I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1963: undercurrent


Yu Sheng felt as if something was spraying out of his nose. At this moment, Yu Sheng looked stunned and couldn't help touching his nose, and then...

Yu Sheng panicked, and then Yu Sheng quickly brought a tissue and started to stop the bleeding.

Yu Sheng murmured: "Damn, I didn't expect that I would still bleed, it really is..."

After Yu Sheng saw this scene in front of him, even Yu Sheng was a little ignorant, and Yu Sheng never thought that such a thing would happen...

This has never happened to him before...

What is this all about.

However, I have to say that this group of photos of Wu Zeqing is really alluring, with a plump figure and a delicate face, the looming skin, even for the rest of his life, can't help but take a deep breath , the rest of my life is heartbroken.


Yu Sheng sighed deeply.

But at this moment, Wu Zeqing's chat message was also sent.

After Wu Zeqing's chat message was sent, the rest of his life at this moment glanced at Wu Zeqing's chat message and saw Wu Zeqing said.

"Does it look good?"

When Yu Sheng saw this, he hurriedly responded: "It's beautiful, it's so beautiful."

He has never seen such a beautiful...

Even Yu Sheng was extremely excited and excited, Yu Sheng quickly said: "Old Wu, I will take more pictures another day. I have to say that your photos are really getting better and better."

Excited for the rest of my life.

Seeing this, Wu Zeqing smiled softly and said nothing.

Wu Zeqing said, "Xiaoyu, be careful when operating in space, space is very dangerous."

"Don't worry." Yu Sheng immediately said: "Can you still not know my abilities? These are all small things."

Yu Sheng also has full confidence in his own strength.


Just when Yu Sheng was chatting with Wu Zeqing, at this moment, there was an undercurrent surging in the dark.

There are countless forces that seem to be plotting something.

In a certain deep mountain, there is no one here, but if you look carefully, there is a hole below it. However, this hole is extremely inconspicuous. It is estimated that the entrance of the hole can only be found after walking here, even if you are not careful. It is extremely easy for people to miss this place.

Inside this hole, there are several figures.

These figures all looked calm.

"how's it going?"

"Chang'e on the Huaxia side will take off tomorrow and head to the moon."

"Yeah." The leader nodded slightly. He sat on the chair and tapped the chair lightly, his eyes revealing a bit of solemnity.

At this moment, he was obviously thinking about something.

The person in the lead said slowly: "This time, in addition to protecting the satellite, they also want to find something on the moon, such a thing, which fell on the moon elsewhere... For any country It's extremely important, and we have to figure out how to go up and take things down."


As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the rest of the people also changed slightly. Their expressions became a little heavy, and they said in a condensed voice, "I'm afraid it won't be that easy."

"There are only a few countries in the world who can reach the moon now, and the rest are not qualified to reach the moon."

"If we want to go to the moon, we have to use their aircraft, but... these big countries are not so easy to deal with..."

"Huaxia, it's impossible,"

"Only through Lao Mi's side, and Lao Russia's side, but Lao Maozi and this group of people are not afraid of death."

"If they agree, they can send you up at any time. If they don't agree, you won't be able to go up any way you can."


Hearing the words, the man nodded slightly. The man's face became a little sharp, and the man said slowly: "It's not just the three countries that can fly to the moon."

"Elsewhere, some people are just as capable."


As soon as these words came out, the rest of the people were slightly taken aback, and the rest of the people looked at the man in the lead, and they showed a little surprised look.

It was the first time they heard that other than these countries, there are other people who can leave the earth. You must know that it is not so easy to leave the earth, let alone reach the moon, which is even more difficult. What kind of power is it? It's so powerful.

"Yin Si..."

At this time, the leading man spoke slowly.

"Yin Si..."

When they heard the name, their expressions changed slightly.

The name Yin Si can almost be said to be a taboo-like existence, which makes them all extremely heavy.

What kind of international joke is this?

They also know that the Yin Si is very hidden, and they have a lot of developed science and technology, and even some outsiders don't know what the Yin Si is in control of.

However, they have heard of Yin Si, and it seems that they have mastered genetic medicine, and they can also develop some robots and the like.

And more than that...

These other ancient forces also control something.

Many people don't know these things, and these things are rarely circulated in the market. They are all hidden and do not want to reveal their strength.

After all, once something is exposed, it will inevitably attract the coveting of countless people. At that time, it will be troublesome. Maybe people all over the world will look for them.

So many people hide their strength.

The man said with a heavy mouth: "The Yin Si side is not so easy to deal with. If we go up, the price we will pay will be huge."

Hearing these words, the leader said indifferently: "Then pay some price, and get the things no matter what, if we can get the things, we can earn them back exponentially. The cost is nothing."

As the voice in the hand fell, everyone present at this time nodded slightly and said, "Okay, then I will contact the people over there."

"Well." The male leader nodded and said: "Next, continue to promise, which other forces are interested in these things."


Immediately, these people left here one after another.

And this scene, in other places, is also being staged one after another. At this moment, while the Chinese world is watching, there are countless people who are eyeing it.

No one knew what they were thinking.

And at this moment, the rest of our client's life...

Yu Sheng and Wu Zeqing have hung up the phone...

Yu Sheng sighed slightly. ,

As a soldier, I often carry out missions. It is even more impossible to carry a mobile phone or other communication tools when carrying out missions. Therefore, when I contact Wu Zeqing sometimes, I can only contact Wu Zeqing once for a long time. see you.

