I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1944: Muren Lane was demolished

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"Boom boom boom..."

The muffled sound continued, and the rumbling muffled sound made Wu Daozi and Zhou Tianchi dumbfounded. Wu Daozi was a little better.

But Zhou Tianchi opened his mouth and looked straight at the scene in front of him. He was a little dumbfounded, because he never thought that Yu Sheng, this guy, would be so strong...

This guy actually used his flesh to fight the wooden figure in front of him. Doesn't this kid hurt? You know, the wooden man thing, a punch is enough to break a person, but this kid just resisted the wooden man's attack with his body.

Even Zhou Tianchi was a little dumbfounded.

As for Wu Daozi on the side, he couldn't help but mumbled in his heart. Wu Daozi secretly thought: "This Muren Alley is not really fake, right? Otherwise, why doesn't this kid hurt?"

"Although you know that this kid has super defensive capabilities, it shouldn't be so strong, right?"

"What the **** is going on?"

Even Wu Daozi can’t help but feel a little puzzled. Now he feels more and more that Zhou Tianchi is doing tricks in Muren’s Alley. You must know that if a wooden man hits someone, it’s two different things from him. This wooden man punches. In your body, that terrible explosive power, even Wu Daozi dare not say that it can be stopped, after all, this thing is a dead thing, and he is just a body of flesh and blood.

Wu Daozi and Zhou Tianchi stared directly at the rest of their lives in front of them, and the rest of their lives continued to fight these wooden men.


As Yu Sheng fought with these wooden men, for the rest of his life at this moment, he felt a quiet change in his body. He felt that through the tempering of these wooden men, this directly stimulated the blood in his body. The blood in his body was boiling, constantly Strengthen your body.

Such a scene, even for the rest of his life, was a pleasant surprise.

Even for the rest of his life, he didn't expect that this thing could bring such great benefits to himself.

After Yu Sheng had hammered these things for a while, Yu Sheng suddenly felt that when these things hit him, Yu Sheng felt a lot lighter. This punch hit him, but it couldn't bring any excitement to himself. Feeling, such a scene, I was slightly surprised for the rest of my life.

"What's the matter? Why do I feel my body is lighter? What's the situation?"


Another wooden man slammed Yu Sheng's body severely, and the punch hit Yu Sheng without causing any harm to Yu Sheng. Yu Sheng just took a few steps back.

At this time, Yu Sheng was a little confused, and Yu Sheng obviously did not expect that this wooden man would not bring him any benefit.

At this time Yu Sheng couldn't help but speak loudly: "Well, can the power of this wooden man be adjusted?"

With Yu Sheng's roar, Wu Daozi and Zhou Tianchi on the side were shocked. Zhou Tianchi looked at the rest of his life in a dumbfounded manner, even Zhou Tianchi was a little dumbfounded.

Zhou Tianchi looked incredible.

"Still to be strengthened?"

When Wu Daozi heard these words, Wu Daozi was also shocked. Then Wu Daozi looked at Zhou Tianchi and couldn't help but say, "Can this thing be strengthened?"

"Yes." Zhou Tianchi reacted and hurriedly concealed his gaffe, Zhou Tianchi quickly said: "This thing can be strengthened, but the strengthened Murenxiang is very strong, and it is very likely to kill people. Are you sure you want to strengthen?"

"Look at this kid, is he like someone who is so easily beaten to death?" Wu Daozi looked at Zhou Tianchi before slowly speaking.

Zhou Tianchi was silent for a moment when he heard the words.


For the rest of his life, this kid was not a person at all, and he didn't look like someone who could be killed.

Suddenly, Zhou Tianchi didn't know how to describe the rest of his life. Zhou Tianchi was a little puzzled, what is the origin of this rest of his life, and how could it be so strong?

With such a powerful force, most people are probably not the opponent of this guy. Moreover, this kid is extremely talented, and even Zhou Tianchi is a little frightened.

How long did it take to come to him? He could almost watch the cogeneration grow up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This kid's comprehension ability is really terrifying, Zhou Tianchi is a little confused, how did this kid do it? How could there be such a strong comprehension ability.

