Now he is facing a huge problem.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath, he looked at the scene in front of him, his complexion became a little dignified, and Yu Sheng pondered.

"Are you going to dispose of it here? But once you use the equipment here, you will inevitably be discovered by the people around you. Once discovered by the people around you, it will be very troublesome, and you won't be able to go if you want to go."

Even for the rest of his life, it is unavoidable to have some headaches.

Thought for a while.

The rest of my life suddenly thought: "Can I eat it?"

If anyone knew about Yu Sheng's idea, he would definitely curse Yu Sheng as crazy.

What international joke?


Nima, this is a virus, a virus, your uncle, do you want to eat the virus? Is this a joke? Can the virus be eaten casually?

Do you think this stuff is food, eat whatever you want?

However, Yu Sheng had other ideas.

You must know that he has the gene for taking poison in his body. This virus is also a kind of poison. His body can already purify all poisons. Almost every kind of virus does not work on him. He can be said to have A veritable body that is inviolable.

However, Yu Sheng hesitated again. He didn't know whether the prehistoric virus in his hand would cause damage to his body. After all, this thing is a prehistoric virus. No one knows how powerful the prehistoric virus is. For the rest of my life, I can't help but worry a little bit.

"It's really troublesome."

Yu Sheng frowned and began to think.

"System, if I eat this virus, will it cause harm to my body?" For a moment, Yu Sheng thought of the system and immediately asked.

The system responded faintly: "No."


When Yu Sheng heard this sentence, it was a bright spot for Yu Sheng, but Yu Sheng did not expect that such a thing would happen...Will it bring harm to your body?

This is a good thing.

"Could it be that the genes of a century-old poisonous herb have been purified?"

"However, no matter what the result is, you can give it a try."

After all, the system has said that it will not bring harm to one's own body, that is to say, this virus will not endanger one's life.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng's eyes lit up, and immediately, Yu Sheng looked at this thing, and then Yu Sheng opened the virus container and poured it into his mouth.

He ate the virus in his hand for the rest of his life.

After the rest of his life had eaten the virus, he didn’t feel anything for the rest of his life. For the rest of his life, he didn’t feel much. After he hesitated, he looked at the rest of the viruses again. There was no extra nonsense for the rest of his life. Also swallow them all.

If someone sees this scene in front of them, they will inevitably exclaim.

These are all viruses. These viruses are extremely dangerous and very contagious. Once they become infected, they will be very troublesome, and the whole world will fall into a huge and difficult situation.


This virus was eaten for the rest of my life, shit, is this damned? Can the virus be eaten casually? People all over the world, when they see this kind of thing, I am afraid they will hide far away. Who would eat the virus here in their spare time?


Just then.

Yu Sheng suddenly noticed that the blood in his body began to boil, and then, suddenly there was a kind of understanding in Yu Sheng's mind.

"This is……"

"The blood of the mythical beast, the second form, absolute defense?"

When Yu Sheng noticed this scene, even Yu Sheng's eyes widened, showing a slightly surprised look.

For the rest of my life, I never expected that there would be such a thing as a **** thing, is this a joke?

Under such circumstances, I actually realized the second form of the blood of the Ten Thousand Years Black Tortoise Beast. Is this funny?


In the next second, Yu Sheng realized that the poisonous weed genes in her body had also emerged, and the poisonous weed genes were madly absorbing these viruses. After these viruses met the cells in Yu Sheng's body, it was as if a little sheep met a big bad wolf. , Damn...

These viruses inexplicably become the nourishment for the rest of their lives.


It becomes the nourishment for the rest of the cell.

These cells seem to have a full meal, and even... send a message to Yu Sheng, that is, I hope to have more and eat more...

The cells in your body for the rest of your life are as if you haven't eaten anything for ten thousand years.

Such a scene made the rest of his life sluggish on the spot.

Your uncle, this **** thing is a virus, there are many kinds of viruses in it, but the cells in the body for the rest of his life are not satisfied, and even want to eat it.

Is this **** still a cell?

How do you feel that these cells are more excited than himself?

Rao is a bit speechless for the rest of his life.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath and saw the cells in his body conveying news to himself. Yu Sheng was relieved, and Yu Sheng quickly ate the virus here.

After these viruses were eaten by Yu Sheng, they replicated quickly, but before they could replicate, they were all killed by the cells in Yu Sheng.

At this moment, the cells in Yusheng’s body don’t seem to be very enjoyable, so I simply let the viruses in the body replicate for the rest of my life. These viruses replicate very fast. When the rest of my life is about to grow, the cells around the rest of my life will be full of brains. Rush up and kill them all.


For the rest of his life, the cells in the body have learned the tactics of raising pigs. They all know that there are too few viruses that have just been obtained, and it is not very enjoyable at this Simply let these viruses in the rest of your life. When it was about to replicate, they swarmed and had a full meal.

Therefore, the cells in Yu Sheng's body were extremely excited, which caused Yu Sheng's blood to be boiled, and Yu Sheng was a little stunned when he noticed this scene behind the scenes.

For the rest of my life, I never expected that such a thing would happen.

Your own cells, are they **** human cells? How do you feel that his cells have already mutated? But it is right to think about it. He has eaten so much blood of the beast, and if this virus can still cause him harm, then the blood of the beast in his body will be blind and a little bit nonsense.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng was also extremely excited. For the rest of his life, it took only five minutes to eat all the viruses stored here.

After Yu Sheng finished eating, Yu Sheng felt that his body did not feel any discomfort. On the contrary, Yu Sheng still felt that his body seemed to have changed a little.

That kind of change seems to come from a change in cell activity, as if those foreign things entering the body will be treated as hostile targets by these cells.

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