I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1958: war robot

They were all staring at the man in front of them in disbelief, and for a while, they were a little dumbfounded.

I never thought that this guy, his mother had been making trouble for a long time, turned out to be not a person, but a robot. Is this a big joke?

Robot technology has not yet matured these days, right?

Logically speaking, it is impossible to produce a robot like this...

This is complete nonsense...it's just bullshit...

Even they are a little ignorant.


Seeing this, Zhou Tianchi couldn't help taking a breath. Zhou Tianchi stared at the robot in front of him with a horrified expression. At this moment, even Zhou Tianchi didn't know how to describe the robot in front of him. Zhou Tianchi just felt that this was too blind. The chicken is pulling...

What is this all about...

The robots have all come out, and the most important thing is that the robot in front of me is still so terrifying. If it goes on like this, no one will know if the world will be occupied by robots.

If it is said that every robot is as powerful as the one in front of him, then it is really terrible, and it is terrible.

Zhou Tianchi, Wu Daozi and others were all staring at the robot in front of them. After the robot's nose was broken, the robot didn't show any anger, as if it didn't have any emotion, and it didn't feel any pain. The robot was still there. It was staring at Yu Sheng, and it seemed that he would never give up if he would not kill Yu Sheng.

"Yu Sheng, be careful, I feel that this guy is coming for you." Wu Daozi hurriedly said when he saw this.

"I know."

Yu Sheng nodded slightly.

Yu Sheng has also seen it, the robot in front of him, in all likelihood, is aimed at him, and Rao Yu Sheng is also a little cold.


This is the first time he has seen such a robot, and it is so intelligent, and he does not know whose method this robot came from, and secondly...

What the **** is going on with this robot, why are they killing themselves.

He even went to such a place to kill himself...

Even for the rest of his life, his face is extremely solemn...

Yu Sheng stared at the robot, and now the robot has already killed Yu Sheng, and when the robot killed, there was a violent whistling sound.


The next second, the robot raised its fist and attacked Yu Sheng fiercely. When Yu Sheng saw this, he easily avoided the robot's attack. Yu Sheng didn't fight the robot head-on. He knew that this thing was made of steel. I did it, and it didn't feel any pain. If I had to fight this thing, it would just be self-inflicted and boring. If it didn't work, I would injure myself, so it's better not to fight the robot head-on.

Yu Sheng went around behind the robot, and immediately, Yu Sheng's body slammed into the robot's body, and the robot's body also took a few steps forward, which was able to stabilize its figure.

"So heavy?"

When Yu Sheng noticed this, Rao Shi Yu Sheng was a little surprised. He could feel from the robot's body that the robot's weight was probably at least three hundred kilograms, and this thing was extremely resistant to beatings, flesh and blood. The body is probably unable to cause damage to it, and even with ordinary guns, it is estimated that this robot can't do anything about it.

Thinking of this, Rao Shi Yu Sheng's face became a little dignified.


Immediately, the robot rushed towards Yu Sheng again. At this time, the robot looked cold and severe, and every punch was accompanied by a violent whistling sound, which made people scared.

The rest of his life began to dodge.

At this moment, Yu Sheng noticed a problem.

That is the speed of the robot. It seems to be a lot slower. Compared with them, it is not a little bit slower. In such a scene, Rao Shi Yu Sheng was also slightly surprised.

The speed of the robot is so slow, which proves that this robot actually has certain defects, but... the strength and defense of this robot are very amazing, which makes them a little helpless.

"Boom bang bang..."

Yu Sheng's attack, like a rainstorm of pear blossoms, kept falling on the robot, but for the robot, it was painless and meaningless.

Yu Sheng stopped attacking, and Yu Sheng frowned.

As for Wu Daozi and Zhou Tianchi, they couldn't help but look at their hands. Their hands were a little red and looked puffy.

In such a scene, Rao Wu Daozi and Zhou Tianchi were also a little speechless.

"No way... If we continue like this, sooner or later, we will all be exhausted to death." Zhou Tianchi couldn't help but said.

"This thing is too resistant to beatings, and our strength can't cause damage to this thing at all, it's really a big trouble." Wu Daozi's face was also a little unsightly.

"It's the first time I've encountered this kind of thing. It would be great if there was a cannonball or something. Maybe I could kill this thing directly." Zhou Tianchi couldn't help but said.

"Just kidding, in China, how can we let you go around with a cannonball casually, isn't this a joke." Wu Daozi said speechlessly.


In China, the control of these guns and ammunition is very, very strict. Even with shotguns and other things, it is not allowed to hide, let alone some special things, now even fireworks and other things. , are in control.

Therefore, such a weapon of mass destruction is basically impossible to exist.

"Then what do we do? This thing has no pain nerves, and its defense is amazing. We can't break his defense at all, and we can't hurt this thing at all. What should we do?"

Even Zhou Tianchi has a slight headache. They are warriors, and they have met people in the past. They have never seen such a powerful high-tech. This robot is too realistic.

And this power is so strong, they even began to doubt life a little.

The existence of hot weapons has gradually replaced their group of warriors, causing their group of warriors to lose their original meaning, but now, with such a powerful robot, what is the meaning of their existence as a group of warriors? ?

They can become the masters they are today, but it takes thirty or forty years of hard training to achieve this achievement, but a robot makes them two masters helpless, for a while...

Rao is that both of them are constantly sighing in their hearts.

I have to say, this kind of thing is really... I don't know how to describe it.


