I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1952: beat up

Yamamoto Ichiro took a few steps back, and then he was able to stabilize his body. Yamamoto Ichiro looked at Yu Sheng in surprise. He never thought that Yu Sheng's strength was so strong.

The reason why he has such a tyrannical power is that the city has accumulated over time, and ordinary people are not his opponents, but he never thought that Yu Sheng's power would be so terrifying.

No wonder Panasonic and Ida are not opponents of this guy, it seems that he underestimated Yu Sheng this guy.

Yamamoto Ichiro stared coldly at Yu Sheng, and at this moment, the killing intent in Yamamoto Ichiro's heart became stronger and stronger.

Yu Sheng also stared at Ichiro Yamamoto indifferently. These guys are not good people. Since decades ago, these guys have been seeking them for China, and now they are visiting their martial arts world. They are really courting death. It hurts to beat these guys and destroy them, these guys have always been like this.

When Yu Sheng thought of this, the light in Yu Sheng's eyes was even brighter.


Yamamoto Ichiro kicked Yu Sheng again, and Yu Sheng turned sideways to avoid Yamamoto Ichiro's blow. At the same time, Yu Sheng also punched Yamamoto Ichiro.

After all, Ichiro Yamamoto is not a simple master, and his strength is also very powerful.


The two bumped into each other, and then the two took a few steps back.

At this moment, both of them knew more or less the details of each other.

After Wu Daozi and Zhou Tianchi saw the scene in front of them, Rao Shi Wu Daozi and Zhou Tianchi were a little surprised. They took a deep look at Yu Sheng, and a storm surged in their hearts.

During this period of time, they were with Yu Sheng, who was also taught by Zhou Tianchi. Wu Daozi has always seen it in his eyes. Although Yu Sheng is a guy who has made rapid progress, but...

This progress is too fast.

How long has it been? Yu Sheng, this guy can go head-to-head with Ichiro Yamamoto?

They can basically feel it. Compared with their own strengths, Ichiro Yamamoto can't say that they can easily take down Ichiro Yamamoto. This Ichiro Yamamoto looks like a master at first sight, but... Yu Sheng is a guy who can match up with Ichiro Yamamoto easily. Yamamoto Ichiro was entangled together, and with such a progress in strength, even they couldn't help taking a breath.

They stared straight at Yu Sheng, they were slightly curious, not knowing how much surprise Yu Sheng would bring them.

As for Wang Ying on the side, he was a little restless.

Yu Sheng can fight Yamamoto Ichiro to such an extent that Yu Sheng's combat power is already very terrifying.

I never thought that Yu Sheng would be able to fight Ichiro Yamamoto to such an extent? This ability, Wang Ying was horrified and inexplicable.

I have to say that this guy Yu Sheng is really a real pervert, and I don't know how this guy Yu Sheng did it.

Wang Ying couldn't help but said: "Wu Daozi, what kind of strength is your apprentice, how can he be so strong?"

"How do we know." Wu Daozi said casually.

"Aren't you his master? Would you not know?"

Wang Ying was dumbfounded.

Nima, do you masters really don't care about their apprentices at all? What's more, such a talented apprentice... You don't care at all?

Isn't this a joke?

Even Wang Ying doesn't know how to describe Wu Daozi and Zhou Tianchi. Such a genius falls under the door of these two people, it is really a misunderstanding.

After Wu Daozi heard this sentence, he underestimated one sentence: "This kid's strength is improving every day. If you can know it, then it is really evil."

Zhou Tianchi explained from the side: "We haven't paid attention to his strength. Generally, we only teach them some knowledge of martial arts. As for how much they can comprehend, it is entirely up to him to comprehend it."


When Zhou Tianchi said these words, for a moment, even Wang Ying was a little dumbfounded, and Wang Ying stared at Zhou Tianchi in front of him.

Carefully savor Zhou Tianchi's words?

What does it mean?

Nima, love people learn martial arts all by themselves?

Your mother, did you hear that this is human words? When they teach martial arts, they must teach the other party how to exert their strength, how to practice, etc. After they have finished teaching these things, they will let their own disciples learn, and some smart and qualified disciples will definitely be able to do it. To draw inferences from one fact, it is getting stronger and stronger, and some disciples with dull aptitude are naturally not suitable for martial arts.

