I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1965: Is this space?

fifteen days later.

At this moment, the spacecraft of Yu Sheng and Yang Fei and others are only fifteen kilometers away from the moon, which can be said to be a fairly close distance.

At this moment, Yu Sheng, Yang Fei and others looked outside through the glass.

When they looked outside, they could see the blue planet at this moment.

The planet looks very beautiful, with blue all over it, giving it an active feeling...

The rest of my life knows that this is the earth.

And they are still standing above the moon looking at the earth.

Yu Sheng and others looked down again, but because it was too far, they couldn't see clearly, but...

Yu Sheng's pair of eyes can see it clearly.

In the rest of my life, I saw that the moon is different from the earth. There is no grass on the moon, there is no water source, and some are just stones. This is the moon.

The ancient so-called Chang'e flying to the moon should not be possible.

It is estimated that it is a fairy, I am afraid I am not willing to come to such a place?

After all, this place is so ridiculous.

"What shall we do next?"

At this time, Liu Tian looked at Li Ting and others around him and couldn't help but ask.

"We will first land the aircraft on the moon, and then we need to explore on the moon." Yang Fei said slowly.


As soon as these words came out, everyone present nodded slightly.

"Now, let's start landing..."

The voice fell.

Then, everyone began to control the aircraft to start landing.

The aircraft soon landed on the moon, and at this moment, everyone present was somewhat excited, even for the rest of their lives.

This is the first time in his life that he has come to the moon, and this kind of thing is enough to be blown out for a lifetime.

If others brag, they will say which country they have traveled to, but if you brag yourself, you can say that you have traveled to the moon. I am afraid that no one will dare to brag to you like that.

As the aircraft landed on the ground, they began to convey news to Dean Long and the others on Earth. After they had finished conveying, Sun Xiaoming took a deep breath.

"We finally landed safely. On this moon, the temperature difference between day and night is large, so we all wear warmer clothes."

Obviously, Sun Xiaoming is also a very good astronaut. He has visited space before, and it can be said that he has very rich experience.


With this sentence out.

Then everyone present nodded slightly.

"Let's go out first and observe the surrounding situation." Sun Xiaoming said solemnly at this time: "Everyone must pay attention. If you encounter any problems, call for help in time."


Everyone nodded slightly.

This kind of place is different from other places. After all, this **** is in space, and this aircraft is also their support. If the aircraft is finished, then they may be really finished...

Because they will die here.

Especially the temperature on the moon, the temperature difference between day and night is very large, if you are not careful, it will be a deadly existence, so...

Everyone pays great attention.

At this time, everyone started to act one after another. Yang Fei did not go out on this aircraft. The main purpose was to guard the aircraft to avoid any problems. At that time, they could cooperate with each other and help each other.

And now the rest of his life and Liu Tian and others are wearing astronaut clothes.

Their clothes look bulky.

But for now, they can only wear this kind of clothes and walk on the moon, which is also impossible...

Current technology can only go so far.

In fact, many places now have the opportunity to bring soil from the moon to the earth, but most people are afraid to bring it back.

I am also afraid that the earth will suddenly undergo huge changes.

After all, there are bacteria and other things on the moon. If we bring these things to the earth, no one knows whether it will bring huge difficulties to the earth.

If it brings disaster to the earth, this is not what everyone wants to see.

After Yu Sheng and the others were dressed, Liu Tian couldn't help but said, "This clothes is really clumsy. It's too uncomfortable to wear this kind of clothes."

Liu Tian was also deeply helpless.

He felt that this kind of clothes really made people feel a little uncomfortable, it was really awkward.

If this is a fight, wearing this kind of clothes is really not easy to fight.

"We came here to do a mission, to look for things." Yu Sheng said slowly, "Why are you wearing so comfortable..."

Hearing Yu Sheng's words, Liu Tian was slightly speechless, and said, "Only by eating well and wearing warm clothes can you have the strength to work. If you can't do these basics well, how can you work?"

Yu Sheng shook his head secretly, but didn't say much.

"Let's go now." Sun Xiaoming said: "Everyone, be careful, and try not to be too far away to avoid any problems."

As Sun Xiaoming said these words, everyone nodded slightly.

Immediately, the group walked out slowly.

When they came to the top of the moon, Yu Sheng frowned, Yu Sheng jumped slightly, but...

This jump for the rest of my life is a jump up.

Rao was slightly surprised by the sudden situation.

After that, Yu Sheng ran towards the front quickly, and this step was even bigger. At this moment, Yu Sheng felt as if he had learned the light power, which made Yu Sheng have an indescribable joy and amazement.

"As expected of the moon, it really isn't the same."

Yu Sheng was also slightly surprised.

The gravitational force on the moon is naturally very different from the gravitational force on the earth. Even Yu Sheng was slightly surprised, and Yu Sheng continued to run.

It's not that he has not trained in the cosmic simulation training ground, and the situation there is also simulated on the moon. Although it is not completely similar to the moon, the similarity is also extremely high.

For example, when Yu Sheng was running on the moon, he didn't feel any discomfort. On the contrary, he felt very comfortable inside, which gave Yu Sheng a very special feeling...

This also has a lot to do with his training.

However, at this moment, Sun Xiaoming, Li Ting and others all showed a little surprised look, and they all stared at the rest of their lives in stunned eyes.

"This guy... is this adaptable?"

Sun Xiaoming and Li Ting looked at each other.

"His adaptability is too strong, right?" Li Ting also asked in shock.

