"What's the matter?" The black masked man stared at him for the rest of his life, his expression was cold, and he spoke indifferently.

   "Who is controlling all of this among you?"

Yu Sheng’s voice resounded, and for a moment, the masked man suddenly looked towards Yu Sheng, and the masked man said faintly, "This matter has nothing to do with you, and you know too much, and it doesn’t matter to you. benefit."

   The rest of my life hehe smiled and said casually: "At least you have to let me know who is behind you? Otherwise, how can I work with you?"

   "From the current situation, you have no sincerity at all."

   Yu Sheng's words made the masked man take a deep look at Yu Sheng, and the masked man opened his mouth lightly: "If you want money, I can give you money and you leave."

   "There is no conflict of interest between us, but..."

   "If you want to know the people behind us, I can only tell you, I don't know either."

   The black masked man calmly said: "Actually, I am just the executor here. There are people above me. If they give me an order, they will give an order through a phone."

   "Also, I think you should already know that this phone can only reach one number. If you make other calls, you can't get through at all."

   "So, really speaking, I don't know who is behind the scenes."

   The words of the man in the black mask made Yu Sheng frowned.

  He came here to pick out the people behind the scenes, so that he could catch all the enemies behind the scenes, but the current situation made Yu Sheng's complexion a little unsightly.

   Obviously, this man doesn't seem to know who is behind the scenes, which means that the people behind the scenes hide very deeply.

   For a while, Yu Sheng also frowned, Yu Sheng was also thinking about the policy on this matter.

   At this time, the black masked man continued to speak: "You know too much, and it is not good for you. It is better for you to take the money and leave."

   Yu Sheng said indifferently: "Then what is the purpose of your work here?"

   "These people can't see you, you can control everything."

   "Why do you want to work for someone else?"

   After hearing this, the man in the black mask laughed blankly. The man in the black mask faintly said: "We can't afford to offend those people. If we really did that, I'm afraid we don't know how we died."

   "What's more, we are just for money."

   "Working here makes a lot of money."

   The black mask man's voice fell, which made Yu Sheng glance at the black mask man deeply, and Yu Sheng never expected that the other party would give him such a statement.

   But think about it.

  If there is no benefit, no one will do this. This is the case for anyone in the world.

   When Yu Sheng thought about this, Yu Sheng also smiled, Yu Sheng didn't take this matter to heart.

   Yusheng said lightly: "If you say, I don't want money?"

"for free?"

   The black masked man was visibly stunned. He took a deep look at Yu Sheng, but he didn't expect that Yu Sheng said he didn't want money?

  What's the situation?

   The black mask took a deep look at Yu Sheng. He took a deep breath and slowly said: "If you don't want money, then we have nothing to do."

   "The end result is that the fish die and the net breaks."

   With the words of the black mask, Yu Sheng also narrowed his eyes. Yu Sheng glanced at the man in the black mask deeply and chuckled.

   "Then I don't know how did you die with me?"

   "Then don't blame me for being rude."


   The next second, the man in the black mask shot decisively.


   Yu Sheng has been paying attention to every move of the black masked man. When the black masked man fired at him, Yu Sheng had already avoided.

   At the same time, Yu Sheng did not hesitate to pull the trigger.

   "Boom boom boom..."

   The muffled noise continued to resound.


   The clear and piercing voice resounded, and then, there were sparks in the air.

   Soon, the bullet of the black masked man was finished, and at this moment, Yu Sheng had also finished the bullet in his hand. Then, Yu Sheng directly threw the pistol in the direction of the black masked man.

   The black masked man was aware of it, and instantly avoided the blow, but at this moment, Yu Sheng had already arrived in front of the black masked man and threw a punch.

   The black masked man seemed to have noticed the fierce fist wind. He stepped back and moved his head to avoid Yu Sheng's fist.

   At this time, the black masked man suddenly looked towards Yu Sheng, his eyes flashed with a little sharp light, and his killing intent surged.

   The black masked man also attacked for the rest of his life like lightning.

   The figure of the man with the black mask was extremely flexible, and every attack carried a certain permissive aura, which made Yu Sheng also slightly surprised.

   Obviously, this black masked man is not that simple.

   There was no nonsense for the rest of his life, and he immediately ran into the black masked man.

   "Boom boom boom..."

   The muffled sound reverberated continuously, and for a while, two people played against each other, and no one could do anything about it. Such a weird scene~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is a little surprised for the rest of my life.

   You know, he is a master of the emperor's rank. , A strength, it can hardly shake a master of the God of War, even a master of the ordinary God of War, may not be his opponent.


   What I didn't expect was that the black masked man in front of him would be able to face him head-on, and he did not lose sight of the wind.

   I can feel it for the rest of my life, the guy in front of me, at least has the strength of a soldier emperor, which is a bit surprised for the rest of my life.

  A master soldier of the emperor level is here as an executor.

   It seems that behind this incident is not as simple as imagined... There must be something tricky behind this incident.

   When Yu Sheng thought about this, Yu Sheng's complexion also became a little serious.


   Then, for the rest of his life, he met this guy again.


   For the rest of his life, he didn't know the thoughts of the man in the black mask.

   At this moment, even the black masked man’s heart was full of stormy waves, and the black masked man was full of fear for the rest of his life.

  Even he didn't expect that for the rest of his life, he would be able to fight with him to such a degree, such a scene, he was shocked and inexplicable.

   You need to know that he is a master of the emperor's rank. He is extremely powerful and powerful. Even some gods of war can't hold him down, but...

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