Zhou Tianchi was a little puzzled, but Zhou Tianchi still took a deep breath, glanced at it casually, and then Zhou Tianchi increased the strength of Murenxiang.

Zhou Tianchi directly raised the power of Murenxiang to the highest level, Zhou Tianchi can also see that the rest of his life in front of him is a bit difficult.

Even if Mu Ren Xiang is promoted to the highest level, I am afraid it may not be able to stop the rest of his life.


But at this moment, Yu Sheng suddenly heard a whistling sound.

"not good……"

Yu Sheng suddenly noticed that a wooden figure rushed towards him quickly.


Yu Sheng put his hands on his chest in an instant, and then the wooden man's punch hit Yu Sheng's chest fiercely.

When the punch hit Yu Sheng's chest, Yu Sheng's face changed slightly.

Yu Sheng was full of heavy eyes on this wooden man, he felt a huge power in the wooden man, this power has increased several times compared with before.

Such a scene was a bit horrified for the rest of my life.

But then, Yu Sheng stared at the wooden lanes in front of him with bright eyes.

"Good things, good things."

"This time, it should help me break through."

When Yu Sheng thought of this place, Yu Sheng shouted violently and rushed directly into this wooden man alley, and the wooden man fought against these.

Yu Sheng came to one of the wooden men, and then Yu Sheng roared.

"The blood of a thousand-year-old poor strange beast, the third form, an absolute blow."

Yu Sheng gave a violent shout, his right hand clenched tightly, his veins violently violently, and he looked hideous, while Yu Sheng turned his gaze to the wooden man in front of him, and Yu Sheng sneered.


In the next second, Yu Sheng blasted past with a punch quickly and accurately.

This wooden man didn't know the pain. Seeing Yu Sheng's punch, he also punched it.


In the next second, the fists of the two people collided fiercely, and a muffled sound resounded at this moment.


The voice of the rest of his life also broke out at this moment.

"Ten thousand years of chaotic beast blood, the third form, chaos swallowing the sky..."

With the roar for the rest of his life, a crisp sound rang out in the next second.

Immediately afterwards, the wooden man's arm shattered directly, and then the rest of his life hit the wooden man's body with a punch, and the wooden man was directly blasted out by the punch.


When Wu Daozi and Zhou Tianchi saw this scene in front of them, even Wu Daozi and Zhou Tianchi looked at this scene with amazement, and they were all shocked.

"how is this possible……"

Especially Zhou Tianchi, his eyes almost stared out, Zhou Tianchi looked at the scene in front of him incredibly, even Zhou Tianchi was a little dumbfounded.

"How can this kid be so strong?"

Others may not know, but Zhou Tianchi knows.

The wood in Muren Lane is made of wood of a special material. This wood is as strong as steel, and it is not something ordinary people can hold, nor can ordinary people break it.

Unexpectedly, Yu Sheng, this pervert, would dare to face this kind of wood with his flesh and blood, even Zhou Tianchi didn't know what to say.

"Not enough, almost, almost..."

At this moment, Yu Sheng suddenly noticed that his body was a little hot, as if blood was boiling. That kind of refreshing feeling made Yu Sheng indescribably excited.

For the rest of his life, he felt that his whole body was full of power, but, for some reason, he wanted to vent these powers, but...

But he felt that this kind of power was a little unventing.

In such a scene, Yu Sheng's expression was slightly solemn: "No, it's not enough, almost, almost."

Yu Sheng suddenly looked at the surrounding wooden men, Yu Sheng roared, and stepped straight to the surrounding wooden men.


Yu Sheng roared and slammed a punch on the wooden man in it. At this moment, terrible power exploded, and the wooden man was instantly knocked out.

At the same time, three more wooden figures blasted Yu Sheng's body at the same time.


With the muffled sound resounding, Yu Sheng also fell to the side fiercely. At this moment, the wooden man obviously didn't want to let Yu Sheng go so easily, and then, the wooden man slammed the past fiercely with a punch.

