I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1658: Zhang Ruofeng whose face was beaten

Chapter 1670

"No." Yu Sheng smiled and said: "I am not familiar with this guy."

"However, this guy blatantly insulted the soldier. I am a little dissatisfied with that. As a soldier, we are also contributing to the country, how can we be insulted."

"Oh? Is there such a thing?" Liu Changping looked at him with a solemn expression. They are all scientists and cannot rub sand in their eyes. Moreover, their Chinese Academy of Sciences is not anywhere else, and unevenness of good and bad is not allowed here.

This character can be said to be quite important.

After all, this place is equivalent to a national research center, and almost a lot of things are researched from here.

If this person blatantly insulted a soldier, it would be equivalent to having a character problem. Such character quality is absolutely not allowed to enter the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

"Yes." Yu Sheng smiled and said: "Wu Zeqing is by my side, and she heard it too."

"That's it." Liu Changping nodded slightly, then solemnly said: "I will give you an explanation on this matter."

"It's okay, it's okay." Yu Sheng smiled.

"Don't worry, boy, we are all members of the country, soldiers, and our protector of China. Without them, China would not be as stable as we are now."

"We will definitely give you an explanation."

When the voice fell, Liu Changping quickly hung up the phone. They are all old scholars of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and they still have their status.

At this time, Zhang Ruofeng sneered at the Yu Sheng in front of him, and said with a sneer: "Bluffing."

"Is it?"

When Yu Sheng heard this, he smiled and said, "You'll know soon."

"Then I'll wait."

Zhang Ruofeng couldn't help looking at Wu Zeqing, and laughed for a moment. Zhang Ruofeng said, "Zeqing, this man is really hopeless, and he is just a soldier, basically without a future, let alone this guy. It’s impossible to come back after years of being away."

"I can't take care of you in this life."

Wu Zeqing heard the words and said in a cold tone: "He is now my fiance."


After Zhang Ruofeng heard these words, his pupils suddenly shrank: "What? Fiance?"

Zhang Ruofeng's face was incredible. Zhang Ruofeng never expected that Wu Zeqing would have a fiancé? Why doesn't he know?

How can this be?

Wu Zeqing is such a good woman, only a better man can be worthy, but Wu Zeqing actually said that she has a fiancé.

For a while, this is unacceptable.


Soon, Zhang Ruofeng's phone rang, and after Zhang Ruofeng answered the phone, Zhang Ruofeng's face changed slightly, and the next moment Zhang Ruofeng suddenly became panicked.

As the phone hung up, Zhang Ruofeng's mobile phone fell to the ground, and the phone screen was broken with a bang.

At this time, Zhang Ruofeng stood here blankly, motionless.

"How can it be?"

"How could this be? How could this be?"

Zhang Ruofeng heard it.

On the phone, he told himself that he was fired?

I was expelled from the Chinese Academy of Sciences?

How can this be?

You must know that the Chinese Academy of Sciences will not expel a person casually, and once expelled by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, this will inevitably leave bad information in the file.

Once you leave a message, this can be troublesome.

Even if you are looking for a job in the future, it will be difficult to find, and your whole life will be completely finished.

Because no company can want someone like him who has a tainted life.

My life can be said to be ruined.

"No, it's him..."

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Ruofeng suddenly looked towards Yu Sheng, which made Zhang Ruofeng extremely angry. It was because of the guy in front of him that his life was ruined.

But how is this possible?

This guy just made a phone call. Why should he let people ruin his life? What does he have to do with the Chinese Academy of Sciences? Why, the Chinese Academy of Sciences will expel him directly.

To know.

Even if people are expelled from day to day, they still need to go through a process, and at least they have to know what they have committed, right? But……

Now Yu Sheng, this guy, had people expelled him directly.

This is very shocking even for him.

How could this be?

"Who are you?" Zhang Ruofeng yelled at the rest of his life in front of him with an angry face.

"Me?" Yu Sheng laughed when he heard the words, and said, "My name is Yu Sheng."

"The rest of my life?"

After listening to Zhang Ruofeng, he muttered to himself, he has never heard of this name, who is this guy?

Seeing Zhang Ruofeng's appearance, Wu Zeqing spoke lightly: "He is the chief engineer of the ninth-generation fighter."


After Zhang Ruofeng heard these words, Zhang Ruofeng suddenly raised his head, and Zhang Ruofeng looked at the rest of his life in front of him with some horror.

"You... you are the chief engineer, this... how is this possible?"

Recently, he also heard some rumors about the ninth-generation fighter jets. This is a big project. Everyone tried desperately to drill inside, because everybody knew it very well.

Once the ninth-generation fighter is developed, it will have a major contribution to the country, and this is a major opportunity for any of them.


When studying fighter jets, they lacked a chief engineer, and none of them had seen the chief engineer. Therefore, this made people extremely suspicious.

Who is this chief engineer? Why does Shenlong see the beginning but not the end.

Therefore, everyone is speculating about who this chief engineer is.

But now, I just knew that it was the young man in front of me. How could this young man be the chief engineer? Is this totally unreasonable?

Even Zhang Ruofeng was slightly shocked.

Such a young chief engineer can be said to have an unlimited future.

He never dreamed that he would meet the chief engineer?

For a moment, Zhang Ruofeng's face was ashamed.

Zhang Ruofeng knew very well, he knew that he was finished.

It is impossible for him to enter a state unit in his life~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if he enters some private companies, he will inevitably be suppressed, and some larger companies will not want him.

Because his life was stained, his whole life was finished.

At this time, Yu Sheng's faint voice resounded, echoing in Zhang Ruofeng's ear.

For the rest of his life, he said calmly: "Education does not mean anything, and work does not mean anything, because work is not high or low."

"If you have a high degree of education, then you should know a lot of truths. You should also understand the basic principles of being a human being. You should also understand that the basic qualities of a human being, learning, is to improve your basic literacy, not to let you Show off everywhere."

"Don't think that you have a high education and a good job and look down on others at will. If you have this kind of thinking, it will prove that your learning is in vain, because you have lost the most basic qualities."

"By the way, I will send you a word in the end."

"Before you learn to speak and do things, learn to be a human being. If you can't do well in life, you can't do anything well."

(End of this chapter)

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