Immediately afterwards, Yu Sheng's eyes flicked, and Yu Sheng suddenly saw a small river on the side. When Yu Sheng noticed this, Yu Sheng's eyes flickered.


Immediately, Yu Sheng quickly ran towards the river.

After the robot noticed that Yu Sheng had left here quickly, the robot rushed to catch up, and soon, they came to the side of the river.

At this moment, Wu Daozi and Zhou Tianchi also chased after them one after another. They looked at Yu Sheng in front of them, and for a while, they did not understand what Yu Sheng wanted to do.

"This Yu Sheng, what do you want to do?" Zhou Tianchi glanced at Yu Sheng with a puzzled look, and couldn't help but ask.

After Wu Daozi heard this, he glanced at the river. After seeing the river water, Wu Daozi's eyes lit up, and he immediately said, "I think... this kid might want to use the river water..."

"River water?"

When Zhou Tianchi heard the words, he was stunned for a moment, and looked at Wu Daozi with some puzzlement. For a while, he didn't understand what Wu Daozi meant.


Wu Daozi nodded slightly, and said slowly: "If it is expected, it is the river..."

"Think about it, robot, robot, what is his energy supply?" Wu Daozi said.

"Electricity." Zhou Tianchi suddenly thought of something and said immediately.

"I'm afraid not."

Wu Daozi shook his head slightly and said, "This kind of robot is very advanced. If it's just electricity, I don't think it can solve this problem. Ordinary electricity can't be carried, and even if it can be driven, it will take a lot of electricity. "

"So it's very likely to be a new type of energy?" Zhou Tianchi suddenly said.

"Well." Wu Daozi nodded slightly and said, "Many machines are afraid of water. Once thrown into the water, it will easily cause a short circuit..."

"So, if expected, this kid wants to get the robot into the water, and then short-circuit the robot..."

When Wu Daozi finished saying this, Zhou Tianchi's eyes lit up, and he immediately said: "The idea of ​​Yu Sheng is not bad, water is everywhere, and if there is a small hole, you can enter it. Sophisticated, it is impossible for this body to have no loopholes, as long as water enters the robot's body, then the robot's body will have serious problems."

"This way... everything is easy to say..."

When Zhou Tianchi said this, Zhou Tianchi suddenly looked at the robot in front of him, and immediately said, "Old Wu, let's take action together and kill this guy together."



Immediately, Zhou Tianchi and Wu Daozi attacked the robot in front of them one after another. This time, they did not use brute force, but cleverness, so that they could also avoid injury.

And their main purpose is to force the robot into the water, so that everything can be said...

Thinking of this, Zhou Tianchi and Wu Daozi both began to force the robot, and Yu Sheng saw this and simply stood in the water. At this time, a sneer appeared on the corner of Yu Sheng's mouth.

He didn't know how deep the water flow here was, but according to the observations, it was estimated that it had to be two meters deep, and the water here was very clear, which was quite good.

Yu Sheng stood in the water, and the robot was obviously hesitant at this moment. When Yu Sheng noticed this scene, Rao Yu Sheng's eyes lit up.

"Sure enough... this guy is afraid of water."

For the rest of his life, his eyes began to flicker.

This thing is afraid of water, then everything is easy to say, just afraid of this thing, there is no weakness at all, if there is no weakness at all, then it is really a big trouble.

Yu Sheng swam to the side quickly, and the robot at this time also hurried to catch up, but the robot did not dare to go into the water, so he ran on the shore, and he ran wherever Yu Sheng swam.

When he noticed this scene, Yu Sheng became more and more confident. The robot in front of him was actually afraid of water...

When Yu Sheng saw this, he swam towards the shore. When Yu Sheng came to the other side, Wu Daozi and Zhou Tianchi also noticed that the robot had come to the shore, which was very close to the water shore. Obviously, The main goal of the robot is for the rest of its life.

When Wu Daozi and Zhou Tianchi saw this scene, Wu Daozi and Zhou Tianchi both looked at each other and nodded, then they all sneered, and then they all attacked the robot.


With a loud shout, the next second, Wu Daozi and Zhou Tianchi came to the robot one after another. Then, their bodies came into intimate contact with the robot, and then a huge force, From the bodies of Wu Daozi and Zhou Tianchi ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this terrifying force was vented on the body of the robot.

Their power is not to hit the internal organs of the robot or the like, but to use this power to cause a huge impact on the robot.

The terrifying impact was vented to the robot, and the robot's body was also hit hard.

At this moment, the robot body was also smashed and flew out, and the next second...

The robot's body fell violently into the water.


As a sound resounded, a huge wave floated on the water.

The next second, the robot thudded twice in the water, and then the robot gradually sank into the water.

And at this time, the rest of his life was a little relieved when he saw this.

When Zhou Tianchi and Wu Daozi saw the robot fell into the water, their eyes lit up, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

They took a deep look at the robot and said slowly: "It's finally solved. I didn't expect such a powerful thing in the world. It seems that we warriors have to pay attention."

"Yeah... With such a powerful thing appearing, who would want to practice Sanjiu in winter and Sanfu in summer... After all, it's a lot of hardship to practice, hey... Our group of warriors, I feel that sooner or later, I will be punished. eliminated."


For a while, Zhou Tianchi and Wu Daozi sighed slightly, because they didn't know how to describe it.

But more of a downfall.

They are all very clear in their hearts that martial arts have declined...

And this time, it is very likely to be a complete decline, and in the end, it can only be reduced to the kind of physical fitness on the street, without any lethality.

And the real martial arts is the killing technique...

(End of this chapter)

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