When Yu Sheng saw the scene in front of him, Rao was shocked, and Yu Sheng's face had a little joy on his face.

Now his military merit value has reached 300,000 points, although 300,000 is not a lot, but these military merit values ​​are enough for him to deal with some emergencies.

Yu Sheng pondered for a while, and immediately said solemnly: "System, refresh the mall immediately, refresh the god-level mall, refresh ten times."

With Yu Sheng's words, the system's voice resounded.

"DiDi, the host refreshes the mall, consuming 100,000 points of military merit from the host..."

With the sound of the system falling, Yu Sheng saw that the mall in front of him was quickly refreshed. The refresh rate of the mall in front of him was very fast, and the rest of his life was a bit dazzling.

Yu Sheng stared straight at the mall in front of him, his eyes flickering.

The refresh rate of the mall is very fast, and Yu Sheng can't even notice it. What is being refreshed here, Yu Sheng can only wait patiently here.

However, after the system was refreshed, the system said, "DiDi, the mall is refreshed."

As the system's voice fell, Yu Sheng was also shocked. Yu Sheng hurriedly looked at the mall. When Yu Sheng looked at the goods in the mall, Yu Sheng frowned and pondered.

For the rest of my life, I saw that the goods in this mall were actually nothing.

"I wipe..."

Yu Sheng complained for a while: "System, you are getting darker and darker. Now you refresh the mall's military merit value a lot, and you have nothing. I have never seen you so pitiful..."

The system's voice resounded: "If everything is so easy to get, then the host's enthusiasm cannot be aroused."


After Yu Sheng heard this sentence, Rao Shi Yu Sheng opened his mouth wide, and Yu Sheng's expression became a little unnatural. He never thought that the system would be so stupid that he would even prevaricate such a sentence.

Rao Shi Yu Sheng's face was a little unnatural.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath, and then slowly said, "You are really awesome."

Yu Sheng looked at the things in the mall, Yu Sheng pondered, and soon, Yu Sheng found something, and after Yu Sheng discovered such a thing, Rao Yu Sheng was all bright.

"This is……"

"Martial arts experience?"

When Yu Sheng sees this thing, even Yu Sheng will have an indescribable surprise.

"And this thing?"

Martial arts experience, Yu Sheng naturally knows what this thing is, and also knows what it is, and Yu Sheng is quite looking forward to it.

You must know that martial arts experience is equivalent to actual combat experience. This thing is precious. After all, this thing can make a martial artist take a lot less detours.

Yu Sheng couldn't help but said, "System, buy martial arts experience immediately."

With Yu Sheng's voice falling.

The sound of the system also resounded.

"DiDi, the host has successfully purchased martial arts experience."

"Consumes the host's 50,000 military merit points."

After Yu Sheng heard the news, Rao was stunned for a while.

"fifty thousand?"

"It's still within the acceptable range."

After Yu Sheng heard this sentence, Rao Shi Yu Sheng was also slightly relieved.

"DiDi, does the host absorb martial arts experience?"


In the next second, many things suddenly appeared in Yu Sheng's mind. When Yu Sheng analyzed these things, Yu Sheng was shocked, and Yu Sheng's face showed a little joy.

Yu Sheng found that he had a lot of knowledge in his mind, and this knowledge made Yu Sheng indescribably excited. He felt that this thing helped him a lot. In daily life, there are some things he doesn't understand. It is also at this moment that things that cannot be described in words are understood.

For the rest of my life, I found that there are still many benefits to this kind of martial arts experience.

Yu Sheng's face was full of surprise.

As Yu Sheng absorbs martial arts experience, Yu Sheng has more and more knowledge about martial arts. In fact, this kind of martial arts is all about skills, playing with inch strength. This kind of strength can also be used to kill people. There is still a big gap in the cultivation of mountains and seas.

Yu Sheng thought about it, and then looked at the system again. Yu Sheng saw that there were a lot of books refreshed in the system. These books were not very expensive. Each book was worth a military merit. There are many, many, and more than that.

"System, take out 50,000 and buy 50,000 books." Yu Sheng thought about it and said.

"DiDi, the host purchased the book successfully, may I ask if the host is integrated?"

"Fusion." Yu Sheng said without unnecessary nonsense.

"DiDi, the host fusion is successful."

His military merit has become 100,000 again, but at this moment, he suddenly has a lot of knowledge in his mind. You must know that many people will not be able to read 10,000 books in their entire lives. Thousands of books are not easy, so when these knowledge are integrated into Yu Sheng's mind, it makes Yu Sheng feel a very special feeling.

Yu Sheng feels that with the integration of books, Yu Sheng's understanding of these things has become stronger and stronger, and Yu Sheng's thinking has become more active.

Of course, Yu Sheng only eats these books wholeheartedly, that is, recites them, but he has not fully understood the meaning inside. This requires Yu Sheng to understand and understand a little bit by himself. If you use these things in the future When you are fully integrated, you will naturally understand a lot of things for the rest of your life.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath...

But out here.

Zhou Tianchi and Wu Daozi saw that Yu Sheng didn't say a word, and only walked a little bit. The two people who saw them were a bit baffled.

"What's the matter with this kid?" Zhou Tianchi glanced at Yu Sheng with a puzzled look, and asked a little puzzled.

"Who knows that."

Wu Daozi also looked at Yu Sheng with some doubts, and said doubtfully: "This kid, he is so stubborn, it seems that he has been hit by some kind of blow. Could it be that this kid lost to Wang Ying?"

"It's normal to lose to Wang Ying." At this time, Zhou Tianchi paused and said: "Wang Ying has been famous for many years, and his legs are even more impressive. Losing to this guy for the rest of his life is also in the It makes sense, after all, this kid has only studied for a long time."

