I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 177: Precision shooting

   It’s just that this tests a pilot’s calm mind and careful observation.

  If he doesn't have Earth-sensing shooting skills, even he may not be able to detect it.

   Fortunately, he passed the eighteenth place.

   To be honest, when he passed the eighteenth radar, even his mood was quite nervous.

   "They are all basic operations." Yu Sheng smiled and said: "Just look at the ground more."

   Hearing Yu Sheng's words, Zhang Qida and others all had an urge to vomit blood.

   Damn, what do you mean by the ground? Can you pass the radar by looking at the ground? Nonsense? Who doesn't know, radar can also detect things on the ground.

   eliminates some special and blind spots.

   When everyone saw Yu Sheng, they didn't say anything, and they didn't ask much.

   At this time, Yu Sheng walked towards Vic and the others slowly, Yu Sheng smiled and said: "I don't know how many people think of my performance this time?"

   For a while, Vic and others were speechless.

   The rest of my life is really great, even they can't do this kind of flying technology.

   They really can’t figure it out, how many times have they flown at such a young age for the rest of their lives? But... why is his flying skills so great?

   "Don't be smug." Vic gritted his teeth: "The next game will be a test of precision shooting. I will let you know that I am amazing."

"Ha ha."

   Hearing the words for the rest of his life, he smiled faintly: "I hope you too, don't fight like this."

   "You wait for me."

   Vic gave Yu Sheng a grim look.

   At this time, Gera also looked towards Yu Sheng, for Yu Sheng, it was also full of shock, and it felt so incredible.

   Unexpectedly, the young man in front of him actually broke the record.

   Yes, I broke the record for the rest of my life.

   In previous years, some people passed through these eighteen places, but the flight time through the eighteen places was far less than the flight time for the rest of their lives.

   It can be said that the rest of his life has completely broken the record of previous years.

   However, this person is a Chinese.

   This makes him feel so incredible.

   Gera stood on the stage, holding the microphone, and said: "This time Yu's performance is very good. He is the best pilot I have ever seen. I didn't expect that he broke the record of passing 18 radars."


When    said this, everyone present was shocked.

   "He broke the record of passing 18 radars?"

   "My God, is he a God?"

   "It's incredible, it broke the record."

   Everyone started to talk, especially the eyes that looked at Yu Sheng and others began to change.

   I am most excited about Ling Weifeng.

   Ling Weifeng also took a breath, and the shock that the rest of his life brought to him was too great.

   "This time, Yu also got a perfect score, one hundred points. Congratulations to Yu for leading the audience and becoming the person with the highest points."

   As soon as he said this, many people's eyes looked at Yu Sheng changed.

   Their eyes are full of warfare!

  Especially when I look at Yu Sheng, I have a little bit of dread.

   At the beginning, they only regarded Vic, Thomas and David as their competitors. Only then did they realize that the inconspicuous Chinese man in front of them was their true opponent.

Gera continued to speak: "Next will be the second match. This second match is precision shooting. There are a total of No. 10 targets for you to calculate. The size of each target of the No. 10 target is different. , No. 10 is the largest and No. 1 is the smallest."

   "I think you all know that when a pilot is shooting a cannon, the smaller the target, the harder it is to hit. Therefore, you will shoot with precision next."

   After hearing this, the people present all looked at Yu Sheng for a while. Obviously, the rest of his life just now was so brilliant, it was beyond imagination.

   Therefore, at this moment, they are full of war spirits for the rest of their lives.

   The strength of the rest of his life is very strong, and being strong is a bit terrifying.

  The rest of their lives has become their first goal to surpass.

   Almost everyone now regards the rest of their lives as their goal.

   "Yu, you just got full marks, this time you will carry out the first test." Guerra's eyes fell on Yu Sheng and the others, and he said.


   No nonsense for the rest of my life, loudly.

   "Very well, now, tell me, which target position do you want to choose?"

   "I choose No. 1 target position."

   Yu Sheng picked the corner of his mouth, and suddenly broke.


When Ling Weifeng heard this, Ling Weifeng's expression changed slightly. Ling Weifeng hurriedly said: "For the rest of your life, don't be impulsive. Choose target position No. 5. It is impossible to hit target position No. 1. In the competition, The plane has a minimum flight notification, at least it must be more than one hundred meters."

   Hearing this for the rest of his life, he smiled indifferently and said: "Just choose number 1."

   For this, he has full confidence.

   "Target No. 1?"

   After Gera heard the news, he stayed for a while. The size of the No. 1 target position is equivalent to the size of a washbasin.

   For the rest of my life, I want to scan the basin-sized goal!

   This is not so easy to hit.

   Moreover, there is no so-called laser aiming here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is all operated manually.

   Many times, when people are high in the sky, they may not be able to see the target on the ground. How can this be done?

"very good."

  Gera looked at Yu Sheng with great interest. He did not expect that Yu Sheng would choose the No. 1 target, which was really beyond his expectation.

   He suddenly looked forward to it.

   I don’t know if I can hit the rest of my life.

   At this time, Yu Sheng picked the corner of his mouth again, and suddenly said: "I have a question I want to ask."

   "What's the problem?" Gladao.

   "If I want to hit a target the size of a brick, I don't know if I can?" Yu Sheng suddenly said.


  As soon as I said this, everyone present was stunned. Even Vic, Thomas and others stared directly at Yu Sheng, their eyes full of weirdness.

   "What did he just say? I want to hit a big goal like a brick?"

   "Impossible, airplanes are different from manually controlled guns. The chance of hitting the bricks when the machine guns are fired on an airplane is too small." Thomas said condensedly.

   "Not bad, not to mention that this aircraft has a low altitude range. If it can hit, then he must be God."

  Gela couldn't help but stay in a daze when he heard the news.

   He didn't expect that for the rest of his life, he would make himself more difficult.

   A brick, how is this possible.

   The rest of his life smiled and said: "If you don't have slabs, you can put a palm-sized target on the ground. You can even put a steel ball."


   As soon as he said this, all the people present were sluggish on the spot.

   As for Ling Weifeng, a face twitched fiercely.


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