Of course, with the changes of the times, now, everyone is very tired, most people are scheming for life, who would go to learn martial arts?

And learning martial arts takes a lot of time. Even if you learn it, what will you do if you become a master? Are you going to be a bodyguard? Although some bodyguards have a lot of salary, most bodyguards are worthless.

What's the point of this?

When you are still illiterate, it is even more inadvisable.

Therefore, this has led to the fact that there are very few people who learn martial arts. Today's environment is different. Now everyone prefers hot weapons, and cold weapons have naturally withdrawn from the stage of history.

This is also the reason why the martial arts hall is getting more and more difficult.

Geniuses like Yu Sheng are too few and too few, and Wang Ying is also a little jealous, and he doesn't know how Yu Sheng was trained and how he is so strong.

This guy is really a pervert.

Wang Ying took a deep breath, and he continued to observe the battle between Yu Sheng and Yamamoto Ichiro.

However, the cheers around him resounded.

"I didn't expect that this kid could fight Yamamoto Ichiro to such an extent. I have to say, this kid is really a genius."

"Yeah, do you see his strength? It's so strong. This guy is like a humanoid machine. If this punch hits a person, it won't kill him alive."

"Where did he get so much strength? Looking at his body, he was a little thin and weak, no matter how he looked at it, he didn't look like a person who could fight, and he didn't look like a person with so much strength, this kid, How did you do it?"

For a while, all the people present were talking about it. They were all terrified by the scene in front of them. They never thought that they would become so strong. They couldn't help but gasped. cool air.

And Yu Sheng and Yamamoto Ichiro also fought to a white-hot level. At this moment, between the two of them, it was no longer a temptation, but a real attack.


Yu Sheng and Yamamoto Ichiro punched each other, and the two separated instantly.

Yu Sheng was staring at Ichiro Yamamoto, but Ichiro Yamamoto's face became more and more ugly, and Ichiro Yamamoto stared at Yu Sheng very heavily.

Ichiro Yamamoto never thought that Yu Sheng, this guy, could fight him to such an extent that Yu Sheng was at a disadvantage at first, but he didn't know how this guy did it.

Over time, he found that he was gradually at a disadvantage.

And looking at Yu Sheng's appearance, this **** doesn't look like such a powerful guy. Moreover, this kid was not so strong at the beginning?

How do you get stronger when you fight?

This sudden change in forehead made even Yamamoto Ichiro a little confused. Yamamoto Ichiro didn't know how to describe Yu Sheng. He just felt that Yu Sheng was a pervert.

"Could it be that... this kid improved in battle?"

When Ichiro Yamamoto noticed this scene, Ichiro Yamamoto's face became slightly solemn. If Yu Sheng was progressing in battle, then this Yu Sheng was a little perverted.

This can no longer be described as a demon to describe the rest of his life.

"No, we have to kill him as soon as possible, we can't let him continue to drag."

When he noticed this scene, Yamamoto Ichiro's expression became slightly solemn. Yamamoto Ichiro stared at Yu Sheng in front of him, killing intent surging in his eyes.

At this moment, Ichiro Yamamoto didn't intend to continue procrastinating. He must kill the rest of his life as soon as possible. After all, there are so many people watching here, especially there are two masters here, even Ichiro Yamamoto dare not be careless.

Ichiro Yamamoto can feel it, this rest of his life is very powerful.


Yamamoto Ichiro shouted, and then he attacked Yu Sheng like lightning, and the terrifying power burst out, even with Yu Sheng.


Yu Sheng sneered.

After training with Yamamoto Ichiro, this made his progress very fast. After all, Yamamoto Ichiro and Wu Daozi are a little different.

When training with Wu Daozi and the others, Wu Daozi and the others would not use their full strength at all, but Yamamoto Ichiro was different, Yamamoto Ichiro would use his full strength.

So Yu Sheng was able to progress under this kind of oppression.

Yu Sheng also trembled with Ichiro Yamamoto.

But at this moment, Yu Sheng slammed a punch on Yamamoto Ichiro's body, Yamamoto Ichiro froze all over, and then Yamamoto Ichiro also punched Yu Sheng's body.

