Yu Sheng took out the vest and took a closer look at the vest. Yu Sheng saw that the vest looked soft and didn't know what material it was made of. Yu Sheng vaguely felt that this vest might not be too simple. After Yu Sheng noticed this, Yu Sheng also took a deep breath and decided to wear this vest.

According to his guess, he can just wear this vest.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng quickly put it on. After all, if this thing is carried directly, it is not easy to take it out. People outside may also check it. Once they find it, they are bound to obstruct him. I'm afraid it will be difficult to leave.

After Yu Sheng got everything done, Yu Sheng set his sights on the professor. The professor looked at Yu Sheng, and for a while, the professor's face was a little scared.

"Let me go, please let me go, I am a professor here."

"Ha ha……"

After Yu Sheng heard the words, he smiled, and said, "Let you go? Okay."

Following Yu Sheng's words, the professor seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, but in the next second...


Yu Sheng came to the professor in an instant, and then, squeezed the professor's neck, the professor's eyes widened, and he looked at Yu Sheng suddenly. For a moment, the professor's eyes were filled with spite.

Until his death, the professor didn't want to understand. Yu Sheng clearly said that he would let him go, but why would he still shoot himself?

This guy...is not keeping promises.

Yu Sheng glanced at the dead professor, Yu Sheng sneered, and said coldly: "You just wanted to kill me. If you just let you go, wouldn't it be an enemy for me."

"not to mention……"

"You are laboratory scientists, you guys, don't serve the society well, study these biological weapons every day, if you don't die, people outside will have to die."

"So, you should die first."

The rest of my life thought well.

He didn't even intend to let the person in front of him go, let alone these people are professors in the laboratory, they all have extraordinary methods.

Moreover, their knowledge is extremely terrifying. Once a virus with a very contagious and extremely high fatality rate is developed, it will be a huge disaster for the entire world.

It is more appropriate to kill such people, lest they stay in this world and endanger the world.

After solving this guy, Yu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief. He checked the time. He must leave here as soon as possible. After all, he has been inside for long enough. If anyone notices this, it will definitely cause an uproar. , So it’s better to leave here as soon as possible.


When Yu Sheng thought of this, Yu Sheng glanced around, and then the corner of Yu Sheng's mouth picked up. At this moment, Yu Sheng came to the laboratory and quickly merged several materials together. Then Yu Sheng placed these materials in some places.

After setting everything up, Yu Sheng left here and walked outside.

When Yu Sheng went out, Yu Sheng carefully opened the door. Yu Sheng took his steps and walked out calmly. After Yu Sheng came outside, Yu Sheng saw the patrol outside.

They looked at Yu Sheng, but didn't say much, letting Yu Sheng walk out of here.

After Yu Sheng left here, he immediately walked in one direction. After getting further and further away from the Handebao laboratory, Yu Sheng quickly found Long Xiaoyun.

"Let's go quickly and get out of here."

Following Yu Sheng's order, he immediately left here with Long Xiaoyun quickly, and fleeed towards the distance.


After an hour.

Suddenly thick smoke rose up in this Handebao laboratory. The smoke was very thick. Obviously, the Handebao laboratory was on fire.

The sudden situation also made other people aware of it, and for a while, all of Handebao's people were shocked.

They hurriedly fire...

At the same time, they are extremely fearful.

To know.

There are countless viruses in this fire, and no one knows whether these viruses have been damaged. If these viruses have been damaged and the fire has not eliminated these viruses, once they are missed, then...

It is very likely to cause a huge disaster.

They are also afraid of disasters, because they don't have an antidote. Once this thing spreads, it will be very, very troublesome.

Therefore, they are also extremely fearful.

All of a sudden, they were all fighting the fire madly...


When they saw the stored viruses, all of them were shocked for a while, because they saw them one after another. All of these viruses were empty. There were even some bottles and cans next to them. Time, all people are terrified.

The entire Handbag laboratory was completely messed up, and all those who entered the Handbag laboratory were controlled. Obviously, some people are also afraid that the virus will spread out. If you say, the virus It spread out, and it was a disaster for the whole world.

Moreover, they don’t have any protection. Although they are researching viruses, but... this does not mean that they are not afraid of these viruses. After all, people are afraid of death. If they get these diseases, they all have to play. It's over...


However, the perpetrator of this incident quickly left this ghost place. No one knows who did it. The investigation by the Handebao laboratory found that it was Professor Ghosn who did it. Professor Ghosn was quickly under control~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As for Yu Sheng and Long Xiaoyun, they left here long ago.

When the two people left here and arrived at a place, they both breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, Long Xiaoyun couldn't help looking at Yu Sheng, and hurriedly asked: "How are things going? ?"

"It has been resolved." Yu Sheng said immediately: "I didn't expect that they would have got so many viruses, and these viruses are very contagious, and the fatality rate is extremely high. If these viruses leak out, it will inevitably cause a huge disaster. Fortunately, there is nothing wrong now."

"That's good, that's good." Long Xiaoyun breathed a sigh of relief and slowly said: "Then what about the information? Did you get it?"

"No." Yu Sheng shook his head slightly and said: "The situation at the time could not be copied."

"So I planted a virus on their computer and destroyed all the data in their computer. Any computer connected to another computer will be infected by the virus once it is connected to this computer, and it will be clear that they have all the information. Data." Yu Sheng said.


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