"Yeah..." Sun Xiaoming couldn't help but said, "I remember when I first came to space, my whole heart was nervous and excited, and when I landed on the moon, I felt extremely uncomfortable. Adapt, the gravitational force here is too small, and it is incomparable to the one on Earth, which makes us feel like we have stepped out a lot when we take a step, as if we have a request, but this guy…”

"It seems that nothing is wrong."

"It's really weird, how did this guy do it? Why doesn't he feel at all."

"Yeah, it doesn't make sense." Li Ting couldn't help but said, "I haven't been feeling very well so far. This guy is too adaptable."

"Hey... we don't quite understand the world of genius."


Li Ting and Sun Xiaoming were discussing, and they sighed deeply for Yu Sheng, but they admired more.

This surprised them all.

"Let's hurry up and finish our mission."


Li Ting and Sun Xiaoming nodded slightly.

They came with a mission, and every day's time was very precious, so they couldn't waste too much time here.

What they have to do now is to complete the sampling on the moon, not only that, but also some other tasks, which are very, very important.

Li Ting and Sun Xiaoming acted quickly.

With the rapid actions of Li Ting and Sun Xiaoming, Yu Sheng and Liu Tian also acted quickly at this time.

At this moment, the two gathered together.

Immediately, the two quickly walked towards the front.

Yu Sheng and Liu Tian looked forward. On the moon, the cratered doll looked extremely uneven, and there was no water source in this place, it looked like a death star.

However, over the years, it is because of the existence of this moon that it has blocked a lot of trouble for the earth. After all, there will be occasions when meteorites hit the planet.

If a small meteorite falls on the earth, it is enough to destroy the ecological balance on the earth. That situation is very, very terrifying...

Yu Sheng and Liu Tian, ​​they all came here to find the same thing.

At the same time, they also want to detect the energy situation on the moon, and this time they are all on a mission.

"Let's go, let's go over there and see." Yu Sheng said slowly.


Liu Tian also nodded slightly.

Afterwards, they all quickly walked into the distance.

When they were walking into the distance, Yu Sheng's eyes were constantly scanning the surroundings, looking for something.

But the moon is bare and looks like nothing.

At first glance, I can't even see the end of the rest of my life. What's more, I can still see the existence of the earth for the rest of my life. Compared with the moon, the earth is really beautiful.

Especially standing on the moon and looking at the earth.

"The earth is so beautiful."

"Yeah..." Yu Sheng also sighed slightly: "It's the first time I've seen such a thing, it's really incredible."

"Well said…"

"By the way, how do we judge what we are looking for?" Liu Tian couldn't help but ask at this moment.

"How to judge?"

After Yu Sheng heard this sentence, Yu Sheng paused for a while and said, "It should be a good judgment, let's take a look first, look for it, this kind of thing belongs to rare metal, and it should not be on the periodic table of elements. Existence, as long as we bring it back to the earth, it should be able to solve some problems in energy."

"Since this thing involves energy, there must be some energy in it."

Yu Sheng analyzed it carefully.

Following the analysis of the rest of his life, Liu Tian also nodded slightly at this time, and suddenly realized...

Liu Tian understood.

Liu Tian said, "Okay, if that's the case, it would be much easier to find."

"Let's go." Yu Sheng nodded slightly, and then he walked towards the front. The two walked out of a distance. At this time, Yu Sheng raised his brows.

Yu Sheng saw a big pit ahead.

At this moment, the rest of my life was also stunned.

"There is a pit in front, shouldn't it be where the meteorite is located?"

Liu Tian also saw this big pit, and for a while, Rao Shi Liu Tian was slightly surprised, and immediately opened the mouth and said.

"I don't know... Let's go over and take a look." Yu Sheng thought about it and said immediately.


Immediately, everyone quickly walked towards the front.

When they came to the front, they saw that there was indeed a big pit here.

They all stared straight at the big pit in front of them, and this Rao was a little surprised for the rest of their lives.

This big pit looks very big, as if it was a big pit that was blasted out by a shell.

Stones are exposed.

It looks quite hideous.

Rao was slightly surprised for the rest of his life.

It's the first time in my life I've seen something like this...

"here it is…"

When Liu Tian saw the scene in front of him, UU read www. uukanshu.com was also slightly shocked, Liu Tian stared at the scene in front of him, couldn't help taking a breath, and said in shock.

"Did it get blown up? Damn it, couldn't someone attack the moon?"


Yu Sheng shook his head slightly and said casually, "It is impossible for anyone to attack the moon at will."

"If there is a problem with the moon, there will be a huge problem with the Earth."

After Yu Sheng said this, Rao Shi Liu Tian nodded slightly and said, "If that's the case, what's the situation here?"

"I don't know yet, let's go down and take a look."

"Go down... go down?"

When Liu Tian heard this, he said with some shock, "Isn't there any danger? Can this thing go down at will?"

"What if there is radiation?"

Liu Tian was also a little nervous.


If there is any radiation in it, it would be troublesome. This kind of radiation is very terrifying. Once it is irradiated in a human body, no one knows what a person will eventually become.

"Probably not." Yu Sheng shook his head slightly and said, "A large part of the meteorites on the earth will be burned by the atmosphere, and most of the things above will be killed. The moon also has a gas layer, which falls on the Things on the moon will also consume a lot of energy."

"So it shouldn't be a big problem."

"Let's go down and have a look."

As Yu Sheng's words came out, Liu Tian also nodded slightly at this time and said, "Okay, since that's the case, let's go down and see what's inside."

Immediately, the two of them glanced at the big pit, and then the two of them jumped into the big pit.

After the two of them jumped into the big pit...

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