I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1985: assassinated

Chapter 1996 was assassinated

He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others have all chosen one after another.

Soon the two of them chose something.

At this time, Yu Sheng smiled slightly and didn't say much.

The things that He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing chose were also seen in the rest of their lives. These things were things they could use every day, and they were also the most practical things.

So Yu Sheng didn't say much.

Yu Sheng also glanced at random and chose what he needed. Of course, some of the things in here need to be transported by air. If you take the plane directly, you will definitely not be allowed to bring it. There is no way.

After all, air control is still very, very strict.

Immediately, Yu Sheng booked three more air tickets, and they were going to leave here early tomorrow morning.

If you leave today, it is obviously impossible, and this ticket cannot be booked at any time.

Yu Sheng smiled and said, "Let's go, I'll take you two to get comfortable."

As soon as Yu Sheng's words came out, Rao Shi He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing were a little surprised and glanced at Yu Sheng, He Chenguang said suspiciously: "Yu Sheng, are you going to take us both to make mistakes? ?"

"Our troops have regulations. If this is a mistake, it is very serious."

Yu Sheng heard the words, but he was a little dumbfounded, saying: "What mistakes did you make, just take you to play, don't worry, it's all normal, take you to take a bath, steam, and sleep comfortably, We'll set off in the morning tomorrow."


Wang Yanbing's eyes lit up when he heard it, and immediately said, "If that's the case, what are you waiting for, let's go quickly."

Wang Yanbing was also quite moved by this, and immediately couldn't help but speak.


Immediately, Yu Sheng took He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing out of here quickly and ran towards a bathing center. Of course, this bathing center is called a bathing center, but the name is not this name. This place is very upscale.

For a personal bath, it will cost at least a thousand yuan, let alone some other services, which will be more expensive if replaced by other services.

This is something you can't imagine.

For normal people, they would never come to such a place, and most people would only come to this kind of consumption occasionally. After all, the consumption here is really too expensive.

It is very normal to spend 30,000 to 50,000 yuan in this kind of place. You know, there are all kinds of food, drinks, etc., especially the drinks and other things, which are more valuable.

An ordinary bottle of water costs one or two yuan in daily life. When you get here, you can sell it for a high price of thirty or fifty, which can be said to be huge profits.

Of course, when people sell things, they only sell this brand.

Even so, there are a lot of people who come here to take a bath every day, especially some business people who like to come here sometimes.

This is the life of the rich.

After Yu Sheng brought He Chenguang and the others here, both He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing sighed slightly at this time, saying, "I didn't expect that there is such a place in the capital."


"This place is really not ordinary luxury, and there are really many beautiful women in this place."

"I'm dazzled by this."

Wang Yanbing stared at the beauties in front of him with radiant eyes. This is Wang Yanbing's surprise, and Wang Yanbing also sighed slightly.

I have to say, this place is really not an ordinary luxury.

He Wang Yanbing has lived for so many years, and he has never been to such a place, let alone Wang Yanbing, even He Chenguang. He has not been to such a place for so many years.

Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang both took a deep breath.

Yu Sheng glanced at the two of them from the side, there was a little smile on Yu Sheng's face, Yu Sheng laughed, but didn't say much.

A group of three took a bath here, and after a while, the rest of their lives took He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing and ran towards the steam room.

This steam room is for men and women.

It is also a link that many people like the most, because here, you can see a lot of beauties, these beauties, of all kinds, there is always one that suits you.

Some beauties come with men, while some beauties come here to open up, and some beauties come by themselves. As long as you go to strike up a conversation, you will definitely have a chance.

Men, you have to be brave.

This is the only way to find a daughter-in-law.

It's hard to find a daughter-in-law every day to be timid and timid.

Yu Sheng was sweating here, and at the same time, he was playing with his mobile phone. Yu Sheng was not very interested in the beauties here, because he had Wu Zeqing. In Yu Sheng's eyes, although these people were good-looking, they were not as good as Wu Zeqing. In comparison, it is still far too much.

Wu Zeqing is the most beautiful.

Moreover, Wu Zeqing's talent is also lacking in these women, and there is absolutely no comparison between the two.

At this moment, there were three beauties who gradually came to the front of Yu Sheng and the three beauties. After these three beauties saw Yu Sheng, He Chenguang and others, all three beauties lit up.

"Handsome guy, it's just the three of you?"

The beauty headed by this one glanced at Yu Sheng and Wang Yanbing, and said with a smile.

Yu Sheng heard the words and glanced at this beauty. Yu Sheng frowned, but he didn't say anything. Instead, Wang Yanbing's eyes lit up and he said with a smile, "That's natural."

"Then can we chat for a while?"

The beauty looked at Wang Yanbing, then at Yu Sheng, and said with a smile.

"Okay." Seeing this, Wang Yanbing said immediately.

At this moment, some beautiful women take the initiative to come to the door, which is a good thing. Naturally, I have to chat more with the beautiful women. He Chenguang and the rest of his life have objects, but he has no objects, which makes Wang Yanbing very anxious.

No matter how you say it, you have to fool someone, and you can't make people look down on us, right?

Wang Yanbing took the initiative to chat with these beauties, and at this time, these three beauties turned the topic to Yu Sheng, intentionally or not.

Obviously, these beauties all want to chat with Yu Sheng.

However, Wang Yanbing was a little worse. When he chatted with these articulate women, he found that he couldn't talk to others at all.

Wang Yanbing was also deeply helpless.

