I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1625: Master of Yin Division

Yu Sheng cautiously hid behind the stone. Although he shot Captain Scorpio, Yu Sheng was not so stupid that he rushed forward.

For the rest of his life, he also knew that Captain Scorpio was probably not dead.

If Captain Scorpio hasn’t died yet, then the dead person may be him.

So he is not in a hurry.

not to mention.

Captain Scorpio, who was severely injured, should be anxious at the moment, it should be Captain Scorpio. After all, there are no medical conditions here. If this continues, Captain Scorpio will be dragged to death by the injuries on his body sooner or later.

This is also the main reason why the rest of my life is not in a hurry.

The rest of my life is here patiently waiting, time is passing by a little bit.


But at this moment, there was a scream that resounded, and the person who made this scream was a Scorpio player. Thunderstorm caught a chance and directly inflicted the Scorpio player, and the Scorpio captain at this moment, too Perceived this scene, so this made Captain Scorpio also shocked, and seemed to be a lot awake.

"not good……"

Captain Scorpio noticed that his team members seemed to have been sniped, and for a while, this made Captain Scorpio furious.

"Damn, bastard."

Captain Scorpio couldn't help but cursed, and Captain Scorpio did not expect that things would turn out to be what it is now. As far as his situation is concerned, he can't hold on for long, and he has only one sniper rifle in his hand. The bullet was fired, but fortunately he still has a pistol.

So for a while, the enemy dared not rush forward.

But Captain Scorpio knew very well that in this situation, I am afraid that he would be killed by the enemy within three minutes. They are all top masters and naturally know the enemy's inner thoughts.

Captain Scorpio looked around with a gloomy face, and his eyes flickered constantly, and Captain Scorpio's complexion became a little dignified.

But at this moment.

Captain Scorpio suddenly noticed that his whole body's hairs exploded in an instant, and in an instant, a shadow of death instantly enveloped him.

When Captain Scorpio noticed this, the face of Captain Scorpio was also extremely ugly.

"It's impossible...it's dangerous..."

That kind of rich danger made Captain Scorpio's whole heart mentioned in his throat, and the feeling that it gave him can be said to make him a little suffocated.

How could this be?

You know that he is Captain Scorpio... His own strength is also the most top, and his strength is a high-level soldier emperor, but it is impossible for someone to make him feel such a strong danger.


But when Captain Scorpio just noticed this, suddenly...

There was a gunshot between the sky and the earth, and then it resounded. With the gunshot resounding, there seemed to be silence between the sky and the earth.

In this air, there was a bullet flying towards Captain Scorpio quickly, but...

If someone could see the pattern on the bullet clearly at this moment, they would be horrified to discover that this bullet is a bit too simple.

Because there is a pattern drawn on the bullet's body, this pattern looks more like a demon, although it is simple, but it can make it clear.

Generally speaking, who would be idle and all right, drawing such boring patterns on bullets? After all, this is a bullet, and once it is shot out, it is equivalent to being scrapped.

Unless these bullets are collected and rebuilt.

At this moment, Captain Scorpio seemed to have noticed something, he hurriedly looked in the direction where the bullet was flying...

When Captain Scorpio saw this place, for a while, Captain Scorpio's pupils suddenly shrank. At this moment, Captain Scorpio even saw the movement of the bullet.


Captain Scorpio noticed the trajectory of the bullet.

However, when he noticed this, the bullet had already shot through his head, Captain Scorpio's eyes widened, and his body was lying limp on the ground.

Until his death, Captain Scorpio's eyes were still filled with unbelievable and unbelievable, Captain Scorpio never expected...

Such a thing would happen...

I actually died on a bullet, how could this be...

How could there be an enemy behind him? This doesn't make sense. The rest of his life is still there. As for the Three Little Yuanwang, they have not yet surrounded him. In any case, he did not expect that there was an enemy hidden behind him.

Captain Scorpio's eyes were full of unwillingness. He wanted to live, but that vitality was passing by quickly, and that passing speed was quite fast.


Captain Scorpio gradually lost his vitality.

Captain Scorpio didn't know until he died, who actually killed him.


This sudden shot also made Yu Sheng noticed. When Yu Sheng noticed this scene, Yu Sheng couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath, and Yu Sheng's eyes were a little shocked and unbelievable.

"what happened?"

How could anyone else shoot?

For the rest of his life, he was vaguely aware that the person who opened the gun seemed to be heading towards Captain Scorpio, and Captain Scorpio seemed to have become a dead person at this moment.

It’s just that, who fired this shot, the Three Little Yuan King hasn’t gone behind Captain Scorpio, so this is not the work of the Three Little Yuan King at all.

It's not what the Three Little Yuanwang did, so it means that someone else is doing this kind of thing, if that's the case~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then who is this person?

I don't know why, at this moment, this feeling also gave Yu Sheng a kind of creepy feeling. For the rest of this moment, I felt a little jealous.

It seems that there is an extremely powerful existence hidden behind here.

However, the Three Little Yuan Wang, Yun Duo and others were also aware of something. All of them had hidden their bodies for a while, and the Three Little Yuan Wang's expressions also revealed a little dignity.

"Captain Scorpio was killed, what the **** was going on? Captain Scorpio was killed by who?"

At this moment, there was such a Xiang Afei in everyone's mind. At this moment, even they could not help but take a breath.

They also did not expect that Cheng Yaojin was killed halfway, and looking at the situation in front of him, this Cheng Yaojin was a bit terrifying, because even though they heard the gunshots, they probably even judged the enemy. The position of the enemy is unable to lock the position of the enemy.

Suddenly, this is because they are also a little heavier.

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