I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1878: Contradiction (2

Li Haiming quickly dialed a call and entered, while Zhao Mianyang chuckled lightly at this time, with a strong sarcasm in his voice.

For Yu Sheng, he raised his brows and took a deep look at Li Haiming.

Yu Sheng's expression was calm, and he didn't make his head strong, but at this time Yu Sheng still took two steps forward, and then he staggered and fell down towards Zhao Mianyang.

When Zhao Mianyang noticed this scene, Zhao Mianyang's face also changed slightly. At this time, Zhao Mianyang looked at Yu Sheng with a full face, and yelled, "What are you doing."

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, I slipped my foot by accident just now, so I bumped into you. I'm really sorry."

For the rest of his life, he smiled embarrassedly.

At this time, Li Haiming also discovered this scene, and Li Haiming suddenly said: "Zhao Mianyang, what are you going to do? What? Do you still want to practice with me?"

"I tell you Zhao Mianyang, if you dare to move my brother, then you are having trouble with me. Don't blame me for being impolite."

Li Haiming stared at Zhao Mianyang in front of him, his eyes mixed with a little anger, and he shouted.

Zhao Mianyang snorted, and Zhao Mianyang sneered, "Li Haiming, wait for me."

"This thing is endless today." Zhao Mianyang scolded coldly, and wanted to walk inside, but at this moment, two bodyguards stopped Zhao Mianyang and said: "Hello sir, please show me Your invitation."


Zhao Mianyang didn't snorted coldly. Although he was reluctant, Zhao Mianyang still took out his invitation letter.

However, at this moment, Zhao Mianyang suddenly realized that his words were empty.

The sudden situation, Rao Mianyang Zhao was stunned on the spot...

"Fuck, where's my invitation letter?"

At this moment, even Zhao Mianyang was a little dumbfounded. Zhao Mianyang looked at the scene in front of him, even Zhao Mianyang didn't know how to describe it.

Zhao Mianyang hurriedly touched his body, but Zhao Mianyang did not find the invitation letter after touching it for a long time. For a moment, Zhao Mianyang's face was a little difficult to look.

"Where is my invitation letter?"

At this moment, Li Haiming was also aware of this scene, and couldn’t help laughing for a while. His laughter was full of cynicism. Li Haiming sneered: “I said Zhao Mianyang, and you didn’t have an invitation letter after a long time. Ah, **** laughing at us here."

"I think you are a joke."

"I don't have an invitation letter, and I'm still trying to pretend to be here. You are so awesome, but you go in? Don't you still get in?"


When Zhao Mianyang heard Li Haiming’s cynicism, even Zhao Mianyang became a little angry. Zhao Mianyang stared at Li Haiming in front of him. He wanted to tear Li Haiming to pieces. He didn’t expect that things would happen. Becoming this way, his face is a bit ugly.

At this time, one of the bodyguards seemed to have received a call. At this time, one of the bodyguards looked respectful and hurriedly said: "Who is the gentleman named Li Haiming and Mr. Yu Sheng."

"I am." Li Haiming said casually at this time.

"Hello sir, please enter inside."


Li Haiming nodded in satisfaction and said: "Okay."

Then Li Haiming took the rest of his life into this one. However, when they had just walked two steps, Li Haiming's cynical voice resounded again, with a deep sneer in his voice.

"Some people, it’s okay to like to pretend, but they don’t have the strength to pretend. You said there is no invitation letter. When he said that, there was an invitation letter. It’s a pity, the truth is revealed, I I wonder, how could there be such a person in the world? Such a person living in the world is an insult to the world."

"This kind of braggart should be dead."

Li Haiming’s voice resounded, and Zhao Mianyang almost ran away with anger. Zhao Mianyang looked at this scene with a face full of anger. Zhao Mianyang was extremely angry. Zhao Mianyang took a deep breath and suppressed his heart. His anger, he knows, this is not the time to care about it.

Zhao Mianyang was extremely puzzled. When his invitation came, he was obviously in his pocket? But why is my invitation so inexplicably gone?

Doesn't make sense?

