I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1766: Ice disaster

After the fat man threw the lighter down, he found that there was no fire.

"No, this thing doesn't have a igniter, and it's impossible to catch fire. We can't find some gasoline anywhere at this moment, right?"

The fat man saw this scene in front of him and said quickly.

"There is a way."

When Yu Sheng saw this scene before him, his expression condensed, and Yu Sheng immediately spoke quickly: "Go there and stand, the shore is relatively high."

"hurry up……"

With Yu Sheng's roar, everyone present immediately rushed towards the distance, and Yu Sheng took a deep breath when he saw the scene in front of him.


The next second, Yu Sheng roared.

Immediately afterwards, there was a rumbling voice resounding.

The sudden sound also stunned all the people present, especially Long Xiaoyun, who looked even more shocked.

"The rest of your life, be careful..."

Long Xiaoyun never expected that Yu Sheng, this guy, wanted to use an avalanche to deal with these corpses. When the avalanche buried the corpses, it would produce an extremely cold temperature. These corpses would definitely not be able to withstand this. The sudden cold breath will instantly freeze to death.

Over time, it will be frozen into ice cubes!

After Yu Sheng roared, his figure was extremely fast, and in a swish, he rushed toward Long Xiaoyun and the others like lightning.


The fat man and the shovel saw this scene before them. They were all shocked by Yu Sheng's actions. They did not expect that Yu Sheng, this guy, would be so perverted, using his own voice to cause an avalanche, and using the temperature of the avalanche to deal with it. These corpses are crappy.


In this way, the corpse was frozen to death, but even with him it might be frozen to death.

However, the next scene stunned everyone present.

"Look at his speed." Yang Xue at this moment suddenly looked towards Yu Sheng and hurriedly said.

Hu Sanyuan, Fatty and others all looked at Yu Sheng one after another, and when they saw the speed of Yu Sheng, they couldn't help taking a breath.

"So fast..."

They didn't expect that the speed of the rest of their lives would be so fast?

It's incredible.

How can there be such a fast speed? Is this impossible?

Is this guy still not a person? How could this person's speed be so fast?

"Handsome guy, handsome guy, who is this guy? Is this still a human? His speed is too fast, right?"

The fat man asked blankly.

"do not know."

Seeing the rest of his life in front of him, the handsome guy couldn't help taking a deep breath. The handsome face revealed a little dignity, and the handsome guy solemnly said: "His physical fitness is very, very good, good and a little scary."

"No wonder he can kill those people."

The handsome guy’s words made the fat man stunned, and the fat man couldn’t help but said: “Handsome, you talk more and more, it’s different from before.”

Hearing this, the handsome guy ignored the fat man.

But at this moment, Yu Sheng had already come not far from them. In the next second, Yu Sheng jumped up and jumped directly up. At this time, Yu Sheng glanced at the distance, Yu Sheng slowly said, "Okay. ,solved."

When Long Xiaoyun saw this scene, he was a little relieved. Yu Sheng's actions really frightened them, and Yu Sheng's actions were really terrible.

They have never seen anyone who acted like this, causing an avalanche. This is a joke about the safety of their lives.

Everyone looked at this scene with heavy expressions.

Hu Sanyuan sighed deeply: "It seems that this ancient tomb will be buried forever."

"Yes, it's a pity that Zhuyan beads." The fat man sighed deeply, and said helplessly, "If the Zhuyan beads were not poisonous, it would be great."

"Hey, it's a big loss this time. Antarctica and his party, we didn't get anything. It's a blood loss." Shovel felt helpless when he saw this scene before him.

"Blood loss is not enough."

The fat man suddenly smiled mysteriously, hehe said.

"What's wrong with the fat man? Are you still taking things?"

"Take some." The fat man said with a smile, "I saw that the beautiful girl had jewelry on her body before, so I took some."

Then the fat man looked at Yu Sheng and couldn't help asking: "I said, brother, this jewelry shouldn't be poisonous, right?"

The stuff was in Fatty's backpack, so Fatty didn't dare to take it out with his hands rashly. He was really afraid that this thing was poisonous.

So, I'm afraid you can't help but worry a little bit.


Yu Sheng heard the words and said slowly.

"It's good if it's not poisonous."

The fat man breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fatty, what you said is true," the shovel couldn't help asking at this time.

"of course it's true."

The fat man quickly took out the jewelry he had got, and he smiled and said, "As long as we sell this thing, we can make another money."

"This time it's not in vain."

"It's just a pity that Zhu Yan Zhu, Zhu Yan Zhu's thing is the most precious here, but who would have thought that this thing is highly poisonous..."

"Who said no."

Everyone sighed deeply, feeling helpless about it.

However, Yu Sheng had no idea about this, and Yu Sheng didn't have any good feelings about these funeral objects. He felt that this thing was not a good thing.

What good things can there be with the dead people.

Besides, Yu Sheng himself is not short of money, so he doesn't need to take these things at all, but what makes Yu Sheng regretful is the bead of beauty. This kind of thing is rare, according to Yu Sheng's guess. , This thing should also be a meteorite from outside the sky.

There is a special kind of energy in it, which affects the human body so as not to make one's body age.

It’s just that I don’t know what this thing is~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If this thing can be researched one day, it will be a boon to the whole world.

Yu Sheng looked at Long Xiaoyun and then at the people present. For the rest of his life at this moment, he said slowly, "We should go."

When Hu Sanyuan, Fatty and others saw this scene in front of them, they were immediately shocked. Fatty couldn't help but said, "I said, brother, do you plan to go back?"

"If we go back, we can go back together, and there will be some kind of help along the way."

"Yes." Hu Sanyuan nodded slightly when he heard the words, and immediately said: "If you don't go back together, there will be some kind of help. After all, this kind of place is full of danger."

When Yu Sheng heard the words, he shook his head slightly, and calmly said: "We still have a task to do, so we won't go back with you."


They still have tasks on their side, and it is impossible to follow Hu Sanyuan and the others.

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