I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1672: Tit for tat

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"Tianhai Group is a well-known group in Beijing. They sell a variety of products! There are many, many businesses. Many people want to step into the circle of Tianhai Group this year. However, many people did not enter, because The selection of Tianhai Group is extremely strict. As long as people from famous schools, but also capable people, other people who play soy sauce can hardly get in, even if they get in, they are easy to be kicked out."

"Unexpectedly, the squad leader Tang was in Tianhai Group, and the future is really limitless."

"so smart?"

"That's natural. Tianhai Group can be ranked in the top 30 in this entire capital. You must know that this place is the capital. The top 30 means that it is not an ordinary group."

After the people present heard these words, the people present couldn’t help but took a breath. The people present all looked at Tang Yun in shock, and they didn’t expect Tang Yun. This guy is so powerful.

"Haha." Tang Yun smiled and said casually: "It's not that exaggerated, it's just an ordinary company. If you want to go, you can also."

However, when he said this, Tang Yun was secretly proud.

Being touted by so many people, he naturally felt a sense of airiness. At this moment, Tang Yun looked towards Yu Sheng again, and Tang Yun smiled coldly.

For the rest of his life, he was just a soldier, and basically had no future at all.

So when Tang Yun looked towards Yu Sheng, there was a touch of ridicule.

Yu Sheng was also aware of it, but Yu Sheng ignored Tang Yun and continued to talk with Yang Shulin. The people present, Yu Sheng did not have many good friends, he only had a good relationship with Yang Shulin. This party itself did not want to come. Yes, if Yang Shulin hadn't come here, he wouldn't have come to this place.

In fact, his main purpose was to meet Yang Shulin.

"For the rest of my life, I don't know where you are now?"

Following Tang Yun's words, everyone present was attracted by Yu Sheng. Before Yu Sheng said that he was a soldier, everyone present was full of curiosity.

For the rest of my life, I really won’t be a soldier, right?

Although it is not bad to be a soldier, many people are unwilling to be a soldier, because it is too hard to be a soldier. Moreover, after a few years as a soldier, he retired, and it doesn’t seem to be too great. Meaning.

Some of them have graduated from some prestigious schools, so they naturally want to find a good job, earn more money, and enjoy life.

However, as a soldier, there is no such enjoyment.

Yu Sheng had said it before, but at this moment Tang Yun asked again. Obviously, Tang Yun was looking for fault on purpose.

After Yang Shulin noticed this scene, Yang Shulin's face was a little unpleasant. Yang Shulin just wanted to say something, but was held back by Yu Sheng.

The rest of my life at this time hehe smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's just that I am now a soldier."

"Are you really going to be a soldier?"

After the people present heard this, they couldn't help looking at Yu Sheng, and many of them sighed deeply.

"It's really a pity. It's really a violent thing to be a soldier with such an education."

"Yeah...what's so good about being a soldier, so tired, and I can't go home several times a year, it's really boring."

"Yeah, it's boring to be a soldier, but... didn't you graduate from Beijing University for the rest of your life? If you graduate from such a school to be a soldier, you really miss the qualifications."

"Who knows what he thinks."

"Hey, the future is ruined, I am afraid there is no future."

Many people shook their heads secretly. Obviously, those present were a little confused about why they chose to be a soldier for the rest of their lives.

After all, for the rest of his life, he was born in the top university in China. This kind of education is needed no matter where he goes to.

And everyone is very welcome.

But he chose to be a soldier.

If they were replaced by them, they wouldn't have such great courage.

Lin Qingya couldn't help but look at Yu Sheng, which surprised Lin Qingya, but she didn't expect that Yu Sheng really chose to serve as a soldier.

But why did he choose to be a soldier? Even if you start your own business, I am afraid it is much better than being a soldier, right?

Lin Qingya looked at the rest of her life in front of her curiously, full of doubts.

"Yu Sheng, you have such a good education, why did you choose to be a soldier?" Someone couldn't help but ask: "You are a soldier, right? In this way, your academic qualifications are not in vain. "

When Yu Sheng heard this, he laughed blankly, and said casually: "Education is not for nothing, do you go to school? Naturally, it is to understand etiquette and reason."

"I feel nothing wrong with being a soldier, and I feel quite comfortable."

The words of Yu Sheng caused all the people present to sigh slightly. Many people shook their heads secretly, and then did not continue to talk to Yu Sheng. The people present spoke to Tang Yun. Obviously, there were many people around. They all started to feel flattering, and they all wanted to have a good relationship with Tang Yun.

After all, Tang Yun was the manager of the group. In the future, he might be able to use this relationship. Therefore, everyone present said nothing.

At this time, someone couldn't help but ask: "Lin Lin, I have graduated, do you have a partner?"

"Yeah, Colonel Lin, it's been so long, and I haven't seen you announce your significant other. Are you still keeping it secret?"

The people present all laughed, they looked straight at Lin Qingya in front of them, and asked curiously.

As these words were uttered, Lin Qingya also smiled~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Qingya said, "Not yet."

"Wow, it's been such a long time. Do you still have no match for Lin Lin?"

"It's really a pity. According to the truth, you are so beautiful. I'm afraid there is a street to chase you, right?"

"Yeah... Isn't it possible that no one can chase you so beautiful?"

"Let me say, I think the fat water does not flow into the field of outsiders. I think Tang Yun is good. He has such an achievement at a young grade. Moreover, it is very generous and hurts people."

"Ha ha……"

"That's right, I feel that our class leader Tang and Lin Lin are just like a natural pair, they can be described as a talented girl."

"College Lin, squad leader Tang, I want us to say that you two are single, it's not as good as you two get together. I think it's pretty good."

As these words were uttered, Tang Yun showed a slight smile on his face. This is what he wanted. In fact, he also liked Lin Qingya in his heart, but he broke contact afterwards and now sees Lin Qingya. Tang Yun liked it even more, because Lin Qingya was so beautiful.

"Even if it is him, he is very heartbroken. If Lin Qingya can be his girlfriend, it is not bad."

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