I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1849: Death of the Masked Man

Because, the masked man was surprised to find that when his punch fell on Yu Sheng's body, Yu Sheng had no reaction at all.

   Such a weird scene, the masked man is a bit dumbfounded at this moment.

   The masked man was so unbelievable, she couldn't believe it, the rest of her life was fine...

To know……

   This punch of my own is enough to kill a soldier king in an instant. The terrifying power contained in it is simply not something ordinary people can resist...

   But when his group head fell on Yu Sheng, Yu Sheng didn't even have a thing at all. Such a scene, even the masked man, feels so incredible.

   Why is it okay? How could his defense power be so strong? Could it be that this guy can resist all external forces? Is this still a person?

   At the moment when the masked man was horrified, Yu Sheng's fists had fallen on the masked man's chest.

   "Absolute blow..."

   At this moment for the rest of his life, he also yelled.


   A slight bone shattering sound resounded, and then, the masked man flew out violently. He fell to the ground with a bang.

   The masked man was smashed into pieces.

   The masked man vomited blood. Because he was wearing a mask, he could not see it for the rest of his life, but the blood flowed down his cheeks.

   At this time, Yu Sheng looked at the masked man faintly. For the rest of his life, he was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, the masked man in front of him was not beaten to death by himself. This is indeed a bit interesting.

   Yu Sheng walked towards the masked man step by step. The masked man looked at Yu Sheng in front of him, his face even more terrified.

   The masked man stared at Yusheng with gritted teeth.

   He did not expect that he would lose to Yu Sheng...

   In these years, some people have not found this kind of place. After all, as long as you follow the vine, you can find this place sometimes.


   All these people were solved by him one by one.

   The strength of these people is too weak, they are not his enemies at all.

   But he never expected that such a top expert would appear in his place. The fighting power of the rest of his life was so strong that he had only seen him in his life. Even he had not expected that such a person would enter him.

   The black masked man gritted his teeth and looked at Yu Sheng in front of him, and said solemnly, "Who are you? What are you here for?"

   Yusheng heard this, and said indifferently: "What do you mean?"

   Hearing this, the man in the black mask became silent. The man in the black mask gave Yu Sheng a deep look.

   The black masked man knew very well in his heart that they came here for the rest of their lives, nine out of ten, they came for them...

   After all, these people, some people have never given up chasing them.

   Thinking of this, the face of the masked man is also extremely heavy.

   "What do you want?"

   Yusheng heard the words, took a deep look at the masked man, and said faintly: "I want a lot of money."


   After the black masked man heard Yu Sheng's words, for a moment, even the black masked man was extremely angry, and the black masked man stared at Yu Sheng with an angry face.

   At this moment, the black masked man can't wait to devour the rest of his life.

   Rao is a black masked man who never thought it would be such a thing...


   Just now, he said, give Yu Sheng money and let Yu Sheng go, but what he didn't expect is that Yu Sheng doesn’t care about the money at all, but...

   In the blink of an eye, the rest of my life needs this money for the rest of my life...

   For a while, the face of the man with the black mask was also a bit unpleasant. At this moment, the man with the black mask really wanted to kill him for the rest of his life.

   Nima, isn't this tossing people to play?

   You want money, did you say that earlier? I said it was over long ago. As for it to the extent it is now?

   Even the face of the man in the black mask is a bit unsightly. The man in the black mask took a deep breath and slowly said, "I can give you money, a lot of money."

   "You leave here." The black masked man said solemnly.

   "Okay." Yu Sheng chuckled, and said casually: "Then you can transfer money now, I believe you have a way to transfer money."

   The man in the black mask took a deep look at Yu Sheng. He took a deep breath, but this breath affected the wound on his body. The man in the black mask couldn't help coughing twice.

   The black masked man spat out a mouthful of blood.

   At this time, the black masked man simply took off the black mask, revealing his original real mask. This is a middle-aged man, who seems to be about forty years old.

   This person is called Huang Junhao.

   Huang Junhao stared at Yu Sheng steadily, he put a sleeve on his body, and quickly got a mobile phone.

   After Yu Sheng noticed the phone, Yu Sheng knew it in an instant. It was a specially made phone. It is estimated that this phone was made deliberately.

   After all, there is no signal in this ghost place. He got the signal device at the time, which was also specially modified, as for the mobile phone. Naturally it is inconvenient to bring it to such a place.

   So Yu Sheng got such an annunciator to come in, and the people outside came through the annunciator, so they found this place...

   Yusheng said faintly: "Transfer, I want all your money and protect all the money in your account. Of course, you can give less."

   "It's just ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't recommend you to do this."


   "I can detect all these things."

   As Yu Sheng said this sentence, Huang Junhao's face sank. He stared at Yu Sheng, if his eyes could kill people, for a while, Yu Sheng didn't know how many times he had died.

   Huang Junhao said: "Okay..."

   Then Huang Junhao quickly dialed the phone and began to transfer money to the rest of his life.

At this time, the rest of his life is not polite, let Huang Junhao transfer money to his account, of course, this account is a foreign account, he can not get a domestic account, relying on his own identity, it is too simple to get an account. .

   Soon, Huang Junhao transferred all the accounts. At this time, Huang Junhao said solemnly: "Now you can leave, right?"

   "I have transferred all the money to you."

   After hearing the words for the rest of his life, he smiled, and slowly said: "It is indeed possible to leave..."

   "Don't move, don't move..."

   But at this moment, a rush of voice reverberated. Then, several figures quickly came here, and immediately all of these people pointed their guns at Yu Sheng and Huang Junhao.

   "Headshot with both hands..."

   "I am the rest of my life..."

   At this time, the rest of his life suddenly said: "I am the undercover here, I think you should know that the signal is my leftover..."


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