Such a scene, even for the rest of my life, is deeply helpless.

That's how being a soldier is. For the sake of the country, it's easy to ignore your family. This is the so-called "you can't have both."

Even Yu Sheng sighed deeply.

After thinking about it for the rest of his life, he immediately got up and went to a place. After he went to the moon, he would definitely need to carry some weapons. As for the guns and ammunition, it might not be as convenient as cold weapons.

After all, the gravity on the moon is not the same.

I chose some weapons and equipment for the rest of my life. As for some explosives and other things, don’t think about it. This thing is definitely not portable. Once something goes wrong on it, it will be a big trouble. Maybe even the entire rocket will be able to. destroyed.

So these things must not be carried.

After choosing these things for the rest of my life, it can be said that everything is ready, and I only owe Dongfeng...

However, at this moment, someone called him.

When Yu Sheng saw this, he was stunned, and immediately, Yu Sheng answered the phone.

When the phone was connected, Fan Tianlei said slowly, "Your mission has come down."

"Your mission is to find what we need on the moon. We have pictures of this thing, but it's a bit blurry. You need to find such a thing as soon as possible. This thing is extremely important to us."

"Yes." Yu Sheng said quickly.

"At that time, someone will go with you, so pay attention to yourself."


After Yu Sheng heard it, he was stunned for a while, and couldn't help but ask, "Chief of Staff, didn't I go alone this time? Why are there other people going?"

"It was arranged from above." Fan Tianlei said slowly: "There is an undercurrent outside now, and we have also heard some news that some forces will also step into the moon to look for something like that."

"So, it's safer to arrange for two to go."

As soon as these words came out, Yu Sheng nodded slightly.

It's just that Yu Sheng didn't expect that two people would need to go together, which is a bit strange...

Yu Sheng said: "Who is going with me?"

"I'll know after you meet." Fan Tianlei said casually.


Yu Sheng didn't say anything when he saw Fan Tianlei, and he probably had something to hide. Yu Sheng was not the kind of person who broke the casserole and asked to the end.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath, said two more words to Fan Tianlei, and then hung up the phone.

At this time, Yu Sheng frowned and thought deeply.

He knows that this matter is probably not as simple as it seems, and the people who can reach the moon must not be simple people.

For a while, Rao was thinking for the rest of his life.

Time is passing little by little.

The sky is gradually getting brighter, and at nine o'clock today, it will also be the time for the rocket launch.

At this time, Yu Sheng seemed to be in good spirits. Although he didn't sleep that night, as long as Yu Sheng trained in the cosmic simulation training ground, Yu Sheng could quickly restore his energy.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath. He wore some special clothes and walked out of the room.

After Yu Sheng left the room, he followed the staff's route and soon came to a room.

This is an office.

By the time Yu Sheng came here, there were already many people here who had been waiting for a long time.

When the people here saw Yu Sheng's arrival, they all nodded slightly, while Yu Sheng sat down when they saw it.

At this time, Yu Sheng also saw a few people wearing the same clothes with him. After Yu Sheng saw these people, Yu Sheng knew that these people should be the ones who went to the moon with him.

Yu Sheng took a careful look. Among them, three of them should be scientists, and the other two, one of them, should be the partner Fan Tianlei said, and the other is himself.

That is to say, this time, five people will be sent into space.

The rest of my life didn't think much of it.

Then, everyone started a meeting. This meeting lasted for more than an hour, and the time was almost there.

Immediately, Yu Sheng and the rest rushed to the scene of the rocket. They entered the rocket through the straight ladder.

At this time, the rest of my life sat here, fastened my seat belt.

The person beside Yu Sheng glanced at Yu Sheng, the person laughed and said casually, "My name is Liu Tian."

"What do you call this comrade?"

"Yu Sheng." Yu Sheng heard the words, paused slightly, and said casually.

"Comrade Yu Sheng, you must be the comrade who went to the moon with me on the mission. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Liu Tian smiled.

"Yes." Yu Sheng said slowly.

"I don't know what mission you have this time."

"Same as you." Liu Tian paused and said.


Yu Sheng also nodded slightly, but didn't say much. At this time, Liu Tian said, "This is the first time in my life that I have been on a rocket. After waiting, this life will be worth it. At least, there are more pieces. Things can be done.”

When Yu Sheng heard the words, he laughed dumbly.


This kind of thing can really blow for a lifetime.

After all, this rocket is not for everyone.

Ordinary people can't even sit if they want to.

At this time, Yu Sheng looked calm and patiently waited here.

Liu Tian was not very interested in seeing Yu Sheng, so Liu Tian simply didn't say much.

However, at this moment, the world is watching.

Countless people were staring at the scene in front of them, and the scene was even broadcast live, waiting for the ascension of Chang'e.

Now countless netizens are also leaving messages on the Internet one after another, and that their own country can produce Chang'e, which makes countless netizens sigh one after another.

Huaxia is really getting better and better.

They also feel extremely proud.

Only when China is stronger can they not be bullied, and only when China is stronger can they stand at the top of their lives.

"It's about to launch..."

"It will be launched soon. The launch of Chang'e this time has unparalleled significance for me, China."

"Yeah... I hope this time the launch can be successful, so that we can achieve the moon landing..."

"That's great..."

Countless people screamed in excitement...

(End of this chapter)

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