Fortunately, he hides fast. If it weren't for him to hide fast, this bullet would probably kill him. Who is this opponent? How could it be so terrible?

He is a soldier, even he felt a heavy pressure.

For a while, Hei Yu's complexion became gloomy, he carefully hid behind this big tree, Hei Yu had indescribable fear.

Heiyu took a deep breath, and he glanced at the distance with scorching eyes, as if he wanted to find the position for the rest of his life, but it was not easy to find this position.

Because the black fish has lost the position for the rest of his life.

Hei Yu looked for it cautiously. He followed the source of the sound, but he still did not find the rest of his life. For a while, Hei Yu was a little surprised, and Hei Yu was also a little puzzled.

"What about people? Why did they disappear?"

Hei Yu can find the direction of Yu Sheng through the sound identification, but after searching carefully, he did not find Yu Sheng's location. For a while, this is Hei Yu also has unspeakable doubts, this guy, how can he hide? Where did it go?

Hei Yu looked around cautiously. Then, Hei Yu rolled around and came to this side. After Hei Yu came to the side, Hei Yu hid next to an obstacle again. At this time, the rest of his life also took a look. Own bullets, the bullets at this time seem a bit precious.

After all, they have a limited number of bullets.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath, he jumped down from the big tree, and then pulled closer to the direction where the black fish was. After a while, the rest of his life was only 20 meters away from the black fish. However, it was weird. Yes, the black fish at this time has not yet discovered his existence.


The rest of his life at this moment seems to be a different person, and it seems to be fused with the surrounding environment. As long as he does not expose himself for the rest of his life, then it is very difficult for the enemy to detect him.

"What about people?"

Hei Yu was still carefully looking for Yu Sheng, but after searching for a long time, he couldn't find Yu Sheng's whereabouts. For a while, Hei Yu was also a little surprised.

The rest of his life at this moment seems to have disappeared inexplicably, but... how could this big living person disappear so inexplicably? Is this totally unreasonable?

Rao is a black fish is a little dumbfounded.

Heiyu cautiously walked out of this sniper spot, but still no one was sniping the snake. In this sudden situation, even Heiyu also looked slightly condensed.

"Is the opponent out of bullets?"

Suddenly, Heiyu seemed to have thought of something. Maybe it wasn't that the other party didn't shoot anymore, it was very likely that the other party had no bullets...

Everyone knows that under this condition, there are very few bullets. Even a gun may even be a piece of part by part, let alone bullets.

So at this moment, this bullet is very precious.

When Hei Yu thought about this, Hei Yu also became more determined in his own thoughts. It is very likely that the other party’s gun has no bullets. Hei Yu thought of this and was a little pleased. If there are no bullets, then it’s best. This way, it gave him a chance.

Heiyu cautiously walked a dozen steps forward, but at this moment, the rest of his life fell from the sky and suddenly rushed towards Heiyu.

Although the black fish was always paying attention to the surroundings, he had never noticed the rest of his life on the big tree. This sudden situation also caused the black fish's expression to change drastically.

"not good……"

Hei Yu hurriedly dodged, but was still thrown to the ground by Yu Sheng. After Yu Sheng pounced Hei Yu, Yu Sheng violently attacked Hei Yu's body.

Hei Yu is not a fuel-efficient lamp. After detecting Yu Sheng, Hei Yu also attacked Yu Sheng.

"Boom boom boom..."

The muffled sound continued to reverberate, and the two people madly attacked each other’s body, but at this moment, the two people kicked each other’s chest one after another, and then, the two people’s bodies, They all slid for several meters before they could stop.

At this time, Yu Sheng looked at the black fish in front of him with a sharp expression.

Looking at Hei Yu again, his face is a bit ugly. Obviously, Yu Sheng’s foot caused him a lot of trouble. However, when he saw that there was nothing in the rest of his life, it was a Hei Yu. Can't help but take a breath.

"How can this be?"

You know, his strength in this kick is very strong, and fighting is also his strong point, but he never expected that Yu Sheng would withstand this kick abruptly, and nothing happened.

How strong is this defensive power?

As special soldiers, this defense must be practiced. After all, if you want to fight, you have to learn to be beaten first. Therefore, their ability to resist beating is also very strong, but...

Very strong, very strong, but it can't be stronger than attack power.

At this time, the black fish stared at the rest of the life in front of him, and the rest of his life also stared at the black fish in front of him. The two people's eyes crossed, and sparks were struck.

In the eyes of the other party, all of them can detect the trace of the other party's killing intent.

"Who are you." Hei Yu said solemnly.

When Yu Sheng heard the words, he burst into laughter, and said faintly: "Huaxia people."


Hei Yu's expression became more gloomy when he heard this. Hei Yu said coldly: "You **** it."

"You deserve to die more." Yu Sheng said lightly.


Hei Yu has no extra nonsense. With a kick on the ground, Hei Yu quickly flies towards Yu Sheng, and when it flies towards Yu Hei Yu’s double fists are constantly bombarding Yu Sheng. , Hei Yu's fists were fast, and even heard some fist-wind whistling sounds.


Yu Sheng squinted his eyes and looked at Hei Yu suddenly. A faint sneer appeared between the corners of Yu Sheng's mouth. Then, Yu Sheng also blasted out with a punch.


In the next instant, Yu Sheng's right fist and Hei Yu's right fist collided fiercely. At this time, Hei Yu's other fist slammed into Yu Sheng's chest.

This punch seemed to be an extremely overbearing and extremely overbearing blow for the rest of his life.

But for the rest of his life, he was aware of it.

Yu Sheng stretched out the head of his left hand and used his palm downward to catch Hei Yu's punch. Then, with a slight movement of Yu Sheng's wrist, Hei Yu suddenly noticed a force coming from Yu Sheng's palm. The sudden situation caused a sharp pain in his wrist.

"not good……"

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