Could it be that someone accidentally lost it when he came?

Even looking for a stretch is a bit inexplicable.

However, at this moment, Yu Sheng and Li Haiming had already walked in. After the two of Yu Sheng walked in, Li Haiming also showed a little puzzled look. Li Haiming couldn't help but say, "This is a little bit wrong..."

"What's the matter?" Yu Sheng asked.

"According to the truth, Zhao Mianyang should have received the invitation letter. I came in through Jiang Ziqi. Maybe I forgot our invitation letter, but Zhao Mianyang should have an invitation letter, but this kid’s The invitation letter seems to be missing. Could it be that this kid’s invitation letter is missing?"

Li Haiming is not stupid, Zhao Mianyang's identity can get this invitation letter, because Zhao Mianyang's identity is not worse than his.

Therefore, getting the invitation letter is not a big deal.

When Yu Sheng heard the words, he laughed. Then Yu Sheng glanced at Li Haiming and said with a smile: "What do you think this is..."

Following Yu Sheng’s words, Li Haiming saw Yu Sheng’s hand holding a hot gold invitation letter in the next second. After Li Haiming saw the invitation letter in Yu Sheng’s hand, Li Haiming was stunned. On the spot, Li Haiming opened his mouth somewhat unreasonably.

"Fuck, I said where did the invitation letter go, where is the emotional invitation letter?"

Li Haiming didn’t expect this to happen. The invitation letter came to Yu Sheng. Even Li Haiming was slightly surprised. Li Haiming couldn’t help but ask, "I said, brother, how come his invitation came to you." Now? What's all this?"

"According to the truth, his invitation letter shouldn't come to you..."


Zhao Mianyang’s invitation letter came here for the rest of his life. Is this totally unreasonable? Besides, Zhao Mianyang is a rival to him, how could he give the invitation letter to Yu Sheng.

The next second, Li Haiming thought of something. Li Haiming's eyes lit up and he immediately asked: "I said, brother, when did you steal his invitation letter?"

When Yu Sheng heard the words, he smiled, and Yu Sheng said faintly: "I just pretended to have a crooked foot, and when I was in contact with him, I just took out the invitation letter from his pocket."

"That guy didn't notice it."

Although Yu Sheng's methods seemed a bit clumsy, Zhao Mianyang was stunned by the anger in front of him at that time, so Zhao Mianyang didn't notice Yu Sheng's movements at all.


At this time, Li Haiming took a deep look at Yu Sheng, and said in amazement: "Awesome, brother, I didn't expect you to be so amazing."

"Quietly, I pressed Zhao Mianyang's invitation letter, hahaha..."

"I want to see how this old boy gets in."

When Yu Sheng heard the words, he hehe smiled, and then he threw the invitation letter into the trash can beside him, and Yu Sheng casually said: "This guy can receive the invitation letter, so there must be someone who knows it. If you want to come in, it will be very Simple."

"You are right."

Li Haiming nodded slightly. He knew people, and Zhao Mianyang knew people like him. It would be too simple for Zhao Mianyang to enter this place.

All you need is one call from your eldest brother.

"Nevertheless, but in any case, it is a good thing to be able to embarrass Zhao Mianyang." Li Haiming smiled and said: "I've seen this kid not pleasing to the eye a long time ago. If I have a little ability in my own home, I won't do anything. In the eyes, his sister really thought the world owed this kid."

Li Haiming's words made Yu Sheng a little speechless. Even Yu Sheng didn't know how to describe Li Haiming. Yu Sheng still felt helplessly and said, "You have hatred with him?"

"A bit of friction." Li Haiming said casually: "But this time we have to pay attention to this kid. Maybe this kid will put a cold gun on our back. If we follow this kid's way, it will be embarrassing. "


Yu Sheng was a little bit dumbfounded, but Yu Sheng didn't say much, but nodded slightly.

Afterwards, the two of them continued to walk inside, and when they walked into a hall, at this time a figure was already walking towards them.

"Old Li..."

At this moment, a laughter resounded, and along with this laughter, it made many people look at this side.

