I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1617: Captain Scorpio is not a normal person

Two gunshots resounded from heaven and earth.

Both bullets were shot at each other like a bolt of lightning.


But at this moment, the two bullets turned out to be wiping the opponent's body and shooting towards both sides. Because the two bullets rubbed together, this led to the deviation of the bullets.


Suddenly, the two bullets passed through the bodies of Yu Sheng and Captain Scorpio respectively.


For the rest of his life and Captain Scorpio, they became concealed instantly.

At this time, Yu Sheng couldn't help but glance at his shoulder. Such a scene made Yu Sheng couldn't help but take a breath.

"What a weird shot."

Yu Sheng looked a little surprised.

For the rest of his life, he never expected that the Scorpio Captain's marksmanship would be so weird.

Just now, when Captain Scorpio was fighting, he felt that his bullet was aimed at Captain Scorpio's bullet. Logically speaking, he could snipe off Captain Scorpio's bullet.

But I don't know why, when they rushed to snipe them off, the two bullets actually rubbed together, only changing the trajectory and direction of the two bullets.

Such a scene was a bit surprised for the rest of his life.

You know, he can do bullet sniper bullets, and he will not make any mistakes. Although he has not achieved such a fast response so far, he will sniper the enemy's bullets when the enemy shoots first.

However, his current reaction speed is also extremely fast.

But never expected that he didn't even snipe down the opponent's bullet.

Fortunately, one's own bullet collided with the other's bullet, otherwise, this bullet, the shot, but it is not a problem of scratching one of his own skin, it may be his own head.

"Master, absolute master."

In an instant, Yu Sheng made some scrutiny of this person, Yu Sheng can feel that this person is definitely a master, and he is also a top master, very powerful, even more, this guy is very likely Not an ordinary person at all.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath, his expression extremely solemn.


The Captain Scorpio at this moment is also lying on the ground, trying to keep himself from appearing, but at this time, if you look closely at his shoulder, there is also a hideous bloodstain.

Obviously, this was a piece of meat wiped off by a bullet, and blood was flowing down his shoulder. Captain Scorpio removed a piece of cloth and simply bandaged his shoulder.

At this time Captain Scorpio's complexion was also slightly solemn.


Yes, even the Captain Scorpio has noticed the opponent, it is very likely that he is a master, and he is also a very powerful master.

Captain Scorpio did not expect that he would provoke such a master, who is this person? Is it thunder and lightning?

According to the Scorpio Captain, the rest of their lives is a team composed of Thunder and Leiyun. These three little yuan kings, they have all understood, and they are very clear about the status of the three little yuan kings.

The strength of the Three Little Yuanwang is very strong, but it is not too strong yet. According to his thoughts, if he wants to kill the Three Little Yuanwang, it is not a big problem.

Even if there are only three of them.

But I didn't expect that in this crowd, there is such a master.

I just don't know who this master is.

Captain Scorpio was also very thoughtful for a while, thinking about some of the things inside. Even the Captain Scorpio was quite jealous.

"Captain, you are injured."

The Scorpio team saw that the Scorpio captain was injured, and for a while, his complexion was a little difficult to look.

Just now he clearly felt that the opponent was shooting at him, but he didn't know why he suddenly became his captain.

But what shocked him the most was.

The captain was injured.

Over the years, they have performed many tasks, but they rarely see the captain injured. As for the scars on the captain, they are all left over from the past.

Unexpectedly, the opponent could hurt his captain. This strength is not simple.

Rao is the face of the Scorpio team members are extremely solemn.

Unexpectedly, the opponent's strength would be so strong...

"I'm fine, I have scratched the skin a little."

At this time, Captain Scorpio breathed a sigh of relief, and said solemnly: "Now we have to leave here. There is a master in it. If we don't leave, the two of us will die here."

In an instant, Captain Scorpio made a decision.

In this case, it is obviously not suitable to continue fighting. If the fighting continues, it will not be of any benefit to them.

Moreover, it is likely to cause them to die here.

This makes Captain Scorpio extremely jealous.


Hearing what the Scorpio Captain said, the Scorpio team quickly spoke: "But where do we leave?"

"Go from there."

Captain Scorpio looked at the other side, which was relatively safer.

Just when Captain Scorpio wanted to leave.

At this time, Leiyun, Leiden and others all looked at Captain Scorpio with solemn expressions, because Captain Scorpio and their side were extremely secretive, so Raiden and the others had nothing to do with Captain Scorpio.

However, these three gunshots were heard in their ears.

"They have already played against each other." At this time, Thunder took a deep breath and said solemnly.

"Three gunshots, is this kid okay?" Thunderstorm also looked down, slightly worried.

He didn't know if anything was going on for the rest of his life.

"I noticed that there seems to be something wrong with the Scorpio team."

Thunder suddenly said.

"Something happened to the Scorpio team?"

"Could it be... someone was killed by a snipe?"

Immediately after ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ their eyes flickered, but in their hearts, there was a stormy sea. In their hearts, they knew that for the rest of their lives, they did not have the strength of a soldier emperor, even if they had a soldier emperor for the rest of their lives. Strength, wanting to kill the opponent is not as easy as imagined.

Because the opponent is also a soldier emperor, he won't give you a chance to kill the opponent.

"Isn't it possible?" Lei Yun couldn't help but said, "The kid can kill the Scorpio team members?"

This makes Leiyun extremely solemn.

"It's very likely." At this time, Thunder took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"We disperse and support this guy." Thunderstorm made a decisive decision and said solemnly: "This kid may not be able to deal with the Scorpio players alone."


In an instant, all three of them made a decision.

If they were forced by a group of them, it could also put some pressure on the Scorpio team.

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