I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1550: Twelve constellations

I wanted to bring more oil for the rest of my life, but because of the hunting team, this caused the rest of my life to have no chance to bring more oil.

If they bring more oil, they can definitely reach Haier Island, but now, they are in big trouble.

Maybe they are still in danger in this sea. After all, there are many giants in this sea. What's more, in this place, the weather is changing and that kind of danger can be said to make you unimaginable.


Yun Duo's pretty face sank, and his complexion became a little unnatural.


This was a big trouble, and he didn't expect that things would turn out to be like this.

"What shall we do next?"

When Yu Sheng saw this, he was silent for a while. If he wanted to slide with his hands, it was obviously impossible. After all, this ship is made of iron. If you want to slide with your hands, this thing has to slide until the year of the monkey.

For a while, Yu Sheng's complexion became a little heavier.

Unless you are swimming in the ocean, if he is alone, it is better to say that with his physical strength and ability, he can swim in the water, but what about the clouds? What's more, beside this, there is Tang Yin. So far, the rest of his life has been a little curious. I don't know who this Tang Yin is? Where does he belong? and……

As far as he knows, only five of them who participated in the competition this time were Chinese, right? This Tang Yin, logically speaking, shouldn't he participate in this competition?

Although Tang Yin was saved, Yu Sheng was just relying on a feeling in his heart. However, for Tang Yin, Yu Sheng was more or less, and there were still some dikes. After all, no one knew who this person was and what he did. of.

"We can't swim past, right?" The pretty face of the cloud at this time became a little heavy.

Swim past, this is definitely a very dangerous thing, and above the sea, there are endless changes, no one knows what will happen next, this swim past... Maybe they all have to be buried in the sea.

"Do you want to wait here?"

Yun Duo thought of this, and shook his head secretly, waiting here is not a good thing, because waiting here, even if someone passes here, they will never be saved, just like they did not save those few people just now. The same, so if you wait here, you will die of thirst or starvation sooner or later.

Thinking of this, Yun Duo took a deep breath. They are now in desperation.


However, at this moment, there was a blast in the sky, and then, there was a flash of lightning flashing from the sky. This sudden blast also caused the clouds and Yu Sheng and others to be His face changed slightly.

"It's going to rain." Yu Sheng said solemnly.

"Extreme weather, I am afraid it will begin too." Tang Yinqi's face was solemn at this time, becoming extremely solemn.

"Extreme weather? What do you mean by this?" Yun Duo said suddenly.

"Thunder and lightning, there will be extreme weather, which will destroy the ship...so..."

When talking about this, Tang Yin's face also revealed a little dignity.

"It's really troublesome."

Yu Sheng noticed this, and this made Yu Sheng took a deep breath. Yu Sheng glanced around, and for a while, Yu Sheng's expression was extremely heavy.


The next moment, Yu Sheng noticed that there was a huge wave, which was swept away. This huge wave, and even their ship, was turbulent with it. This caused them to lose their center of gravity and almost got off the ship. fall down.

"Be careful, take care of it."

When Yu Sheng noticed this scene, his face changed slightly. Immediately, Yu Sheng grabbed the ship with both hands, and a pair of eyes flashed brightly.

Under this kind of waves, the ship was constantly fluttering and turbulent. It seemed that the ship could be overturned at any time. Therefore, this made Yu Sheng and their faces extremely unsightly.

On the contrary, this Tang Yin is much calmer. Tang Yin has already experienced it once, so when facing this second time, his mentality is much calmer.

Yu Sheng looked far away solemnly, his eyes also revealed a little solemnity.


But at this moment, suddenly, there was a gunshot. With this gunshot resounding, Yu Sheng's expression changed slightly. The next moment, this bullet fell on the hull next to Yu Sheng. superior.

The sudden sound made everyone's look change drastically.

"No... there are snipers."

Yu Sheng suddenly looked in one direction, and when Yu Sheng looked in this direction, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"over there."

Yun Duo also looked in the direction Yu Sheng was looking. When Yun Duo saw a few figures in the distance, it was nothing but Yun Duo, and his complexion changed drastically.

"No...no...this is not a contestant."

Yun Duo noticed this scene, and for a time, this caused Yun Duo's pupils to shrink suddenly.

"Not the one who participated in the contest?"

When Yu Sheng heard this, it was Yu Sheng. His expression changed drastically. Yu Sheng said, "Then who are they?"

"I'm afraid it's a certain organization. If I expected it to be good, they might also come for that thing."

As Yunduo's voice fell, Yu Sheng's face changed even more.

For that thing... Of course he knew what it was, nothing more than this alien technology.

At the beginning, I said that people from other forces might compete for this alien technology, but I never expected that there would be outsiders competing for the alien technology.

Moreover, this is a real gun...

This bullet will kill people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now they are in trouble.

"No, they are coming towards us. We have to leave here as soon as possible. Otherwise, once they get close to us, we will all be finished." Yunduo noticed this scene before him. For a while, it made Yunduo's pretty face. With a slight change, he opened his mouth quickly.

"Yeah." Yu Sheng also nodded solemnly, but now their situation is not very optimistic, their ship is out of fuel, and it is not so easy to leave.

"Who are these people?" Yu Sheng frowned, and he lay on the boat cautiously, not daring to be careless.

"If I guessed correctly, I am afraid it is the 12 zodiac signs."

Tang Yinning said at this time.

"12 constellations?"

After Yu Sheng heard the name, Yu Sheng frowned. Yu Sheng said solemnly, "What do the 12 constellations mean? Is it Aries and Taurus?"

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