He is a **** himself, and he should know a little about some things, but after joining the army, he knows everything about the army like the back of his hand. Somewhat disconnected.

In such a scene, even Wang Yanbing was a little red-faced, because he couldn't pick up on many topics at all.

And Yu Sheng glanced at these beauties, Yu Sheng laughed, and said casually: "Several beauties, both of us have objects, but this boy has no object, if anyone of you can take a fancy to this boy, Why don't you talk to this kid more."

As soon as Yu Sheng's words came out, the three beauties at this time were all stunned. No one thought that Yu Sheng would be so direct, which is why they were all surprised.

But they didn't say much, instead they showed a little smile and said with a smile: "If you have a partner, don't delay making more friends."

Yu Sheng laughed and said nothing.

At this time, the more Wang Yanbing chatted with these three beauties, the more they became more and more connected. After waiting for a while, Yu Sheng said slowly, "It's time for us to go and rest in the lounge."

Yu Sheng was too lazy to continue chatting with these three beauties, but spoke slowly.


He Chenguang had nothing to say and nodded.

On the contrary, Wang Yanbing was slightly disappointed.

It can be seen from these women that these women are not very interested in him. Comparatively speaking, these women seem to be very interested in the rest of their lives.

Such a scene made Wang Yanbing extremely surprised.

Why is Yu Sheng himself so strong, even picking up girls is so strong.

Really more popular than dead people.

Immediately, Yu Sheng, Wang Yanbing and others came to a room one after another. There were three beds here, which were obviously specially used for massage.

After a while, three women walked in, and these three women were obviously here to massage the rest of their lives.

"Sir, I'm Technician No. 10."

"Then I will serve Mr.

Hearing this, Yu Sheng took a closer look at the technician, and Yu Sheng said lightly, "Okay."

Immediately for the rest of their lives, the three of them were lying on the single bed, waiting for the technician to massage.

However, Yu Sheng frowned at this time, Yu Sheng pondered for a while, and didn't say much.

Just after the technician massaged Yu Sheng for a while, Yu Sheng suddenly realized that something was not right. The sudden situation made Yu Sheng feel cold.

I don't know why, but at this moment, he felt that he had a very special feeling, and that feeling, for the rest of his life, was full of indescribable coldness.

"not good……"

Yu Sheng's face changed drastically.

However, at this time, the female technician's mouth moved, and a blade appeared from the female technician's mouth. This was obviously a razor blade. This kind of blade was very thin and sharp. At the throat, the person's throat is bound to be cut in an instant.

That's the power of this little blade.


Yu Sheng turned over in an instant and threw the woman out. Before the woman could even react, she fell to the ground with a thud.

At the same time, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others also reacted to it. Their expressions also changed greatly, and they hurriedly looked in the direction of Yu Sheng. On the other hand, He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing's technicians were all terrified. shouted.

Yu Sheng instantly looked at the woman beside him.

The woman noticed Yu Sheng's appearance, which made the woman's face change slightly. The woman hurriedly prepared to escape from here. The woman knew that her mission had failed and there was no need to continue.

So if a woman wants to or not, she makes a decisive decision and leaves instantly.

When Yu Sheng saw this, he hurriedly followed him out, but by the time Yu Sheng chased him out, the woman had already disappeared.

In such a scene, Linghe, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others were all in shock.

"what happened?"

"What the **** is going on here?"

Neither of them would have imagined that such a thing would happen. It is really incredible. You must know that this is in China, and they are still special forces.

Someone actually assassinated Yu Sheng.

What the **** is going on here?

He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing were all staring at the rest of their lives in shock. Their expressions were extremely solemn, with an indescribable solemnity.

Yu Sheng also took a deep breath, and there was a bit of ruthlessness in his eyes.

Because even he didn't understand what was going on?

Judging from this strange woman, the strength of this woman is not simple, why did this woman kill him? This made Yu Sheng slightly curious.

He offended some people, but these people are all top powers. Normally, they will not take risks here easily. After all, this is China. Once the matter is exposed, they will not be able to eat and walk away. of.

The sudden situation caused Rao to frown for the rest of his life.

Yu Sheng stared straight at the scene in front of him, with an indescribable solemnity.

"What shall we do for the rest of our lives?"

He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing all looked at Yu Sheng, while Yu Sheng took a deep breath and said slowly, "Let's get out of here first."


When such a thing happened, they no longer had the intention to continue, and immediately prepared to leave here.

After Yu Sheng and He Chenguang and others left, the female killer had already left here.

at the same time.

in this other place.

There is a man and a girl standing here. If the rest of your life is here, you must be able to recognize that this woman is the girl who just assassinated him.

However, this girl was in front of a man with a look of fear on her face.

"Did the assassination fail?" The man heard the words, his eyes flickered~www.wuxiaspot.com~ slowly opened his mouth and said, "Tell me why the assassination failed."

As soon as the man said these words, the girl quickly said, "I was about to assassinate me at the time, and I don't know how this man realized that he was going to kill him. At that time, he reflected..."

The girl then described the scene at that time.

After the description was finished, the man nodded slightly and said slowly, "It seems that this guy has some strength."

When the man said this, there was a little sparkle in the bottom of the man's eyes.


"Since he dares to intervene in the Li family's affairs, and he saves people, then he will have to die."

"He has touched the interests of many people..."

When he said this, there was a little murderous intent in the man's eyes again. It was obvious that the man had murderous intent for Yu Sheng.

(End of this chapter)

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