I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1899: All get down

Even he might not be able to do that.

He is just a soldier now.

However, what I didn't expect was that Yu Sheng could kick the dragon out with one kick, and I have to say that Yu Sheng did have two brushes.

Wu Haiqing stared at the rest of his life in front of him, for a moment, his expression was extremely solemn.

"Who are you?"

Wu Haiqing said solemnly.

For the rest of his life, he could kick Xiaolong away. For the rest of his life, it was not easy. Even he was slightly afraid of this strength, but who was this kid in front of him?

Why is there such a tyrannical strength? What is going on with this kid?

"Ha ha…"

When Yu Sheng heard the words, his expression was flat, and Yu Sheng said coldly, "It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is, don't you guys go together now?"

The words of the rest of his life fell.

Wu Haiqing's expression became a little hard to look at. Wu Haiqing stared at Yu Sheng before him, and said coldly: "Today, no matter who you are, who dares to beat me, then don't blame me for being impolite."

"Go together…"

When the voice fell, Wu Haiqing and others surrounded the rest of their lives.

After seeing the scene in front of them, the surrounding students turned black and suddenly said, "Fuck, this is too much? I can't beat one, but a group of them. Who are these people?"

"Yeah...it's too much. It's so alone. It's not a rival of others. I didn't expect this group of guys, a group of people to attack others. I have never seen such a shameless person before."

"A group of people hit one, is this group of people still individuals?"

"Damn, I want to send them to the Internet, I want to show many netizens, I didn't expect there are such shameless people."

For a while, the people around can be said to be passionate.

Many people naturally support their seniors.

After all, Yu Sheng is from Beijing University.

As for the Liu Xueming in front of him, who is this person? Are they from Beijing University? They must be helping their relatives or not...

Suddenly, the people present started to talk, and everyone pointed at Wu Haiqing and others.

Wu Haiqing and others also noticed the pointers of the people around him, which made Wu Haiqing's face a little unsightly.


With so many people hitting one, it's a bit too much to look at, and it makes their faces dull.

What happens even if you win? If so many people fight one, if they still can’t win, how embarrassing would it be?

Therefore, Wu Haiqing's face is a bit unpleasant.

Wu Haiqing took a deep breath. He suppressed the restlessness in his heart. He knew that the rest of his life in front of him was not easy. This guy is very strong. If he is alone, even he can't guarantee that he belongs to Wu Haiqing. opponent.

Thinking of this, Wu Haiqing took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Hands..."

After the words fell, everyone shot Yu Sheng without hesitation.

In the face of the attacks from the crowd, Yu Sheng's expression was flat, and he did not pay attention to the attacks of the crowds. The gap between these people and him was really too big.


The strength of the rest of his life must at least be the strength of the middle stage of the soldier god, and these people, the strongest is Wu Haiqing, and Wu Haiqing's strength is nothing more than the emperor of soldiers.

The gap between and the rest of his life is far away.

They simply cannot be opponents for the rest of their lives.

"Boom boom boom..."

The muffled sound continued, and in the next second, Wu Haiqing's people were kicked out by Yu Sheng, and these people smashed to the ground fiercely.

The applause from the surroundings rang even more, and all the people present cheered.

"Good job."

"Great, great..."

"I didn't expect Yu Sheng's senior to be so powerful, and the combat effectiveness is so high, it is really too strong."

"Hahahaha...I did a good job, and taught the **** in front of me. This group of people is too arrogant and can't be beaten by one person, but a group of people go together."

"That is, this group of guys are really hateful. It's just that the rest of his life's seniors are very strong, and they teach these guys in front of them well, so that these guys know that our people at Beijing University are not so easy to bully."

The people around are all applauding.

At this moment, Wu Zeqing gave Yu Sheng a surprised look. With a small smile in his eyes, Wu Zeqing whispered: "Unexpectedly, Xiaoyu's strength has already advanced to the realm of the **** of war."

This made Wu Zeqing slightly surprised.

I have to say that Yu Sheng's strength has improved so quickly, even Wu Zeqing did not expect it, but Wu Zeqing is more happy for Yu Sheng.


There were a few more muffled noises.

After that, all these figures flew upside down.

These figures fell to the ground fiercely, even with Wu Haiqing. Wu Haiqing stood a little embarrassed and looked at Yu Sheng in amazement, with a pair of eyes full of shock.

"How can it be?"

Wu Haiqing never expected that Yu Sheng in front of him would be so tough. A group of them besieged Yu Sheng alone, but in the end, they weren't Yu Sheng's opponents. How could this be?

His strength is the king of soldiers, and the people he brings are all top soldiers. Such a team can destroy a team even if it goes out to perform tasks.

Unexpectedly, a group of them fought one and lost.

Even Wu Haiqing couldn't help taking a breath. Wu Haiqing looked at the rest of his life before him with shock, with an indescribable heaviness.

Wu Haiqing couldn't help taking a breath.

Wu Haiqing immediately said solemnly: "Who are you on earth?"

Wu Haiqing already knew that the rest of his life in front of him might not be easy. Such terrible strength is really too strong. They are not opponents for the rest of his life. This rest of his life must be from an extraordinary background.

What kind of character did Liu Xueming provoke?

At first, Liu Xueming called and said that he had been bullied. UU read www.uukanshu. com, so he didn't even think about it, so he ran here, planning to find a place for Liu Xueming.

But I didn't expect that this time they all kicked on the iron plate, and the rest of their lives in front of them were really powerful and somewhat terrifying.

Even he was deeply jealous.

"Ha ha."

When Yu Sheng heard the words, he smiled indifferently, and said with a flat expression: "It doesn't matter who I am."

Immediately, Yu Sheng set his gaze on Liu Xueming again, and Yu Sheng spoke plainly: "These people you called don't seem to be very good."

As Yu Sheng said this sentence, Liu Xueming's face changed slightly.


Liu Xueming looked at the rest of his life in front of him angrily. With that appearance, he was willing to swallow the rest of his life. Liu Xueming was full of anger.

(End of this chapter)

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