I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 180: Autism continues

   The bullet hit the steel ball directly!

   The moment the bullet collided with the steel ball, there was even a spark!

   In such a scene, the pupils of the people present suddenly shrank.


"How can it be?"

"This is impossible……"

   Vic's eyes widened, staring straight at the scene in front of him, he even opened his mouth, his eyes full of incredible and shock.

   He really couldn't believe the scene before him.

   "Fuck... actually hit it?"

   Plateau immediately burst into foul language, staring at the scene in front of him dumbfounded, and the rest of his life's operation directly scared them stupid!

   "Is this hanging up?" Batu couldn't help rubbing his eyes, and said in shock.

   This is so ridiculous!

  The machine gun on the fighter jet hit the steel ball, but it was the **** hit? Is this guy still not a human?

   They have seen something amazing, they have never seen something so amazing.

   "At such a high distance, he can't even see where the steel ball is. How could he hit it?" Vic opened the mouth slightly moved.

   This kind of operation for the rest of his life also made him take a breath.

   "How does this guy... do it?" Even David was a little surprised.

   "Can he see that the steel ball can't make it?" Thomas couldn't help but said.

   Even Gera and others not far away took a breath.

   He has held this kind of competition for so long, and he has never heard of anyone who can use a machine gun to hit steel balls. This kind of operation is simply too sharp...

   "Report, the shooting is over, now request the fake bomb to evade." Yu Sheng said loudly.

   The rest of his life report was completed, but there was no voice from Gera. Obviously, Gera was still in a daze at the moment.

   Because, it's a bit nonsense.

  Gera is no ordinary person after all. I have seen a lot of top special forces, and soon, it is in this state to slow down.

  Gera took a deep breath and said in a condensed voice: "Fake bullet shooting."

The so-called fake bomb shooting is actually not a so-called missile. It can only be said that it is a tracking signal. After all, this is not a real battlefield. It is just a kind of competition. The risk of using missiles is too high. If you are not careful, you will die.

   So, they developed a signal tracking! As long as it comes into contact with an aircraft, the aircraft will emit blue smoke, which means that the aircraft should not be blown up.

  This method is safe and resource-saving.

  Furthermore, this fake bomb also possesses the speed and some characteristics of a missile. The only thing it doesn't is explosiveness.

   can be said to be extremely safe.

   For the rest of his life, he was flying a fighter plane in the sky, obviously waiting for something.

   At this time, Ling Weifeng, Wu Di and others all clenched their hands and stared into the sky, and at this moment they also looked excited.

  Fake bomb tracking will be carried out next!

  If the rest of my life can pass safely, then...the rest of my life will get a very impressive score.


   The fake bomb tracking this time is not so easy to pass...

   "Instructor...I heard that tracking fake bombs is very difficult." At this time, Wu Di couldn't help but say.

"Not bad." Ling Weifeng's face was solemn, and his eyes were full of worries: "Fake bomb tracking will not cause damage to the aircraft, but if the aircraft body is hit, the upper sensing device will emit smoke and smoke. This is a brand new Training method."

   "And this level is also the most difficult level facing the rest of my life."

"When evading fake bombs, at most 10 fake bombs will be fired. These ten fake bombs will completely lock the rest of your life. The first fake bomb is tracked to the rest of your life and hits, then the rest of your life will be scored zero. The second hit is 10 points, and so on."


   Waiting until everyone hears this news is also to stay.

   "Fuck, ten fake bombs? Are they fake?" Cao Mingxuan asked in shock.

   "Ten fake bombs are fired together, who can dodge it? I am afraid that the top pilot is here, and they may not be able to dodge it, right?"

   Zhang Qi was also slightly moved.

   Because these ten fake bombs attacked together, it was too fake.

  How can this kind of encirclement and suppression attack be avoided, this kind of abnormally difficult gameplay...Who can withstand this?


   When there is a real war, there will not be ten missiles attacking an aircraft together? After all, missiles are all money...unless the money is burnt.

   Although it is said that this signal does not waste any money, is it a bit overkill for practicing like this?

   "Not bad." Wu Di also said in a condensed voice: "Ten fake bombs are launched together, and no plane can escape."

   "If you can hide, you can avoid two or three, it's very awesome! If you can hide all of them, is this still a human?" Batu couldn't help but said.

   "How much do you think you can hide for the rest of your life?" Gao Gao couldn't help but said.

   "Who knows this."

   Everyone sighed slightly, waiting for the rest of their lives to perform.

   drove a fighter jet for the rest of his life, with a pair of sharp eyes, constantly watching the surroundings. Once there was any movement around ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he could immediately make a decision.


   At this moment, Gera also took a deep breath and shouted.

   As Guerra's voice fell, there were several bangs resounding, and then ten fake bombs flew toward the fighters in the sky.

   This fighter is obviously a fighter piloted for the rest of his life.

   With the launch of ten fake bombs, Yu Sheng was aware of the existence of the fake bomb. Yu Sheng also knew that the fake bomb would not cause any danger to him. After all, these were fake, similar to empty bombs.

   As long as you hit the plane, it will touch the sensor on the plane, which will cause blue smoke, and the plane will be hit.


   Suddenly, Yu Sheng saw several white shadows flying in his direction like lightning. It looked like he had been discovered.

   Yusheng hurriedly drove the fighter plane and flew up into the sky.

   Such a scene also made the expressions of everyone present tighten.

   Ten fake bullets, the momentum is really appalling, but fortunately, this is not true. If it is true... how much movement did it cause?

  Ling Weifeng and their hearts are all mentioned in their throats! It seems that I am afraid that the fighter sensing device for the rest of my life will be scrapped. Once it is scrapped, the rest of my life will be considered a failure.

   Then it is very likely that there is no point.


   They all looked at the fake bullets behind Yu Sheng's buttocks, and the corners of their mouths twitched fiercely. These ten fake bullets were tracking the rest of their lives together. This scene seemed a bit shocking.

   In the face of ten fake bombs like this, can you really avoid it for the rest of your life? This is very, very difficult! Therefore, they are a little nervous.

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