For the rest of his life, he lurked cautiously around this area. At this moment, he took out a dagger, which was naturally the one he made specially.

   Yusheng looked cold and stern, staring straight ahead.

   Even in the dark, I can see clearly for the rest of my life.

  The rest of my life is here patiently waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

As for Fan Tianlei and the pilots, they all have solemn expressions. They are also cautiously hiding here. They don't even dare to gasp for fear that they will be discovered by those around them. The trouble is so big, maybe they all have to die.

   They are all here patiently waiting.

   But at this moment...

   A rustling sound resounded, and along with this rustling sound, Yu Sheng's eyes flashed, and Yu Sheng's eyes became sharp.

   Obviously, these people have gradually approached.

   This makes the rest of his life also extremely solemn and solemn.

   Yu Sheng stared at the front, quietly lifeless, Yu Sheng did not dare to expose his killing intent, Yu Sheng was very clear in his heart, if he exposes his killing intent, then it is very likely to be detected by these people.

   After all, these people are not fuel-efficient lamps, each of them is extremely powerful.

   held his breath for the rest of his life, hiding in the dark, waiting for the arrival of these people.

   But at this moment, Yu Sheng heard a voice.

   "Damn, **** night, I can't see anything."

   "Yeah, **** bastard, when I get to the battlefield, I must kill a few more people, and any **** robbers, I will kill them in the future."

   "These robbers really deserve to die. They robbed us so much, huh... When I get the chance, I will kill them all."

"Well said…"

   "Let's go, let's hurry up. This is not a good place. It is rumored that there are many robbers here. We'd better leave here as soon as possible."

As soon as this sentence was spoken, everyone nodded their heads in agreement, and everyone quickly left here. Obviously, everyone didn't want to stay in this kind of ghost place. There is nothing good to stay in this kind of ghost place. , It's better to leave quickly.

   At this time, the rest of his life raised his brows.

   Yu Sheng obviously heard the conversations of these people, which made Yu Sheng also slightly puzzled.

what 's wrong?

   Could it be that these people are not the ones who chase them? If it is not the people who chase them, then who are these people?

   When Yu Sheng thought about this, Yu Sheng's eyes began to flicker, Yu Sheng muttered, "Even if it is not the people who chase him, these people are not good people."

   Thinking of this, the rest of my life is still waiting here patiently.

   As expected, after waiting for a while, these three figures appeared in front of Yu Sheng's eyes. At this moment, Yu Sheng's forehead flickered.

   then grabbed the dagger in his hand for the rest of his life.

   But, just when these three figures approached Yu Sheng, suddenly Yu Sheng shot out like lightning.


   Almost in an instant, for the rest of his life, a dagger pierced one of the people's necks. Before this person could even react, he fell softly on the ground.

   As this figure fell softly to the ground, the other two people were surprised when they noticed this figure.

   "No, there are enemies..."

   The complexion of these three figures changed drastically, and they hurriedly attacked for the rest of their lives, but...

   Compared with the rest of their lives, these people are far too far apart from the rest of their lives, and there is not much comparability between the two.

Yu Sheng killed one of them again with a backhand. Then, Yu Sheng kicked one of them severely in the leg. This person screamed and fell to the ground severely, and a dog came. Gnaw shit.

   This person looked at this scene in horror, with indescribable fear and shock.

   "You... who are you?"

   This person hurriedly looked at Yu Sheng in front of him, because the sky was dark, so he could not see Yu Sheng's true face at all, but Yu Sheng stared at the figure in front of him coldly, and said in a deep voice, "Who are you?"


   The man's face sank when he heard the words, his eyes turned quickly, as if he was thinking about something, but at this moment...

   Yu Sheng sneered, Yu Sheng said coldly: "I suggest you speak quickly, don't lie, otherwise, I will break your finger a little bit, if you don't believe it, you can try."

As soon as Yu Sheng said these words, the man's face sank, he took a deep breath, and immediately said: "We are only members of a small assassin organization, because we were raided by a group of pirates and we suffered heavy losses. "

   "The killer?"

   After Yu Sheng heard this sentence, Yu Sheng narrowed his eyes and took a deep look at the figure in front of him. Yu Sheng's essence shone.

   Seeing Yu Sheng's appearance, this figure was somewhat scared.

   Just listen to Yu Sheng coldly speaking: "Dare you lie to me."


   The assassin spoke quickly: "What I told was the truth, I didn't lie to you, what I said was true."


   Yusheng's gloomy eyes stared straight at the killer in front of him. UU reading had never expected that he could encounter a killer here. This was indeed a bit beyond his expectation.

   Yu Sheng approached the killer step by step, and the killer was also a little frightened. At this time Yu Sheng walked towards the killer slowly, and the killer's face sank.


   The next second, the assassin didn't hesitate at all, he quickly came to Yu Sheng, and then, when he raised the knife in his hand, he stabbed Yu Sheng fiercely.

   Yu Sheng had been guarding the killer in front of him for a long time, so when the killer attacked him, Yu Sheng sneered.

   Immediately afterwards, Yu Sheng raised the dagger in his hand without hesitation, and violently collided with the killer's dagger.



   With the clear sound resounding, the two daggers collided together, erasing a spark. However, immediately after the killer's dagger, it broke.

  The sudden situation made the assassin a little dazed, and the assassin didn't expect that his dagger would be cut off under this condition.

You know, the daggers they use are naturally super-quality daggers. If they were not, they would not use such daggers. However, they never dreamed that their daggers were under the daggers of the rest of their lives. Any strength at all was directly killed...

How can this be?

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