The terrifying power swayed along with it, and then this punch banged Ye Sheng's body.


At this moment, Yu Sheng seemed to have heard a sound, which seemed to be his calm and broken voice.

Such a scene made Yu Sheng also look overjoyed.

Now Yu Sheng is a master of the early days of the God of War, but Yu Sheng still feels that he is separated from this higher realm, and there is a barrier that makes Yu Sheng unable to touch it.

But at this moment, Yu Sheng realized that he actually had a feeling to be touched, and that feeling was extremely obvious.

"Almost soon."

Perceiving the changes in his body, Yu Sheng looked overjoyed, Yu Sheng once again attacked the wooden men, and these wooden men's attacks also fell on Yu Sheng one after another.

Zhou Tianchi and Wu Daozi, who had been watching this scene from a distance, all stared at the rest of their lives in awe.

The attacks of these wooden men's lanes have become stronger, and they can clearly feel it, and the speed of the wooden men has also increased a lot, and even their physical flexibility has increased several times.


Unexpectedly, when these wooden men's fists fell on Yu Sheng, there was still nothing in the rest of his life. They felt that these wooden men were like hammering their fists on steel, nothing happened.

In such a scene, even Zhou Tianchi was a little uncomfortable.

Zhou Tianchi couldn't help but said, "Wu Daozi, tell me, what is the origin of this kid? How can this kid be so strong? Is it because Shaolin's King Kong is not bad or not what he is practicing?"

"Where is Mao Jingang not bad, it's just outside martial arts at best." Wu Daozi couldn't help but said.

"You haven't said where did this kid come from?" Zhou Tianchi couldn't help but said: "This kid's talent is really abnormal. If we continue to develop in this way, I am afraid that it will not be long before this kid will become one. Famous master, what is the origin of this kid?"

Wu Daozi saw Zhou Tianchi's urgent appearance, Wu Daozi laughed for a while, Wu Daozi smiled and said, "Hey..."

"Zhou Tianchi, don't think about this kid. It's impossible for this kid to let you teach him."

"And this kid has a great background."

"It's huge?"

After Zhou Tianchi heard these words, Zhou Tianchi was a little confused. Zhou Tianchi took a deep look at Wu Daozi and said in a deep voice, "How old is it?"

"From above." Wu Daozi said with a smile.


When Zhou Tianchi heard these words and saw Wu Daozi's actions again, Zhou Tianchi took a deep breath. He took a deep look at Wu Daozi. He didn't expect that the origin of this kid was so powerful.

For a while, Zhou Tianchi was also a little depressed.

"Kang Dang..."

But at this moment, there was another sound resounding, but then, there was a roar for the rest of his life.


With a loud roar, Wu Daozi and Zhou Tianchi's expressions all changed drastically, and they hurriedly looked at the rest of their lives in front of them.

Immediately afterwards, they realized that there was a strong qi rippling from Yu Sheng's body. This kind of qi was invisible and intangible, but it did exist.

With Yu Sheng's angry roar resounding, in the next second, Yu Sheng slammed a punch at a wooden figure in front of him.


In the next second, this punch hit the wooden man directly.

A terrible power erupted, which made the Mu Man a little unable to withstand such a force ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then, the Mu Man was directly lifted out.

With such a terrifying explosive power, Wu Daozi and Zhou Tianchi could not help but take a breath.

At this moment, Yu Sheng gave a sneer, and blasted another wooden man with a punch. Then, Yu Sheng turned around and grabbed the wooden man's arm.


Yu Sheng gave a violent shout, these hands suddenly used force, and the blue veins on both arms exploded...

Such a terrifying blue veins, it looks like a little dragon walking around, giving people an inexplicable hideous feeling.


With a loud bang, the wooden man's arm was removed by Yu Shengzi in the next second.

Such a scene was seen by Zhou Tianchi, and Zhou Tianchi's expression also changed drastically.

Zhou Tianchi couldn't help snarling: "Stop..."

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