"Learning in the womb of beating mothers has only been studied for more than 20 years."

"This kid has only been studying for less than two months."

Wu Daozi said casually.

"Well, two months..."

But then, Zhou Tianchi suddenly noticed that something was not right, Zhou Tianchi suddenly looked at Wu Daozi, his face full of shock.

Zhou Tianchi said incredulously, "What are you talking about? How long have you been studying?"

Zhou Tianchi looked at Wu Daozi with some dumbfoundedness, and couldn't help but ask.

"It's less than two months." Wu Daozi said slowly: "From the beginning, this kid seems to have only learned one Tai Chi. It's just that although this kid's Tai Chi is good, he doesn't get the point."

"When I really started to learn martial arts, that is, when I taught him, it was less than two months before and after us."


When Zhou Tianchi heard this sentence, even Zhou Tianchi couldn't help taking a deep breath. Zhou Tianchi looked at Yu Sheng in shock, his face full of incredulity and shock.

I never dreamed that Yu Sheng, this pervert, actually only studied for less than two months? Nima, is this a big joke?

Zhou Tianchi didn't know about it at first, and he didn't ask. He thought that Yu Sheng had been with Wu Daozi for a long time.

At least he has to learn martial arts for about ten years, but who the **** would have thought that this kid is so scary, and he has only learned his mother for two months to become what he is now.

Is this kid still a person?

How on earth did he do it?

A person can have such a martial arts foundation after only two months of study. Such an ability is really terrible. This can no longer be described as a monster. I am afraid it has to be described as a fairy. This is really terrible. .

Zhou Tianchi took a deep breath and suppressed his inner excitement. Zhou Tianchi took a deep look at the rest of his life before him, and Zhou Tianchi thought to himself: "I can't let this kid lose his soul, if he let this kid lose his soul, this kid can It's useless."

"After all, whose life hasn't failed a bit."

"Winning or losing is a common thing in military affairs."

Zhou Tianchi looked at Yu Sheng with a calm expression, and then slowly said, "Yu Sheng, Yu Sheng..."

At this moment, Yu Sheng also woke up, and Yu Sheng looked at Zhou Tianchi, a little puzzled, not knowing what Zhou Tianchi had called him at this moment.

Yu Sheng gave Zhou Tianchi a puzzled look, and asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

"Boy, winning or losing is a common thing in military affairs. It doesn't affect anything." Zhou Tianchi said slowly: "As a warrior, who hasn't failed yet? In this life, there is no strongest, only stronger."

"Failure, sometimes it's not necessarily a bad thing."

"Sometimes he can also make you understand more truths and let you understand that there are days beyond the sky."

As soon as Zhou Tianchi's words came out, for a moment, even Yu Sheng was a little confused. Yu Sheng looked at Zhou Tianchi in front of him with some doubts, but he didn't understand. What does Zhou Tianchi mean?

Why are you saying this to yourself?

Although Zhou Tianchi said these words, it is easy for people to understand what they mean, but...

I don't understand why I say these words to myself, when did I fail?

Yu Sheng blinked his eyes, a little confused.

When Wu Daozi saw that Yu Sheng didn't speak, he thought he was silent, and he still pretended that he had just failed. Yes, it's the same in this martial arts world."

"Everyone has to go through a lot of ups and downs."

"If you want to become a master, you have to overcome all obstacles. In many cases, the more top masters, the more experience in this life, and the more they experience, then failure is essential."

"You kid..."

"It's really rare to have reached this state at a young age."

"At least in my impression, your kid is definitely more talented than anyone else. Your talent, bones, and understanding are quite good. If this continues, sooner or later, you will become a top master, and your kid will become a grandmaster. It is definitely not a problem, if there is a chance in the future, it may not be impossible to become a great master."

"So, now, boy, the most important thing is to relax your mind."

"Since he lost to Wang Ying, he will come back after asking for advice."

"And this guy Wang Ying is twice your age. If you defeat him so easily, then Wang Ying won't have to live."


When Yu Sheng heard Wu Daozi's words, in an instant, Yu Sheng understood what Wu Daozi's words meant, obviously...

This guy Wu Daozi is persuading himself, he is telling him ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Failure is the mother of success.

Don't let yourself get discouraged.


Damn, who said that he lost to Wang Ying.

Yu Sheng couldn't help but said: "The two seniors, the junior did not lose to Wang Ying."

As soon as Yu Sheng's words came out, Zhou Tianchi and Wu Daozi were stunned. They all looked at Yu Sheng, then smiled and said, "Yu Sheng, it doesn't matter whether you win or lose, you are right to think so."


After Yu Sheng heard this, he became even more unaware, and Yu Sheng looked at Wu Daozi in disbelief.

Yu Sheng was speechless and said, "I really didn't lose."


At this moment, Wu Daozi and Zhou Tianchi also looked at Yu Sheng. This time, they seemed to have noticed something. Wu Daozi and Zhou Tianchi both took a deep look at Yu Sheng and couldn't help asking, "What did you say, kid? Is it true? You really didn't lose, kid?"

"Yeah." Yu Sheng nodded.

"If you don't lose, then you won?" Zhou Tianchi said in shock.

"It's a tie."

Yu Sheng thought for a while, and said slowly: "We had a fight, and we both tested each other's details, but I can clearly feel that Senior Wang Ying should still have a hole card. If I play a hole card, I may not be able to parry it."

"And I am the same, and there are still some cards that have not been played."

"Of course, I can't guarantee whether my hole cards can beat Senior Wang Ying."


Speaking of this, Yu Sheng was silent for a while and said, "If it's the kind of fight on the battlefield, I don't think Senior Wang Ying is my opponent, but if it's a battle of martial artists, I may be slightly inferior. "

"But if he wants to kill me, I'm afraid it's not that easy."

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