I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1683: Return of Wulong God


"It can not be?"

"You don't know if you check it." Someone started.

As soon as this sentence was spoken, someone couldn't help but check it out. Following this person's check, someone couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath, and said in shock, "It's really... It really is... looks exactly the same, is this person really a vice-colleague of Beijing University?"

"And this person is said to be the youngest deputy school of Beijing University in these years and the most beautiful deputy school of Beijing University."

"Unexpectedly, such a young girl turned out to be the deputy school of Beijing University. This...this is really..."

For a while, everyone present was full of shock and incredible.

Because Wu Zeqing is too young, and the young is a bit outrageous.

How old is Wu Zeqing, he is the deputy school of Beijing University, and there are still administrative positions. Similar to this, it is basically impossible to become a deputy school at this age. You can become a deputy school at the age of forty. Even if it is quite good, let alone Wu Zeqing's age.

For a while, everyone present was full of amazement, and those present looked at Wu Zeqing who had left with envy, which made everyone present with unspeakable envy.

"Hey... I didn't expect it. Among our classmates, Yu Sheng is the most hidden boss. It's really a mistake."

"Yes... Yu Sheng is a guy who studies so well, how could he not have any other skills? Hey, he is really a legendary winner in life."

"Who said no, it's really amazing..."

Suddenly, the people present were all envious, and they all knew that similar to the Vice-Chancellor of Beijing University, not everyone can control it.

Even if they gave Wu Zeqing to them, they wouldn't dare to be Wu Zeqing's boyfriend or husband, even though this was a honourable thing.


They all knew very well in their hearts that even if they were given to a girl like Wu Zeqing, they would be a little bit resistant, because they knew that their strength was not as good as others. To put it bluntly, it was an inferiority complex.

Girls like strong people and people who are better than themselves, and likewise, boys also like girls who are worse than themselves. This is the situation between men and women.

Although Yu Sheng has shown so much, they still know Yu Sheng very well, but only the tip of the iceberg that has been revealed is beyond their reach.

At this time, another sigh resounded.

The person who made this sigh was Lin Qingya.

Lin Qingya's complexion was extremely complicated, and she didn't expect that things would turn out to be like this, he actually had a fiancée...

She herself thought that she might be able to chase after her for the rest of her life, perhaps two people are a more suitable pair, but she never expected... things would turn out to be what they are now.

For the rest of her life, there was a fiancée, and his fiancée was still so good, which made Lin Qingya even want to compete, but she didn't have the thought of competition.

Because, no matter where it is, she is not as good as Wu Zeqing in front of her. The gap between the two is really too big, even worse.

When Wu Zeqing stood in front of her, she felt a deep sense of inferiority.

One can imagine how big Wu Zeqing's aura is.

Lin Qingya was silent for a while, and then Lin Qingya also left here, because he also felt that there was no need to be here...


at the same time!

Yu Sheng followed Wu Zeqing in one direction. At this time, Wu Zeqing was driving the vehicle, and the direction she rushed was the direction of Wu Zeqing's house.

At this time, Wu Zeqing smiled softly: "Is the stomach uncomfortable?"

"It's okay."

Yu Sheng smiled and said, "Such a little wine is nothing."

There was nothing wrong with Yu Sheng's body. Although he had drunk a lot of white wine,... after these white wine entered his body, it was directly excreted.

In other words, the alcohol will not cause any harm to him at all. As for the stomach injury, it is even more impossible, because it is directly eliminated by the poisonous herb gene when it arrives in the stomach.

Therefore, there is no problem in Yu Sheng's stomach at all.

"It's not uncomfortable."

At this time, Wu Zeqing smiled softly and said: "My dad is back, let's go see him together, he seems to have something to tell you."


When Yu Sheng heard this, Wei Wei was a little surprised. Obviously, Yu Sheng didn't expect the Wulong God to return so soon. This is a bit surprised for Yu Sheng.

Didn’t you say you have to wait for tomorrow to come back?

What's happening here?

However, Yu Sheng didn't think much about it. At this time, Yu Sheng followed Wu Zeqing to Wulongshen's house. For the rest of his life, he was already familiar with the road.

At this moment, Yu Sheng almost regarded this place as his own home.

As for the people around after seeing Yu Sheng, they didn't say anything or even intercepted ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because everyone knew that Yu Sheng was the son-in-law of Wulong God.

Yu Sheng entered the villa in a light car, and after Yu Sheng entered, at this moment, the room was brightly lit, and there was a middle-aged man sitting on the sofa. This man was not angry and prestigious.

This person is a martial dragon god.

After Yu Sheng came here, he also sat down casually, while Wu Zeqing sat beside Yu Sheng. God Wulong glanced at Yu Sheng before slowly saying: "Boy, you are here."

"Uncle Wu." Yu Sheng nodded and said, "Why did you come back so soon? Didn't you say tomorrow?"

"Hehe." Wulong God heard the words, smiled, and said casually: "Isn't this in a hurry?"

"I heard you got the tech ball?"


Yu Sheng nodded slightly and said, "Now the science and technology ball is in the hands of the three little yuan kings."


Wu Long Shen said in admiration: "I didn't expect that you can actually do the technology ball, but it made me a little bit unexpected."

Yu Sheng suddenly said, "Uncle Wu, how is the situation over there now?"

"The situation is complicated and chaotic."

God Wulong took a deep breath and said in a condensed voice: "I didn't expect that the guy on Haier Island would kill so many special forces. This is something I didn't expect."

"But according to the news, that guy also got alien technology. What is going on?"

When talking about this, Wu Long Shen looked at Yu Sheng again and asked inexplicably.

When Yu Sheng heard the words, he nodded slightly, and then slowly said: "The alien technology they got is something that aliens deliberately placed outside. This technology ball was obtained by accident, so I guess , The technology ball I got is the most precious thing."

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