Yu Sheng stared straight at the long-haired beauty in front of him. Yu Sheng narrowed his eyes and said faintly: "What is your purpose for looking for me? Tell me."

For the rest of my life, I didn't believe that this woman would do anything good if she found herself for no reason.

These days, there are not many good things about falling pie. Most people look for you because they hurt others and disadvantage themselves. After all, they don’t even know you.

The long-haired beauty heard the words and smiled and said: "Where is there any purpose."

"It's just to earn some living expenses." At this time, the long-haired beauty smiled.


Hearing this, Yu Sheng raised his brows, and he took a deep look at the woman in front of him, and for a while, Yu Sheng's brows were also frowned.

He didn't know what the woman said? What does it mean to earn some living expenses?

What does this woman mean?

Suddenly, even the rest of his life was meditating. Obviously, these people were definitely not as simple as they might be on the surface.

At this time, the long-haired beauty smiled and said: "Sir, you may not know that this place looks peaceful on the surface, but in fact, it is also full of crises."

"Especially at night, it is even more dangerous."

"Moreover, if you have money here, you can enjoy a different life. Here, it can be said that it is a paradise for the rich."

"As long as you can afford the price, then you can enjoy the king's treatment here."

"However, if you don't have money, then you can only be like the people around you. Although on the surface they seem comfortable, in fact, they face an embarrassing life every day."

The words of the long-haired beauty made Yu Sheng frowned, Yu Sheng nodded slightly, and said faintly: "If you hire you, how much salary do you need to pay."

When the long-haired beauty heard the words, her eyes lit up and she smiled and said, "You only need 10,000 dollars a day."


After Yu Sheng heard this sentence, for a while, Yu Sheng was dumbfounded.

"Fuck, ten thousand dollars, you are robbing money..."

Ten thousand yuan a day? Just the current exchange rate? How much does it cost at least six to seven thousand a day, right?

Six to seventy thousand oceans a day? The cost of this guide is really not expensive in general... This is almost the same as grabbing money. If you say, being a guide here for a month, isn't it a monthly income of 300,000 US dollars?

For the rest of my life, I was a little dumbfounded. The money here is too good to earn, right? This is simply not treating money as money...

Yu Sheng couldn't help but took a breath.

Yu Sheng said lightly: "Sorry, the price is too expensive to hire, you should leave."

With that said, Yu Sheng just left here directly. For the rest of his life, I don't want to be such a fool. It is absolutely awkward to spend ten thousand dollars to find such a guide.

Anyway, I can't do such a thing for the rest of my life.

Therefore, for the rest of his life, he ignored this woman at all. Of course, there are some people who spend a lot of money and want to pick up girls, but at least as far as he is concerned, he has no interest in such a big Yanmar.

His own daughter-in-law is much better than the Great Yangma in front of him.

"Don't, sir."

Seeing this, the long-haired beauty hurriedly said: "Sir, in fact, I can not charge you, I can be a free guide."

As the long-haired beauty said this, Yu Sheng's eyes flickered. Yu Sheng suddenly looked at the long-haired beauty in front of him. Yu Sheng narrowed his eyes and said, "Say, what is your purpose?"

"Who on earth are you?"


The long-haired beauty in front of me was really too impulsive. In order to follow him or even be a free guide, it cost a lot. I didn't believe it for the rest of my life. This beauty had no purpose.


When talking about this, the long-haired beauty couldn't help but speak: "I want my husband to protect me. I offended a person here. If there is no one to protect me, I'm afraid I will be killed by this person. ."

When talking about this, deep in the eyes of the long-haired beauty, there is still a little fear.

However, Yu Sheng smiled coldly. You were killed and had a fart relationship with me. Is it possible that you still want to use me as a shield?

Yu Sheng said indifferently: "It's your business, it has nothing to do with me, don't follow me anymore, otherwise, don't blame me for being polite."

Yu Sheng didn't want to just come here to start a business, so Yu Sheng did not intend to continue to communicate with this long-haired beauty, he is very busy now, after all, he still needs to look for alien technology.

I just don’t know where the alien technology is...

This is the rest of my life, but also a little worried.

The area of ​​this place is not small. To find the shape technology from such a large area, I am afraid it is really not a general trouble. For a while, this is the rest of my life, and it is a little headache.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng stepped forward and left here.

The long-haired beauty saw Yu Sheng leaving, and for a while, this made the long-haired beauty a little unwilling, because she could clearly feel that the man in front of her should be very powerful.

That's why the long-haired beauty came to Yu Sheng's side, hoping to seek Yu Sheng's protection, if Yu Sheng protects her, then he may be able to get rid of the catastrophe.

But I never imagined that Yu Sheng, this guy, doesn’t make money and doesn’t even care about his own beauty. If this is replaced by someone else, I’m afraid it will be because of his own face. Choose to help yourself, for a time...

She was also thinking.

"No, you have to follow him. If you don't follow him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I will probably be killed by Kokiel." Lola thought of this, Lola took a deep breath, and immediately, Lola stepped on Following the pace, he quickly caught up.

But for the rest of his life, his brows were raised. He didn't expect that the guy Laura would chase him up again, but the woman didn't bother him, so Yu Sheng didn't say anything. Ran in one direction.


The direction where the rest of my life is going is the paradise of Haier Island.

Of course, this so-called paradise is not the paradise in the sky, but the paradise on Haier Island...

Yu Sheng's running speed is very fast, and his endurance is also very strong. After running fifty kilometers, a car drove to Yu Sheng's side at this time.

After Yu Sheng saw the person in the car, Yu Sheng frowned.

Obviously, the woman in front of me was the woman before, Laura.

Unexpectedly, this woman was still following herself.

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