I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1696: arrival

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng moved his heart.

"Try singing a song?"

When Yu Sheng thought of this, Yu Sheng simply sang that unity is strength.

When Yu Sheng finished singing this song, even Yu Sheng was full of surprise, because Yu Sheng discovered that when he sang this song, he felt that he sang the same as the original song.

Majestic and powerful.

Even for the rest of his life, he couldn't help but take a breath.


Yu Sheng discovered that as long as he used the skill of reverberation around the beam, he felt like a different person. Such a scene, even Yu Sheng, was shocked beyond words.

I have to say that this song is indeed very powerful, even for the rest of my life, I was surprised.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath, his eyes became more solemn, and he thought to himself: "One day, if you let yourself be an undercover agent, it will be difficult to be recognized by the enemy, right?"

"I was born to be an undercover agent..."

For a time, the rest of my life is also a little bit beautiful.

After a while.

For the rest of his life, he arrived at a place, this place was a big building, and the office building was very tall.

When Yu Sheng saw the name of this building, Yu Sheng was shocked.

"This is……"

"Shengshi Entertainment Co., Ltd.?"

For the rest of his life, he was a little surprised.

To be honest, this Shengshi Entertainment Co., Ltd. is not simple, because this company is very powerful, especially in the entertainment industry, it is even more terrifying.

Because in the past few years, Shengshi Entertainment Co., Ltd. has produced countless classic works, and under their banner, there are many artists. These artists have actors and actresses.

These people are all created by Shengshi Entertainment Co., Ltd.

Generally speaking.

Nowadays, many celebrities have opened a studio. The main purpose of opening a studio is to make yourself more free.

Of course, to some extent, the purpose of reasonable tax avoidance can also be achieved.

So this is also a trend.


People who joined Shengshi Entertainment Co., Ltd. did not leave this company.

Including these actor and actress, they also did not leave.

Shengshi Entertainment Co., Ltd. is also very grand. They give these stars a high share, and secondly... they also provide some guarantees to these stars.

Of course, these things provided are definitely not as good as doing it alone.


They did not leave.

As for why he didn't leave, it is unknown.

However, over the years, Shengshi Entertainment Co., Ltd. has indeed been thriving. He has also heard of this company because his father had dealt with the boss of this company.

Of course, although Shengshi Entertainment occupies half of the entertainment industry, but...

This does not mean that they are equally strong in other places.

Therefore, the power of Shengshi Entertainment is only in the entertainment industry.

Yu Sheng did not expect that this Chen Shiguo turned out to be a member of Shengshi Entertainment, and Yu Sheng could not help but be a little surprised.

Yu Sheng didn't think much about it. Yu Sheng looked at the building, and then parked the car in front of the building. There was a parking space in front of the building.

Of course, if it is not for the employees of the building, it is not allowed to drive in.

As for why Yu Sheng could come in, it was also because Yu Sheng's car was extremely valuable, and Yu Sheng said that he came to find someone, so the guard did not intercept it.

If it is replaced by an ordinary car, it will inevitably register for a while.

Of course.

It can also be seen that the security guard is still very insightful.

After getting out of the car for the rest of his life, stepping on his feet, he walked toward the building with his head held up.

For the rest of his life, he entered the building very quickly. For the rest of his life, he looked extremely energetic, and he was straighter than the body for the rest of his life, which seemed incompatible with the staff here.

Yu Sheng still looked pretty good, so after Yu Sheng came in, it naturally attracted the attention of some people, but everyone just looked at the handsome guy.

At this moment, Yu Sheng frowned, Yu Sheng murmured: "This Chen Shiguo seems to be on the ninth floor."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng stepped forward and walked towards the elevator door.

This building is owned by Shengshi Entertainment, so every floor of this building has its own department, and these people will work on every floor.

The rest of his life soon entered the ninth floor.

When I entered the elevator for the rest of my life, there was a young lady in the elevator at this moment.

This young lady is wearing a black short skirt, a pair of black high heels, black silk, a small black suit, and proper professional attire.

Some flaxen yellow hair fell away, and the young lady held the document in both hands. She couldn't help but look at Yu Sheng in front of her. I don't know why, there was an inexplicable breath in Yu Sheng's body.

That breath is very attractive.

Even this girl was attracted to the rest of her life~www.wuxiaspot.com~ To be honest, this girl looks very good, at least eighty-five points the same, if it is put in the school, it is appropriate School flowers.

Yu Sheng also noticed that the girl was looking at him closely, but Yu Sheng didn't pay much attention to it.

Yu Sheng looked calm and looked straight ahead.

At this time, the girl couldn't help but said, "Little brother, can you give you a prestige?"

Yu Sheng was taken aback by the girl's words. Yu Sheng smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I don't play prestige."


When the girl heard this, she couldn't help but froze. Obviously, the girl didn't expect that there are still people who don't play prestige these days? Even the girl can't help but feel a little surprised.

"Can you give me your phone number?" The girl couldn't help but said.

In fact, girls will express themselves when they see what they like.

The reason why the girl doesn't express it is because he doesn't like you enough.

Everyone is like this.

If you really like this person, then you will express it.

The reason why I didn't express it was because I didn't like it enough.

After hearing this for the rest of her life, Wei Wei was also a little speechless. This little girl is enough. Is she so charming? She has to have her mobile phone number...

For the rest of my life, I didn't know what to say.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath.

"Sorry, I never use a cell phone."


For a while, the girl looked dumbfounded at the rest of her life, even the girl didn't know what to say.

What are these words?

Not using a mobile phone? There are still people who don’t use mobile phones these days? What's this kidding?


Didn’t it mean that women chase men’s compartment yarn?

Where is the interlayer yarn here? This is a mountain that is separated from each other...

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