I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1693: Really go to a movie

Fan Tianlei paused, and said, "You have to do this. Even if the whole world knows you, you have to do it."

Fan Tianlei's words made Yu Sheng a little confused. Yu Sheng looked at Fan Tianlei dumbfounded. At this moment, Yu Sheng didn't know what to say about Fan Tianlei.

What does it mean? What does it mean that I have to do it even if people all over the world know me? As the chief of staff of Langya, Fan Tianlei shouldn't know what the consequences would be if he went there.

But Fan Tianlei still let himself go...

For a while, even the rest of my life is frowning. There must be other things in it. As for what it is, I won’t know for the rest of my life...

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice, "Chief of Staff, has something happened?"

Fan Tianlei paused slightly and said, "In fact, the country wants to create a special force's star effect. Obviously, you have been selected. I also think it is most appropriate if you go."


Yu Sheng was a little dumbfounded, and asked inconceivably: "Why does the country do this?"

"I don't know." Fan Tianlei shook his head slightly, and said: "However, this is a good thing for you for the rest of your life. Maybe there will be many people watching you in secret, but don't be afraid. You are in China now. As long as you are in China, no one can do anything to you."

"And you are regarded as the star of the special forces, the country will inevitably tilt towards you in this resource."

When talking about this, Fan Tianlei paused again: "This is also your opportunity."

"You may not know that every country’s top masters, each country actually has a list of them. Maybe you think it might not be a good thing to leak your appearance, but in fact, your photos are already It has been leaked out, after all, our confidentiality is not so strong yet."

"As long as people who have met you can basically leak you out."

"So... to some extent, you have been leaked, and now many people know your face."

The reason why the country chose you is also because you have built a ninth-generation fighter. With your knowledge, education, and some things you have done, you are very suitable to be this special forces star.

"So, this time I will let you play a movie."

After Yu Sheng heard this, Wei Wei was a little speechless.

For the rest of my life, I never expected that there would be such a thing, but if I really want to say this, it seems that he is really the most suitable...

At this time, Fan Tianlei continued to speak: "The country also wants to make you an almighty special force. In the future, you will perform tasks as well..."


When talking about this, Fan Tianlei's complexion became extremely solemn, Fan Tianlei took a deep breath, and said in a condensed voice: "For the rest of your life, you should know that there is a realm in our country, which is supreme."


After Yu Sheng heard this sentence, Yu Sheng's expression became a bit solemn.

"You mean..."


Fan Tianlei said: "If you want to break through to that realm, people from all over the world have to kill you. If you want to achieve that realm, achieve that position..."

"Actually, they all crawled out of the corpse mountain..."

"Furthermore... they are all masters from all over the world. They all fight together a little bit, so..."

"If you want to reach that point, you must let some people in the world kill you, and then you can go to the last step little by little."

When talking about this, Yu Sheng's complexion also condensed slightly. Yu Sheng didn't expect that it would be so difficult for Yu Sheng to get there...

But I understood it at a very young age.

In this ancient times, a general actually came out with such a little bit of fighting. When they became a general, they were already successful. Many times... I don’t know how many people will die to make a generation. Celebrities.

Behind this matter, the blood and bones of Shishan were actually laid out.

After Yu Sheng heard these words, he took a deep breath and slowly said: "I see. Okay, I'll go."

Yu Sheng agreed, because he had the system, it was impossible to become an ordinary soldier **** step by step, he must try to hit the highest realm.

It's just that this highest state is not so easy to kill.

But the rest of his life is not afraid, it is not so easy to kill, he will take his time.

not to mention……

In itself, many people know him, his face cannot be hidden, and it does not matter if many people know him, and... even with him as the chief engineer of the ninth-generation fighter, he estimates that many people already Now you know? I really want to know this kind of thing. You can't hide it.

So he can only face these people, these things.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng took a deep breath.


Fan Tianlei smiled and said: "Boy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You are still young and have great potential. I don't know where you will be in your future achievements."

"Boy, how far you can go depends on your own good fortune. We can **** you, but we can keep it for a while, but not a lifetime."

"So, your kid will also pay attention to it in the future."

After Yu Sheng heard Fan Tianlei's words, Yu Sheng nodded solemnly. Yu Sheng spoke on the phone and said, "Chief, don't worry."

"Ah, very good."

Fan Tianlei smiled and said, "I thought your kid wouldn't agree."

After hearing this for the rest of my life, I was a little bit dumbfounded. You always said that this one is on, can I still not agree? If I don’t agree, what will it look like...

Yu Sheng took a deep breath and said, "Chief of Staff, if I'm participating in a movie, who should I go to?"

"There are people in the southeast military region in the capital. At that time, there will be a big director named Chen Shiguo. He is not very famous, but they are our own."

"There is no need to worry about the unspoken rules when he is there."

"If there is any violation of law or discipline, you can also tell him and let him solve it."

When Yu Sheng heard the news, it was a bit surprised for Yu Sheng, Fan Tianlei said so... Obviously, what Chen Shiguo is, this is the country's name...

To put it bluntly, it means to let Chen Shiguo also manage the external situation.

After all, your circle is too messy now.

In this way, it is also a good thing.

Yu Sheng said: "Good chief of staff, I will go to him now, but what is his phone number."

"His phone number is 188..."

Subsequently, Fan Tianlei gave the call to Yu Sheng. After Yu Sheng remembered the call, he hung up with Fan Tianlei.

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