When Yu Sheng saw this, the corner of his mouth twitched, and then another punch hit Ichiro Yamamoto.


Such a scene was watched by the people present, which shocked everyone present, especially Wu Daozi and Zhou Tianchi, who were a little stunned to see Yu Sheng in front of them. They never thought that this guy Yu Sheng would actually He will confront Ichiro Yamamoto head-on, this guy, is he going to die?

Doesn't he know that it doesn't do him any good to hit hard like this?

Is this guy crazy?

Wu Daozi, Zhou Tianchi and others were all taken aback by Yu Sheng.

"Hurry up and take care of him."

Wang Ying was also shocked when he saw this scene, and hurriedly said.

Wu Daozi and Zhou Tianchi also want Yu Sheng to pay attention not to confront Ichiro Yamamoto, but they know that Ichiro Yamamoto has a very good body, and he has practiced crooked skills in the past.

So it's forbidden.

Fighting against Ichiro Yamamoto, to some extent, was very disadvantageous.

But then, Zhou Tianchi also thought of something. Suddenly, he looked at Wu Daozi and said slowly, "Is this kid very durable?"

When he noticed this scene, Rao Shi Wu Daozi was also stunned, Wu Daozi looked at Zhou Tianchi in surprise, and couldn't help but said, "Yes, I almost forgot, this kid is also very patient. call taxi."

He still remembered that when he was spending the rest of his life, this kid seemed to have nothing at all. At that time, even he was a little stunned.

Just now, they were also concerned and messed up.

After thinking about this, they were relieved.

At this moment, Wang Ying saw that Wu Daozi and Zhou Tianchi were indifferent, he was a little uneasy, and quickly came to the two people's side, couldn't help saying: "Let them stop, this way, this kid may be killed alive. killed."

Seeing Wang Ying's anxious appearance, Wu Daozi and Zhou Tianchi both looked at each other and smiled.

Wu Daozi said slowly: "Hehe, let them fight like this, I also want to see, in the end, between these two guys, who will suffer more."

As soon as Wu Daozi said these words, even Wang Ying was a little stunned. Wang Ying looked at Wu Daozi in front of him, and was dumbfounded for a moment.

Wang Ying was a little confused.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Don't you know that this will kill this kid?"

"Will not."

Zhou Tianchi said with a smile: "This kid is also very durable."

Hearing Zhou Tianchi's words, Wang Ying fell silent. At this moment, even Wang Ying didn't know how to describe these two guys~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He had never seen such a nonsense master.

How big is this feeling? Can you watch your apprentice be beaten?

Wang Ying took a deep breath, and he looked at the battlefield again, sure enough...

Yu Sheng and Yamamoto Ichiro fought together.

At this time, Yu Sheng, one punch knocked Yamamoto Ichiro into the air, and Yamamoto Ichiro also punched Yu Sheng. Yu Sheng only took a few steps back to stabilize his body.

On the contrary, Ichiro Yamamoto, with the soles of his feet off the ground, stepped back at least two meters away.

At this moment, Ichiro Yamamoto felt a burst of pain in his chest, and Ichiro Yamamoto knew very well that these few punches for the rest of his life caused him a lot of trouble and caused great damage.

When Ichiro Yamamoto noticed this, Ichiro Yamamoto's face was a little unpleasant, and Ichiro Yamamoto looked at the scene in front of him with a gloomy expression, as angry as he wanted.

"This guy, why is there nothing at all?"

Yamamoto Ichiro looked at Yu Sheng again, but he found that Yu Sheng seemed to have nothing at all, and Yamamoto Ichiro looked a little ignorant and a little dumbfounded.

Has he never seen such nonsense?

How could this kid be okay?

Doesn't make sense?

Logically speaking, this kid shouldn't have nothing at all, his fists are very hard, and it is not something that ordinary people can bear.

Logically speaking, Yu Sheng should have been hit hard, but...

The rest of his life in front of him had a dull expression and stood here quietly, as if he was not injured. In this scene, Ichiro Yamamoto was a little confused.

"No, no...it's impossible?"

"Does it mean that this kid is pretending? Holding on?"

(End of this chapter)

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