Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! For the rest of his life, he swam back quickly.

Soon, Yu Sheng swam to the original place. Yu Sheng glanced around. He carefully climbed towards the top. Fortunately, there is a mountain similar to a small slope, and it is not very steep, so Yu Sheng is very Climbed up easily.



At this moment, suddenly there was a gunshot.

The sudden gunshots made Yu Sheng's face also changed...

"No, there are enemies."

Yu Sheng's pupils suddenly shrank, and then Yu Sheng looked towards the source of the sound. Yu Sheng carefully stared at the front. His pupils kept shrinking, and there was a figure in front of him that instantly caught his eye.

"It's a sniper..."

Yu Sheng looked at the figure in front of him. This figure was wearing a camouflage suit. What he held in his hand was a sniper rifle. After Yu Sheng saw the scene before him, the expression on Yu Sheng's expression became a little serious.

"What's the matter? Who are they sniping?"

Yu Sheng's face became a little gloomy: "Could it be clouds..."

Yu Sheng glanced in another direction again, but Yu Sheng Yang did not see the whereabouts of the clouds, Yu Sheng frowned, as if thinking about something...


At this moment, Yu Sheng saw that a figure not far away was rushing in another direction as fast as lightning. If you look closely, you will find that this figure wears exactly the same clothes as clouds.

"It's a cloud..."

After Yu Sheng saw this scene before him, Yu Sheng's eyes flickered.

"I'm here at the clouds."

When Yu Sheng noticed this scene, Yu Sheng's face also became a little gloomy, and Yu Sheng quickly ran in the other direction.

The direction Yu Sheng went to was the direction where the sniper was, and Yu Sheng was cautious.

Because Yu Sheng is behind this sniper, the sniper at this moment hasn't even noticed Yu Sheng's existence.

Yu Sheng touched the sniper little by little. Yu Sheng was extremely fast and extremely portable. When Yu Sheng was close to the sniper at a distance of about ten meters, the sniper still did not find the existence of Yu Sheng.

At this time, Yu Sheng looked around again. Obviously, Yu Sheng wanted to see if there were other snipers in the surrounding area...

However, Yu Sheng did not notice the existence of other people. For a while, this made Yu Sheng frowned. What's the matter? Is he alone?

He is the only one, how dare to come to such a place?

For a while, this is also slightly doubtful for the rest of his life.

But the rest of his life ignored it. Since there are no other snipers, this is a good thing for him.

After Yu Sheng walked here, Yu Sheng was moved.

"Thousand-year chameleon blood, third form, ever-changing..."

With Yu Sheng's heart moving, the next moment Yu Sheng is cautiously approaching the sniper in front of him. If anyone notices this scene, they will inevitably exclaim.

Because, for the rest of this moment, it's as if it doesn't exist. To be precise, it's more like a stone, but it's moving for the rest of your life.

Yu Sheng slowly approached the sniper. At this moment, the sniper hadn't noticed the existence of Yu Sheng. The sniper was lying here, his brows furrowed.

"Hmph, this time I see where you are going." The sniper sneered, and the sniper stared at the direction of the cloud, obviously...

At this moment, the cloud wants to avoid it, and it is not as easy as imagined, because it has been completely supported by him, that is to say, the cloud at this time can almost be said to be dead.

The sniper is waiting patiently here.

He is not very anxious either.

But the clouds at this time are desperate.

After Yu Sheng hadn't left for a long time, a sniper sniper approached him. Even Yun Duo didn't expect that the sniper came at her.

Yun Duo's expression is also a bit ugly. Now, he doesn't have guns and ammunition in his hand, that is to say, he can only watch the enemy sniping himself, but he has no way.

"How to do how to do?"

Yun Duo's face was also a little bit anxious. In this situation, even Yun Duo had no way of doing it, which made Yun Duo a little anxious.

The enemy will soon know that he does not have a gun in his hand. If the enemy knows that he does not have a gun in his hand, he believes that the enemy will not let him go easily.

When Yunduo thought about this, Yunduo's complexion also became a little dignified, and his brain was also running fast, and then he glanced behind him.

Behind him, there is a huge sea, because it is very deep from the sea level, if you say...

If you jump from here, there may be a glimmer of life.

Although he can also swim, he is naturally much worse than those of the navy.

Moreover, this place is so high, even the clouds have indescribable fear...

If you jump down from such a high place, if you are not careful, you may be thrown to death directly. Although the ocean is below, if you go down like this, you are likely to be thrown into mud.


Even if it’s on the ground, I dare not say that there is nothing wrong. After all, not all people are like Yu Sheng. For the rest of his life, jumping at such a high place, there is nothing at all. Even the clouds have nothing to say. The exclamation.

It is estimated that it will be difficult for others to do this.


For the rest of his life at this time, he slowly raised the dagger in his hand, and the sniper lying on the ground suddenly glanced behind him, because at this moment the sniper felt something was not right, so the sniper endured Can't help but glance to the rear.


This glance made the sniper, the souls of the dead...


next moment.

The sniper was shocked to see...

Yu Sheng didn't know when he appeared behind and he was approaching him with a dagger in his hand. Only a little bit, the rest of his life would give him a knife.

"not good……"

The sniper's face changed drastically, and the sniper hurriedly flashed away...


The rest of his life's reaction speed is not slow, not to mention, with such a good opportunity, how can the rest of his life give the sniper a chance to get out of trouble...


Almost at this moment, Yu Sheng swished and rushed towards the sniper.

The sniper noticed that Yu Sheng leaped towards him, and the sniper rolled hurriedly, trying to avoid Yu Sheng's blow, but...

For the rest of my life at this time, I kicked the lower part of the sniper...


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