I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1638: Threatening Yin Division

With the rest of his life and thunder and lightning rushed over.

The black impermanence at this moment is also aware of the existence of these two people.


Hei Wuchang didn't expect that Thunder and Yu Sheng would actually rush over, and this appearance seemed to be aimed at him.

Suddenly, this black and impermanent complexion was extremely solemn.

"What's the matter? What about Bai Wuchang?"

Logically speaking, Bai Wuchang shouldn't let the rest of his life and thunder and lightning rush to this side. He can face these three people alone, and he can do it with ease.

After all, the combat effectiveness of these three people is also strong, but overall, it is still a lot worse.

He can handle it all by himself.

However, if two more are added, his pressure will double.

Therefore, seeing so many people besieging him, his face is not very pretty.


Immediately afterwards, Heiwuchang seemed to be aware of something.

Because there is a corpse on the ground in the distance.

He was so familiar with this corpse, because in the past, the two of them were performing tasks, so just by looking at it, he knew who this corpse was.

After the black impermanence is aware of this scene, it is both black and impermanent.

"Lao Bai..."

Black impermanence showed anger on his face.


The person lying on the ground is absolutely Bai Wuchang. At this moment, blood is flowing down Bai Wuchang’s wound, flowing all over the ground, while Bai Wuchang is lying there quietly, obviously, he has been killed by the rest of his life and lightning. NS.

The black impermanence is like the angry lion, and the black impermanence at this moment is really angry.

He never dreamed that Bai Wuchang would be killed by someone.

He and Bai Wuchang can be said to be the best partner.

Unexpectedly, things would turn out to be like this.


In the next moment, Hei Wuchang blasted towards the thundercloud with a punch. This punch was mixed with the force of tearing the air, as if he was about to punch a person to death.

"not good……"

Leiyun also clearly sensed the terrible part of the black impermanence punch, Leiyun's pupils suddenly shrank, his expression changed drastically, Leiyun hurriedly blocked his arms in front of his chest.


next moment.

This black impermanence fist hit Leiyun's body fiercely, and terrifying power exploded.


Immediately afterwards, Lei Yun took a heavy blow to his body and backed up a few steps before he could stabilize his figure.


At this time, Leiyun felt his whole body as if it had been hit by a truck. The intense pain made Leiyun grinning.

"Damn, this guy..."

Rao was Leiyun, who couldn't help but cursed inwardly.

Lei Yun didn't expect that the punch in Heiwuchang's rage was so terrible that he couldn't catch it with just one punch. What kind of **** strength is this?

Lei Yun moved his arm, but Lei Yun found that his arm had lost consciousness, as if it was half paralyzed. The feeling, especially Lei Yun, could not help but take a breath.

Leiyun looked at the black impermanence in the distance.

At this moment, the thunderstorms and thunder and lightning also attacked the black impermanence one after another. With the rest of his life joining, this caused the pressure of black impermanence to also double.


Everyone present could also perceive the black impermanence and deep anger.

Obviously, Heiwuchang is furious because of the killing of Baiwuchang.

Bai Wuchang...

That was his closest comrade-in-arms, and now he died in front of him. How did this make him not angry?


Hei Wuchang roared and attacked them for Yu Sheng.

Hei Wuchang faced Yu Sheng and the others alone. He didn't have any fear. On the contrary, he was like a lion in rage, attacking them frantically.

It seemed that Heiwuchang wanted to kill the rest of his life, Raiden and others.

"Boom boom boom..."

The muffled sound continued to reverberate, and the black and impermanent attack was as sharp as a violent storm. This was the rest of his life and the thunder and lightning and others, and it was also a big change in expression.

They all knew in their hearts that Heiwuchang was completely angered at this moment. After all, he killed his best partner. If Heiwuchang is not angry at this time, then it is really a ghost.

At this time, Yu Sheng and others were staring straight at Heiwuchang, a pair of eyes were mixed with a little fierce and murderous intent.

And Hei Wuchang is also staring at Yu Sheng and others in front of him, but the eyes of Hei Wu Chang are full of murderous intent and anger. If the eyes can kill, then Yu Sheng and others don’t know how many times they have died. .

"very good……"

At this time, Hei Wuchang smiled angrily, and said coldly: "Kill my best partner, Yinsi and you will never die."

When Yu Sheng heard this, he burst into laughter, and said indifferently: "It's as if I don't kill you, you won't be the same as me."

Yu Sheng said coldly: "Since you dare to intercept us here, then you must be prepared to be killed."


Heiwuchang was stunned by Yu Sheng, and his face became a little gloomy, and Heiwuchang stared at Yu Sheng angrily.

"Boy, just wait for Yinsi to chase and kill him endlessly." Hei Wuchang said angrily.

"Is it?"

When Yu Sheng heard this, the depths of Yu Sheng's eyes flashed through, Yu Sheng took a deep look at Heiwuchang, and Yu Sheng's eyes narrowed.

"Not always."

Heiwuchang heard this and became even more angry, but soon Heiwuchang calmed down again, and Heiwuchang stared at him for the rest of his life.

"When one day, I uproot the Yin Division, then there will be no Yin Division in this world, how can he pursue and kill me endlessly."


When this sentence was uttered ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, all the people present were shocked. Even the thundercloud and thunder and lightning were all shocked by Zhou Yu's words.

They all stared directly at Zhou Yu in front of them, full of shock.

What an overbearing tone.

Uprooting the Yinsi, even they dare not say that, but Yu Sheng dares to say such a thing, even they are full of amazement.

At the same time, their eyes on Yu Sheng began to change.

I have to say that Yu Sheng's words are very domineering, but...

What kind of power is the Yin Division? Has existed a long time ago, the Yin Division is a very long-term force, they are more suitable in the international community to leave a prestigious name.

Everyone of their people has superior combat effectiveness and is very powerful.

Yu Sheng, this guy actually threatened Yinsi, really...

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