I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1664: The party has started

"I'll go, are you kidding me?"

At this time, Yang Shulin asked unclearly, "Did you really choose to be a soldier?"

"That's natural." Yu Sheng said with a smile.


After Yang Shulin heard these words, Yang Shulin felt a little unbelievable. For a while, he didn't know what to say.

"Lao Yu, didn't you graduate from Beijing University?"

"At that time, our class was just like you who went to high school for a year, went straight to college, and was also admitted to Beijing University. Why did you graduate from Beijing University, why did you go to serve as a soldier?"

"Isn't this overkill?"


This was admitted to Beijing University, and suddenly ran to serve as a soldier. Who was this changed to, and who didn't find it inexplicable? This is a complete mess...

It's overkill.

You are a top student of Beijing University.

A top student of Beijing University, you told me that you ran to serve as a soldier. Isn't this a nonsense?

Rao Yang Shulin was a little dumbfounded.

Generally speaking, similar to those who graduated from this kind of school, after graduation, they are basically asked to leave.

Similar to this kind of top school, many places are willing to ask for this kind of talents, and they have great opportunities for development, and they are now Aren...

It's just that there are great opportunities for development, which does not mean that they can reach the sky in one step.

When it comes to society, this academic qualification is just a stepping stone to make people look at you differently. If you really want to talk about it, you still have to be mixed in society.

In many cases, the so-called academic qualifications are just to teach you the principles of being a human being, so that you have more knowledge, have a wider exposure to the world, and let you know more principles. In the real society, the academic qualifications are actually just A stepping stone, when you work, all you have to learn again.

Because, what you have learned, basically the role of existence is not very big.

"Hehe, I just like it." Yu Sheng smiled and said: "It's not bad to be a soldier, at least it can protect your family and your country."

"You kid, it's really..."

Rao Yang Shulin also became slightly speechless, and didn't know how to describe the rest of his life for a while. This guy is really amazing.

However, Yang Shulin didn't say much.

After all, everyone has everyone's ideas.

At this time, Yang Shulin looked at Yu Sheng, smiled and said, "Go, let's go over there and chat."

At this time, Tang Yun came over and said with a smile: "Yang Shulin, I didn't expect you to be here too, what a coincidence."

"Hehe." Yang Shulin smiled when he saw it, and said, "What a coincidence."

"Since you are here, then you can go and sit in the house." Tang Yun thought for a while, and said, "Wait for a while when everyone is gathered, let's go to the restaurant together."

Yang Shulin nodded slightly and said casually: "Okay."

"Lao Yu, go, let's go in."


For the rest of his life, he was not polite, and then stepped into the room.

Soon, they came to this rest area. After they came here, someone saw Yu Sheng and Yang Yang Shulin, especially after these people saw Yu Sheng and Yang Shulin, it made these people all When the eyes lighted up, these people suddenly smiled.

"The rest of my life, Yang Shulin."

"Haha, it's good for everyone to come in." Yang Shulin laughed and said, "I haven't seen everyone for a long time."

"Yeah, I really want to talk about it, our classmates, but we haven't seen each other for several years."

"However, it's fate that we can get together now."

For a while, everyone present showed a little smile, and you talked with each other.

At this time, someone looked at Yu Sheng and immediately asked: "Yu Sheng, you were the most dazzling star in our class at that time."

"Yeah, after only one year, I finished all the high school courses by myself. The most important thing is that your kid was admitted to a prestigious university like Beijing University, which is really amazing."

"Who said no?" At this time, another person couldn't help but admired and said: "I was admitted to Beijing University in such a short time, it is a talent."

"For the rest of my life, where are you taller now?"


Yu Sheng saw that all the people present were you and I were talking, Yu Sheng also smiled, Yu Sheng calmly said: "I am now serving as a soldier in the army."

"As a soldier?"

After the people present heard this sentence, the people present couldn’t help but blinked. All the people present were stunned looking at the rest of their lives in front of them, and they never expected it. They were even a little dumbfounded when they were serving as soldiers.

what's the situation?

Why did he choose to be a soldier for the rest of his life? what 's wrong?

"Yu Sheng, don't you? Did you really choose to be a soldier?"

"Yes, Yu Sheng, didn't you graduated from Beijing University? You are a high-achieving student who went to serve as a soldier. Isn't that inappropriate?"

"Or, your kid is an officer?"

After graduating from Beijing University, it is still possible to become an officer.

When Yu Sheng heard the words, he smiled, and said casually: "I'm just an ordinary soldier."

Yu Sheng did not say the words special forces. After all, his identity needs to be kept secret. If too many people know his secrets, it will not be of any benefit to him.

Maybe it will cause him great trouble.

So for the rest of my life, I'll make a long story short.

It wasn't as specific as it was said, just to be a soldier.

Everyone felt a little regretful when they heard this. Some people couldn't help but say: "You are a soldier, for the rest of your life, you are really too awkward~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Just like you, you can enter a big company casually. You can display your talents, but I didn't expect you to go to serve as a soldier. It's really a shame."

"Yeah...your life shouldn't be in the army, it should be outside, even if you are a scientist, why do you have to be a soldier?"

"Furthermore, how hard it is to be a soldier, how tired it is, and I have to train every day."

"Who said no..."

The people present spoke with each other, but Yu Sheng did not show any dissatisfaction with these people's comments.

In this world, it's not that you have to do what kind of work you are studying. There are too many jobs in this world, too much.

No matter what you do, as long as you can make some doorways in this line, then you are the strongest.

So, no matter what you do, it's basically the same.

The most important thing is whether you can continue in this line.

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