"However, you are doing the right way."

"If you have a problem, you can find the police to solve the problem in time. You can't hurt people at will. Naturally, there are laws waiting for them." Bai Shikai glanced at Yu Sheng with some appreciation.

Young people, not arrogant or impetuous, very good.

Especially under these conditions, he can still hold back his hands, and his concentration is quite good, even he can't help but admire him a little.

There are not many young people like this now...

At this time, Yu Sheng looked at Wu Haiqing again, and Yu Sheng smiled and said, "How is it? What else can I say now?"

Following Yu Sheng's words, Wu Haiqing said coldly: "You are ruthless."

Although Wu Haiqing said so on the surface, Wu Haiqing’s eyes were full of threats. Obviously, Wu Haiqing was warning Yu Sheng that after he came out, it was when your kid was unlucky. When the time comes, let’s see what I do. kill you……

Yu Sheng saw that Wu Haiqing was full of threats, Yu Sheng laughed for a while, Yu Sheng paused and asked: "Chief, what do you think these people do?"

"I think these people are all armed with weapons. At first glance, they are not good people. Moreover, they carry weapons all over their bodies. There is a big problem with the stability of this society."

"Will these people look it up?"

Bai Shikai was also a human spirit, and he could tell what Yu Sheng meant when he heard it.

Bai Shikaiton smiled for a while and said: "Don't worry, the investigation is definitely necessary, and he will be checked inside and out. No matter how hard his backstage is, he must check it again."

"The crime he committed is not just the crime in front of him, but he is also suspected of killing state officials and killing palms. The most important thing is that he is also suspected of killing top researchers of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, so he will be both inside and outside. Check it thoroughly, if nothing happens, he will probably spend his entire life in prison."


As soon as this sentence was spoken, Wu Haiqing almost stared out at this moment, Wu Haiqing looked at Yu Sheng with an incredible expression, and his eyes were full of shock and inconceivability.

Wu Haiqing thought he had heard it wrong. Wu Haiqing gave Yu Sheng in front of him blankly, and asked in an unbelievable way: "Are you...Are you a scientist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences? Or a public servant..."

Hearing this article, Wu Haiqing was frightened for an instant.

What an international joke, no matter how powerful he is, it is impossible to follow the country against him. Isn't this looking for death? But I didn't expect this young man in front of him to be so powerful.

Are you kidding me?

The Chinese Academy of Sciences, this is a key national protection target, and what these people study every day has a huge effect on China.

Therefore, whoever dares to disadvantage them is absolutely unlucky.

He did not expect that the rest of his life in front of him would be an important member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences...

It's over.

For an instant, two words echoed in Wu Haiqing's mind.

It's over.

It's all over.

Hijacking such a person by himself is no different from looking for death, and his foundation is not clean. In addition to the current situation, he probably won't even think of it in his entire life.

In an instant, Wu Haiqing's eyes were red.


"It's all the **** good things you did..."

Wu Haiqing couldn't help it anymore, and kicked the six sons on the side with one foot, and the six sons were also stunned and sluggish on the spot.

Wu Haiqing was suddenly subdued by the surrounding armed police.

At this moment, Wu Haiqing's eyes were split. Wu Haiqing stared at this scene with a pair of red eyes, and he was as angry as he could be.

Wu Haiqing is that angry.

He never dreamed that things would turn out to be the way it is now. He's done, it's all done, and for the rest of his life, I'm afraid he will have to live in this little black house.

At this moment, Wu Haiqing also felt a little regretful and a little scared.

Wu Haiqing hurriedly looked at Yu Sheng, and said: "Brother, I didn't mean it. It was all the heat of the six sons. I really didn't think it was like what I said. Brother, please let me go. horse."

"Please, please let me go."

Wu Haiqing was a little scared.

He has committed such a crime, I am afraid that even the people behind him may not be able to keep him, and even the people behind him will probably get rid of him for the first time.

I was completely finished in my entire life.

When Yu Sheng heard this, he shook his head slightly. Yu Sheng took a deep look at Wu Haiqing and said flatly, "You will have to pay it back sooner or later."

"If you do something wrong, you naturally have to take the corresponding responsibility."

"And there must be a lot of people who have been oppressed by you over the years."

"As the saying goes, if you don't break the law, the law can't control you. Therefore, the responsibility you should bear is still the responsibility."

Following Yu Sheng's words, Wu Haiqing looked terrified at this moment, and the whole person was extremely scared. He did not expect that things would turn out to be like this.

His body was paralyzed on the spot at this moment. Wu Haiqing knew that he was finished, and his life was finished. At this moment, Wu Haiqing hated him to death.

Knowing that I should kill the six sons.

It's all this bastard, and if it weren't for this bastard, I wouldn't end up like this, I would be dead in my life.

For an instant, Rao Wu Haiqing was extremely frightened.

As for the six sons on the side who also knew what kind of existence he had provoked, he was also extremely frightened.

"Take it all away," Bai Shikai said immediately.


The people present were taken away from here one after another.

At this time, Yu Sheng looked at Bai Shikai and said gratefully: "The chief thank you so much."

"You're welcome." Bai Shikai smiled and said, "You are a talent in our country, and you can't be so lost. In the future, you will have to rely on you young people to carry the backbone."

"The chief joked." Yu Sheng smiled and said.

"Okay, I won't say much nonsense, I will leave first." Bai Shikai said.

"Yes, chief." Yu Sheng said quickly.


Immediately, Bai Shikai smiled and said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He turned and left here. When Bai Shikai turned and left, Bai Shikai took a deep look at Wu Zeqing next to him.

From beginning to end, Wu Zeqing didn't say a word.

As Bai Shikai left here, Yu Sheng set his sights on Wu Zeqing at this time. Yu Sheng couldn't help but ask: "Old Wu, are you okay?"

"It's okay."

Wu Zeqing smiled softly and said, "Are we still eating?"

"Stop eating, let's go play." Yu Sheng shook his head slightly.


Wu Zeqing and the other two paid the money, and then left here quickly.

When something like this happened at this moment, naturally I didn't feel in the mood to eat it for the rest of my life.

(End of this chapter)

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