I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1930: What does this kid do?

However, there was no sound from Yu Sheng. In such a scene, Wu Daozi was a little confused for a moment. Wu Daozi looked at Yu Sheng with some puzzlement, but Wu Daozi didn’t understand what was going on. What's going on?

Why don't you feel at all for the rest of your life? Doesn't it make sense?

According to normal operation, for the rest of my life, I will definitely not be able to withstand such lashes, and it will definitely be a little uncomfortable, but...why is there nothing for the rest of my life?

For an instant, Rao Wu Daozi was a little dumbfounded.

No-brainer hesitated for a while, but increased his strength a bit.

However, for the rest of his life, he was still like a okay person, standing there, his expression unchanged, as if it was drawn on the stone instead of him.

Yu Sheng’s skills can be said to have become very spears. Although the whip was drawn on his body, Yu Sheng did not feel the pain. If you observe carefully, you will find that the blood in Yu Sheng’s body is boiling wildly. In this way, he is still madly repairing his body for the rest of his life.

Even on the surface of Yu Sheng's body, a faint film is formed. This film is also formed by the cells themselves. This is a natural body reaction that is used to resist foreign enemies.

After Wu Daozi finished smoking, Wu Daozi couldn't help but look at Yu Sheng and asked in a low voice, "Boy, don't you hurt at all?"


Yu Sheng heard this and said, "It doesn't hurt..."

"And it's still very comfortable, are you a little bit weaker with your effort?"

Yu Sheng also had some doubts in his heart at this moment. If it was replaced before, Yu Sheng would definitely hurt, but I don’t know why when Wu Daozi’s whip was on him, nothing happened. Yu Sheng even thought it was Wu Daozi. The subordinates are merciful, and the effort is very small, that's why it has become what it is now.

But why didn't he expect Wu Daozi to ask such a sentence?

What does Wu Daozi mean when he asks such a sentence? Could it be that Wu Daozi tried hard?

Isn't it?

Yu Sheng looked at Wu Daozi in front of him in a puzzled manner, but Wu Daozi also stared at Yu Sheng in front of him. For a while, Wu Daozi was a little confused.

Wu Daozi looked at Yu Sheng unclearly, even Wu Daozi was a little dumbfounded, Wu Daozi did not expect that such a thing would happen...

What is going on here? Why is this happening?

Doesn't hurt at all? Still comfortable?

Damn, who the **** is this kid? Is it a pervert?

Why is it like this...

Even if Wu Daozi didn't know how to describe the rest of his life in front of him at this moment, Wu Daozi felt very nonsense. He had never seen anything like this before. Isn't this a fool?

Doesn't hurt if you smoke him?

Wu Daozi hesitated, and then he took the whip and flicked it on his leg. This twitch did not matter. In the next second, Wu Daozi noticed a fiery pain.

The hot pain made Wu Daozi grin a little bit. Although he had been beaten by his master before, but now he smoked himself, he is not as impressive as before, but it also hurts.


I feel pain, but why don't you feel it for the rest of your life?

Perceiving this, Wu Daozi glanced suspiciously at Yu Sheng in front of him, wanting to see something from Yu Sheng, but Yu Sheng's expression was flat, as if there was nothing at all.

In such a scene, Wu Daozi who looked at this scene was a little suspicious of himself.

Is this kid born immune to pain? Doesn't it make sense?

Even Wu Daozi didn't know how to describe Yu Sheng at the moment. He felt that Yu Sheng was an out-and-out abnormality, as if there was nothing this guy could not do.

It seems...

I have to teach this guy something new.

It seems that Yu Sheng's foundation is very solid, and it is not as reliable as it is, even he may not have such a solid foundation as Yu Sheng.

After Wu Daozi thought about it, Wu Daozi took a deep breath and immediately said, "Are you often beaten?"

"That's not true." Yu Sheng shook his head and said: "It's more resistant to beatings."

"So, it doesn't hurt that most people hit me."

Hearing Yu Sheng's words, the corners of Wu Daozi's mouth twitched fiercely. Wu Daozi took a deep breath before slowly speaking, "I see."

"Well, then I will teach you martial arts directly."

At this time, Wu Daozi said that this made Yu Sheng a bright spot. For these so-called foundations, Yu Sheng couldn't take any interest in these so-called foundations. Moreover, these so-called foundations were too simple for Yu Sheng. For the rest of my life, I also felt that it didn't make much sense.

Right now Wu Daozi wants to teach him real kung fu, which naturally makes Yu Sheng very happy.

Yu Sheng stared straight at this scene, with indescribable solemnity.

"Presumably you should have heard of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wen has Tai Chi to settle the world, and Wu has eight poles to set the universe."

"Yeah." Yu Sheng nodded slightly after hearing the words.

As a college student, he still has this knowledge. The so-called Tai Chi is nothing more than Tai Chi, and the so-called Ba Chi is Ba Chi.

"I think you have practiced Taijiquan before, so you should have a certain understanding of this thing. I don't think you have learned this Bajiquan."

"So, I can teach you Bajiquan."

As these words were spoken, Yu Sheng nodded slightly and said, "Okay."

For the rest of his life, I did not practice Bajiquan. As for this Taijiquan, I still learned it from Hailao for a while. Since then, I have never seen Hailao again, and I don’t know who Hailao is. He asked the Wulong god. , Even Wulong Shen did not say.

This made Yu Sheng couldn't help but feel a little skeptical.

Of course it was just suspicion.

Wu Daozi slowly said: "This so-called Bajiquan belongs to the short-strike boxing method. Its movements are relatively sturdy, unpretentious and quick to exert force. In this method, it is important to take every inch and open it hard. It has The characteristics of hitting, helping, squeezing, leaning, collapsing, and shaking are also the main methods of Bajiquan. The force of Bajiquan lies in the heel, walking on the waist, and penetrating the tips of the fingers, so it has great explosive power. It can be described in one sentence,'Bangbang hit the sky and stomped Kyushu.' Therefore, in traditional Chinese martial arts, Bajiquan has the saying that "Wen has Tai Chi to secure the world, and Wu has eight poles to determine the universe."

Immediately, Wu Daozi began to introduce the Bajiquan to Yu Sheng. Yu Sheng also listened extremely carefully. For Wu Daozi's introduction, Yu Sheng just listened to what Wu Daozi introduced, and he could basically hear what it meant.

"Let me perform this so-called Bajiquan. Take a look and see how much you can remember."

(End of this chapter)

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