I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1855: 12 constellations

After that, Yu Sheng and Lao Fan walked forward.

But after walking for a while, Yu Sheng felt something was wrong again. Yu Sheng suddenly stopped. Yu Sheng looked at Lao Fan and calmly said: "jindiao, let's change direction."

With Yu Sheng's words, Lao Fan was shocked. Lao Fan glanced at Yu Sheng and couldn't help but said, "Why change direction?"

"If we continue to walk like this, they will catch up sooner or later. They are all top masters. Their speed may not be much worse than ours, and... we are not strong now, and the enemy has guns. Once we catch up with us, then we are the living targets."

"At that time, I can't go if I want to go."

"So we ran in another direction."

"They shouldn't have thought that we would run in a different direction."

Following Yu Sheng's words, Lao Fan nodded slightly and said, "It's a good idea, but..."

When talking about this, Lao Fan also condensed his expression, and said, "They may not guess."

"We walk all the way, and there will be traces on this ground. As long as they follow the clues, they can basically guess our route."

Following Lao Fan's words, Yu Sheng nodded slightly and said, "I will remove these things."

"This kind of thing is hard to get rid of." Old Fan shook his head slightly and said: "A top super expert, they can keenly detect whether this place has been passive. If they have been passive, they will basically be detected. "

"So it's hard to get rid of it."

"Then you can only be as careful as possible."

"Let's leave here first."


After that, Yu Sheng picked up Lao Fan on his back and quickly ran in another direction. Naturally, he could not return the same way. If he returned the same way, he would easily be overtaken by the other party. There will also be a face-to-face meeting, so it will be a big trouble.


For the rest of my life, the forward direction is exactly opposite to that of the opponent at a 45-degree angle. The main purpose of this is to prevent people behind from catching up. If people behind catch up, it will be very troublesome. , So the rest of his life is extremely cautious.

Yu Sheng carried Lao Fan on his back and ran fast. After running for an hour, the rest of his life still didn't feel a little tired. On the other hand, the pilot was panting and tired. The pilot couldn't help but said, "I can't run. Moved."

Although pilots often train, and even often cross-country for 10 kilometers, but...

When it comes to this kind of terrain, the pilots are a little unbearable. Now for special forces like Yu Sheng, the physical fitness of the pilots is far worse.

Even if the pilots were trying their best to catch up, they were somewhat unable to catch up with Yu Sheng's speed. What made the pilot feel a little painful is that Yu Sheng was still carrying an old fan of more than 100 kilograms...

However, looking at the rest of my life in front of me, there is still no sense of fatigue...

Is this guy for the rest of his life still a person?

Even Lao Fan was a little shocked and stunned.

Lao Fan knew that Yu Sheng's strength was very strong, but he had not personally experienced it. Today, this is indeed a refresh of the three levels of old Fan. Lao Fan did not expect that Yu Sheng's physical strength is so abundant. .

Before that, they had been running around. However, for the rest of their lives, they had ran with his back for an hour, and for the rest of their lives, they still didn't feel a little tired...

Is this kid still a man?

This is what I changed to someone else, I'm afraid I can't hold on.

However, for the rest of his life, this kid persevered.

This Rao Old Fan couldn't help taking a breath.

Lao Fan's face became a little dignified. He took a deep look at Yu Sheng and said, "Yu Sheng, are you okay? There is nothing wrong with your body, right?"

Lao Fan was also worried about what was wrong with Yu Sheng's body, or in other words, Yu Sheng had always been supporting himself.

"It's okay."

Yu Sheng shook his head slightly, and said casually: "You can still run."


Having said that, Yu Sheng looked at the pilot and said, "Now let's rest for a while. The people behind may not be able to catch up after a while."


Old Fan nodded slightly when he heard this.

As Lao Fan nodded, the pilot breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

At this moment, the pilot is indeed exhausted. He hasn't exercised like this for a long time. He is a pilot, so his professional skills in other areas are naturally a little worse.

In this respect, it is naturally not as good as Yu Sheng special forces, and now he only knows the terrible aspects of special forces.


At this moment, the pilot took a breath and lay on the ground, calming himself as much as possible.

According to reason, it is more appropriate to walk around after running, but...

At this moment, the pilot felt as if he was exhausted, which made the pilot feel indescribably tired.

Panting is not panicking. People like them have already exercised their heart and lungs to a very strong level. At this moment, they can only rest...recover their physical strength.

The rest of his life also sat aside, quickly regaining his strength.

Old Fan frowned tightly, his brain running fast.

Lao Fan is not a simple character, he has very professional knowledge of combat, and he has been an instructor for so many years, which makes Lao Fan have a lot of experience in this area.

Old Fan murmured, "Who are these people who are chasing us?"

Rao is Lao Fan frowning, his brain is running fast, thinking about this.

Lao Fan didn't know either, UU read www.uukānshu. Who is the com opponent, but from the opponent's situation, the opponent should be very strong.

Moreover, the other party has chased them for so long. Obviously, if the other party doesn't catch up with them, they will not give up.

Lao Fan took a deep breath, his expression a little heavier.

Yu Sheng, Lao Fan and others rested here for half an hour. After half an hour, everyone felt that they had recovered a lot, but they still felt a little tired.

At this time, the old Fan Shen said: "For the rest of our lives, we are laying some traps."


When Yu Sheng heard the words, he was taken aback for a moment, and said, "If we set up traps, wouldn't we let the enemy know our route?"

"Run in other directions." Lao Fan took a deep breath and slowly said, "We may not be able to run after them. If this is the case, then we will take them in a circle."


When Yu Sheng heard this, he nodded slightly.

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