Li Haiming saw this familiar figure, and even Li Haiming smiled, Li Haiming casually said: "Go, it's my buddy."

Li Haiming quickly came to this figure with Yu Sheng, and Yu Sheng took a close look at this figure, which made Yu Sheng also slightly surprised.

For the rest of his life, you can see the aura of some soldiers from this figure.

Obviously, this person should have also been in the army. If this guy has not been in the army, then this guy shouldn't have such a breath.

But the rest of his life didn't care.

"Lao Jiang, I didn't expect you to be here waiting for us." Li Haiming smiled and said: "Lao Jiang, I think you are thinner, why? Is it squeezed dry by some little fairy?"

Following Li Haiming's words, Jiang Ziqi couldn't help but smile and scolded: "Li Haiming, I'm giving you a face again, and I'm talking about the same as the girls and boys you've been with."

"Don't." Li Haiming said casually: "Although I have had a lot of girls, but I can’t compare with you, Jiang Dashao, you change girlfriends a day, just how often you change girlfriends. Behold the wind in the next."

"Your sister."

After Jiang Ziqi heard Li Haiming's words, Jiang Ziqi's expression was a little unnatural. Jiang Ziqi took a deep breath and said casually: "Your uncle, you are just talking nonsense. What is it?"

"I said, Lao Li, you look good these days, have you found something good again?"

"I'm pooh." Li Haiming snorted when he heard the words, and said casually: "Are you that kind of person? I've found something good, you're a shameless person."

Hearing what Li Haiming said, Jiang Ziqi's expression was a little unnatural, Jiang Ziqi couldn't help cursing: "Li Haiming, your uncle, you're a bitch..."

But just when Jiang Ziqi wanted to say something, Li Haiming hurriedly covered Jiang Ziqi’s mouth. At this time, Li Haiming smiled and said, "Dude, buddy, don’t say this. There are so many people here. It's bad to say it."


Jiang Ziqi broke free of Li Haiming's hand, her expression a little unnatural.

"Well, let's not talk nonsense."

At this time, Li Haiming looked at Xia Yu next to him. Li Haiming couldn't help but speak: "I will introduce you to this one next to me, my good buddy, called Yu Sheng."

"This is the **** Jiang Ziqi I told you about."

Following Li Haiming's introduction, Jiang Ziqi gave Li Haiming a fierce look. This Li Haiming, your uncle, how did you introduce people...

Jiang Ziqi looked at Yu Sheng, smiled and said, "Brother, don't listen to Li Haiming's nonsense. Li Haiming knows nonsense and not serious."

"My name is Jiang Ziqi. Since you are Li Haiming's brother, that is also my brother. If you have anything to do with the brother, I will help you if you can."

Yu Sheng heard the words, smiled, and said, "Okay."

Yu Sheng knew that this was just a polite remark, and if he really took it seriously, he would be stupid.

For the rest of his life, he laughed and didn't take these words to heart.

However, as far as this year is concerned, what kind of person you are, so naturally you have what kind of friends, and everyone is like this.

Therefore, if you want to see what a person is like, you can basically know what virtue is just by looking at his circle of friends.

"Come, since it's here, let's go in and sit down quickly, but there is a big show today." Jiang Ziqi suddenly said at this moment.

"Big drama?"

When Li Haiming heard these words~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is Li Haiming's eyes, and Li Haiming opened his mouth with a little heartbeat: "What does this drama mean?"

"Why, is there anything else?"

"Hehe." Jiang Ziqi heard the words, smiled, and said casually: "Wait for a while, you'll find out, it just happens that we can watch the show."


Li Haiming nodded slightly when he heard the words.

"Go, for the rest of your life, let's go in."

Then, under the leadership of Jiang Ziqi, Li Haiming and Yu Sheng walked in one after another. At this moment, everyone came to a table, and then they sat down.


Just as they sat down, Zhao Mianyang also walked in at this moment, but after Zhao Mianyang walked in, Zhao Mianyang couldn't help but glance at him.

Especially after seeing Li Haiming, there was a touch of resentment in his eyes.

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