain as imagined.

After acquiring this gun, for the rest of their lives, this meat eater also had an unspeakable joy. With this gun, they finally had the ability to protect themselves.

If not, they have to continue to grudge, it is not known when this grudges.

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